I guess I officially have to say it was a really bad idea? Faggy liberal douche fucks mock OandAProtest

1  2014-07-13 by UncPa57yrzyng


I wish you fatsos would have at least dressed a little better

Personally I wasn't on video, I'm not the guy with the LFTC shirt or the dude with the brown shirt. Not that I'm hot or anything but in comparison I wasn't looking so bad! I guess even if I was the hot O&A fan that would be nothing to brag about ether though. I still had the mental capacity to listen to Bobo talk for an hour without blowing my own brains out.

I can't stop laughing at them pausing and picking apart Bobo's audio like he's a human with thoughts

Yeah they are making fun of the way a retard talks.. that isn't very friendly of them.

I love that white guy who keeps angrily rolling his eyes and moving his hands around angrily like he's got all the answers and we're all just intolerant assholes. Shitty smarmy social justice warrior mentality.

1/4 retard.

"Who listens to radio anymore?" - Guy who's using radio-like equipment to talk to people over the internet.

If it were possible to fly in all the Sirius O&A fans, that turnout would've easily doubled.

Yeah 8 fans!!!!

I'm really curious how dull lives you must have to find these useless videos.

I don't know whats worse. The protest? Or the podcast from that guy's bedroom.

Should report their vid and account for mocking a mentally handicapped person

They seem to be saying everything that we said when the protest happened


Another "super professional" podcast from Mommy's basement.

I like how at the end they say O&A suck yet they are just 2 losers in there fucking moms house doing a podcast.

Its like when i meet "producers" in the hip hop world who have a mac book, flstudios, and a keyboard who sit in Starbucks all day making beats then selling them on there soundclick page to other nobodies. Same people will have a instagram page where they will take pictures with all the money they have like their jay z.

This is why you don't organize a protest in a day and put a retard at the head of it.

I've been listening to old shows from ten years ago, and when you compare them to new shows, you can tell that O&A have just given up. There were three protesters at Sirius due to a combination of apathy on the part of O&A, and a dwindling listenership due to them phoning in the show for the past five years.

Bobo with a black bandana over his face throwing rocks at riot shields

So he's headbutting the riot shields.

They have a valid point, but who are they and who cares?

It's funny because he thinks he's going to be famous.

That faggot cunt has less views on his shit video than the total dolts that showed up to the alleged protest!

We protest by canceling our subs.. Most of us have full time jobs and can't show up to New York City with a 1 day notice

I don't think this sub knows what the word 'liberal' means.

What does it mean then.

We mocked the OandA Protest live in real time. These guys are almost a week late.

They are Stern fans. Explains it all, doesn't it?

The was the least interesting show and conversation I've ever heard. Someone get the fat one a job at npr. Mono-toned fuck.

Fat bald guy filming from his bedroom at his mom's house. Who cares what these nobody's think.

I bet the same 3 fat fucktards that showed up at the protest are the ones inundating social media with support for that guinea hillbilly

I bet your one of the weird dudes from that video

I love that you created this account just to come to this sub and write paragraphs about this situation. Do you think you're going to change minds here? I really don't understand the motivation here.

Personally I wasn't on video, I'm not the guy with the LFTC shirt or the dude with the brown shirt. Not that I'm hot or anything but in comparison I wasn't looking so bad! I guess even if I was the hot O&A fan that would be nothing to brag about ether though. I still had the mental capacity to listen to Bobo talk for an hour without blowing my own brains out.