School me on early O&A

0  2014-07-13 by bobbyb1508

How did O&A get started? I know the basics: Opie had the show, Ant was a fan, and he got on the show. Was it the OJ parody that got Opie's attention? And when does Ant's appearance on Stern fit in? And how many appearances, bits, etc did Ant do with Opie before it becoming O&A?


Listener since the WNEW days. You can check oapedia for the history, so I'll give you another type of history lesson; back in 1998 - 2002 in the NY metro area, Stern was on in the morning, O and A were on in the afternoon, and excepting traffic and such, the commute to and from work was good.

Fast forward to 2006 or so, O and A and Stern were on satellite, and terrestrial radio was an unlistenable homogeny of top 40 drivel and morning zoos, where all stations found this to the perfect formula to maximise listenership, and then proceeded to apply this formula, effectively making one station indistinguishable from the next. Satellite became the place where you could get edgy content and musical variety, and, if you weren't a 14 year old girl who found Elvis Durans contrived prank phone calls to be pure genius, satellite radio became your platform of choice.

As we look at 2014, internet radio has dominated the landscape. The ubiquity of an internet connection, combined with the relative reliably and low cost of one, has made internet radios popularity explode. Why pay a hefty monthly subscription fee, when I can have access to more content then I can ever listen to in a lifetime? Ah, it would be because of the radio personalities, ones like OandA (who were the sole reason I switched to satellite in 2004). But, it seems that talent, that can sometimes be edgy, like OandA, is no longer supported by SiriusXM. It would seem that SiriusXM may have stumbled upon a "formula" and may be moving in a direction where they apply that formula to their entire spectrum of stations; when this sort of thing happens, you get ponderous programming decisions, such as wrestling on Sci-fi, or no actual history on the History channel.

By the time we get to 2020, I think that satellite radio will be relegated to terrestrial radio 2.0; 120 channels of drivel, each sounding like the next. 14 year girls will love it, but the rest of us will have moved on.

It wasn't so much that Ant was a fan of Opie's show.. Ant's brother, Joe, would send their song parodies to every radio station/DJ in the area. Opie was just the one who responded and asked the guys to come in.

Anthony was a hardcore Stern fan

OP is trying to figure out how it can become the "Opie and OP Show"

Something about lingering and longer

OAPedia much?

They got fired because anthony made paul mercurio suck his dick on the altar at st. Patrick's cathedral.

FCC fined them for airing live, gay, oral rape.

O&apedia plus the unmasked they did answers all of this.