#StandWithAnt Facebook page closed to public; Association by guilt is very real in the Mccarthy-ian era of "racist" finger pointing and outrage culture

3  2014-07-12 by harriswill


What's the point of a facebook page? What "justice" is going to happen to Ant? He's already announced he is starting up his show in the fall. This whole thing is over.

Buh..But justice...

The point is to cancel subs and make it hurt for Sirius.

Why do you need a facebook page to cancel your sirius subscription?

So you can pat yourself on the back and play Farmville

I'm not playing Farmville.

Is 'association by guilt' a witty pun? I'm not too bright.

Im hoping he meant to type "Guilt by association"

It actually would mean that you are also guilty so you are associated with the other guilty folks. Soooo, you should be associated together because you are all guilty.

It looks like the admin of the page just changed the privacy settings...

No conspiracy.

Facebook didn't close it. Mod there said "because of all the trolls and the people watching what we are up to" that's why it's a closed group. Ya can still join if ya want, but it's a clusterfuck with all the people there

yes, association by guilt is indeed a tragedy.