Is it just me? Or does Ant look much less rapey with the goatee?

1  2014-07-12 by [deleted]

Especially with the new teeth. Grow that thing back, Ant. You look like a pedo.



Ah his Raul Julia phase

He looks like a homeless John Waters

He used to look like a beaten down tin-knocking greaseball stripclub regular who's 8 beers deep at any given time.

With the shock of hair and the frantic, darting eyes, he looks more like a fist pumping 3rd reich rally than ever.

Yeah he needs to bring some facial hair back into the mix

In his mind Ant thinks he's Dan Bilzerian. Reality is closer to uncle Paul.

He's the Dan Bilzerian of the local Long Island high school

People will you make you out to be a faggot for saying it, but yeah he looked infinitely less aidsy with the facial hair.


He only rocks the rape-stache in his dreams.

Hes afraid it makes him look too old.

No beard = younger trim for cumia