Video of Ant on Red Eye talking about everything..

113  2014-07-12 by SinisterExxaggerator

He talks about the assault, twitter, and getting canned. This is not the entire show, just the opening segment where Ant talks about the events that lead to him getting fired. Enjoy...

EDIT: If you want to see the full show, a better HD version was posted by LoganGV here


anthony is probably the first guy who didnt apologize for that kind of shit, good for him

He kinda painted himself into a corner as far as apologizing goes. Think of how many fans would trash him if he apologized for what he did. I think that'd keep a bunch of people from subscribing to his show cause he'd come across as a huge hypocrite and everyone likes him cause he typically seems really genuine.

I honestly don't think it's about the money or the fans, Ant would only* apologize out of principle.

Funny that you're getting downvoted but I've thought about this too and agree entirely.

It's not easy for someone to give up millions of dollars in potential contract money - especially when you earn it from shooting the shit for a few hours a day.

unless you werent going to resign anyways.

which i dont think was the case at all.

He'd be teased relentlessly. Then they'd forget after another blobby Kelly joke.


He and Opie have both said on the air (even during the apology clock bit) that they've apologized before to try to save their jobs and if they thought it'd save their jobs they'd do it again. That's not sniveling. You're an idiot if you decide to take a "principled stand" over something as silly as not liking the word "sorry."


They apologized for the mayor menino prank too and even went as far as going to a children's hospital for a photo op. They also apologized for homeless Charlie when they were allowed back on air and the day before the suspension. Self-preservation is the name of the game. Ant wouldn't be saying "I'm sorry I was punched." He'd have said "I'm sorry I directed my anger at a broader scope than just the one individual who attacked me."

"Victim of a hate crime". Pests are so goddamn precious.


How strange that she picked the one white guy out of god knows how many taking pictures of her after being told not to before allegedly punching known liar and racist Anthony Cumia for a "hate crime".

Keep licking his balls, he'll invite you to the compound any day now.


LOL...the guy screaming about "hate crimes" wants me to "calm the fuck down".

Everything I said comes straight from the wop's mouth, chuckles.

how do you dumb assholes still not realize that this is all tied in with their 10 day apology tour? You really think this is a coincidence? And that she hasn't come forward? That doesn't strike anyone as odd? This is a fucking bit. They knew they weren't going to renew, they stated it on the fucking show, and this is a more entertaining way than just saying "no we have decided not to renew." How dense are people? Yes, they've been covering how absurd the apology circuit has been in social media for the past month and then suddenly Ant is fired for saying something on social media and stands up to the corporate bullies and is fired for it. HOW do people think that's a coincidence???

From 8:30 to 8:52 in the video, the girl beside Ant goes through a range of emotions.

First she's confused. Then scared. Then apparently has a stroke. After the stroke, she has nods off a little. Then confused again, and then back to frightened. Finally she had to turn away.

I think I just watched the human equivalent of dial-up internet turning on.

I assumed that was a surprise fart situation.

Dr. Lightman, is that you?

Microexpressions have all the answers

I was paying attention to her. She's really weird.

JoNo is smokin hot. Miss New York 2013.


That's the standard reaction to watching this drivel.

Man, I'm going to fucking miss him on the radio every day. Watching that really made it set in. fuck.

haha he almost said opie and anthony around the 15:40 mark

Didn't catch that the first time. 20 year old habits die hard.

Or a hint at things to come? Stay tuned

Wishful thinking

That one chick is a lawyer? Is she the kind that stands next to the car at the auto show?

Welcome to cable news.

LMFAO. I think so.

Ants looking very well these days. The chompers suit him. He came across well.

Although his new chompers arent as bad as Howie's you sure do notice em. Guess if I paid a grand for new teeth I'd flaunt them too.

Perhaps more than that...

That's all you got? It's cake day.

Well, I'll be a damned...who knew? I suppose I wasn't adequately prepared.

I knew. I've been watching all along.

<insert Oprah upvote joke here>

A grand? I'd say more like 10 times that.

This. My one new tooth is $1500, insurance won't cover it. If he got a whole mouthful....yeah, that's expensive.

Dad just got implants for his top row of teeth. 60k.

probably a grand a tooth

I just had a root canal done and had to get a new tooth. I assure you the tooth alone was way more than a grand if you include molds and everything else that had to be done.

I was quoted 30,000 for my teeth onlays and a bridge. Ant looks a million times better. Good for him. Bet he's dicking Bailey Jay right now.

If the same Ant that was on this show hosts the Anthony Cumia show/LFTC it will be a hit.

There is absolutely nothing about the Red Eye set that couldn't be easily replicated at the compound.

Why is the main host so fucking hammy and over the top?

It's like he's trying to outdo Glenn Beck and Stephen Colbert combined.

Red Eye's angle is that it is over the top hacky with terrible production value. They are doing a good job in that segment.

He's gay.

He's married and you're trolling every post about red eye. Troll.

Just because he's married doesn't mean he can't be a little mysterious.

Just because he works for fox doesn't mean he can't be mysterious.

This was a great piece. Anthony is going to get magnificently popular. In the end this has helped his career.

Ok for real this time. Done processing.

Thank you and God bless. I'll watch this after I watch The Mighty Ducks. Classic film.

Gordon Bombay truly is the Minnesota Miracle Man.

Truly some of Emilio Estevez's finest work.

Thank You For Your Service.

Ant is the god damn man. I'm so glad he didn't issue a bullshit apology over this whole thing and stuck to his guns. It sucks he was fired and it blew up the show but I would've found him to be pretty phony if he came out that Monday with a fake apology.

stupid cunt

impatient bastards


Thank you kind sir.

I knew the photos with Carlton were a gag. Glad to have that confirmed.

that's the bit

LMAO Ant got in that Back to the Future reference

This video is private. Sorry about that.

This privates are videod. Sorry about that.

It's not private anymore, and i'm tired of Ant waving his choppers around at the audience.

He threw some Costanza in there. Love it.

The other guy around the table brought up legitimate points about the timing, wording, etc. and a couple times Ant even admitted maybe he should have reread them or changed a couple words around. Every counter point tho, Ant knocked it out of the park. Well done Mr Cumia

That was a fluff "interview". Let's see if he goes on a show that is going to actually challenge him to explain himself.

yeah if he went on CNN or MSNBC they would make him look like a crazy racist guy.

I think if he went anywhere where the hosts weren't his friends they would probably tear him up.

He does a pretty good job of that himself.

That girl sitting next to Ant, she totally wants him

You're projecting, homo.

Wonder if Gawker is watching this.

why would they theyre off to save the world with a new hashtag

You think someone from gawker is watching foxnews? More likely that guy is an opie fan and just wanted ant out so op could shine.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were, gotta be there for the next outrage!

17:54 "Butt Firthss", goddamn lips. Great appearance by Anthony though.

Brilliant, thanks for the link



Was this the entirety of his appearance or is it worth finding and watching the entire show?

No he was on for the full half hour. Still, you can probably skip the rest. If you do decide to seek it out, it's not a bad show. I usually only watch when Ant or Jim are guests. It's not a typical Fox News Show.



Damn Ant was on fire. Charismatic, etc. Fun to watch. He def needs a cohost tho.

The anthony cumia sure can flap his gums with eloquence

The whole show was fairly good, except the "frightened correspondent" segment.

Anthony has nice teeth. Damn.

What a fucking liar. Yeah "they" isn't racist.

So they probably won't allow Jimmy to go on Anthony's show, I hope Ant and Jimmy can go on Red Eye the same night. They're both great on that show.

I posted in another thread, and this was a great interview, I am REALLY doubtful Ant was 100% sober taking photos at 4am at the beginning of his holiday weekend.

Well there is a difference between having a couple of beers/drinks and being shitfaced drunk. Just saying. I'm sure he had a couple wherever he was before.

"This video has been removed because it is too long." lol


its marking it as Private for me

it's private for me.


I can't wait til this full show is online. I always miss Red Eye when it airs. :/

Mostly due to not having cable.

Not having cable makes it tougher to enjoy shows on cable.

Yesh. The rehearsed bit shit they shoved out in the beginning were less funny then if Sam and Bobo interviewing bipolar AIDS patients. That said, once they actually got to the interview part they actually did get me to a-hu-yuck-yuck-yuckle a few times. I was geniuninly surprised, considering Fox News is usually nothing but a dumping ground for mid-American paranoia and idiocy.

Anybody else notice that Anthony is really trying to show off his new TV-teeth? Everything he says is with a forced grin

What a vain old queen

Shut your mouth you dirty whore

He's a delight

I wish i could upvote this more than once.

Haha "shut your mouth you dirty whore"

Damn thats funny

Ant is an auto didactic. People like Gregg Andy and the two chicks are no problem to him. He's educated himself in a real way. Smartest guy in any room. Ty Ant for your brilliance.

The guy who hosts that show strikes me as an incredibly dumb individual.


Huh? Seemed to play the same role Jimmy does often, devils advocate. I'm almost sure he's for Ant, against the language but for the sake of the show not being a circle jerk he challenges Ant.

Andy was hilarious. You have to get his his humor. Him and Sam could go toe to toe


Andy was not attacking him, simply giving him talking points to rebut by playing devils advocate. Andy was feeding Ant, not trying to be a cocksucker. Ant handled that like a fucking champ.


"Was the point that you wanted to make was that you were sick of your job." That was a good line.

Even his mates aren't buying his explanations.


... fat-end first i'd imagine.


Didn't catch that the first time. 20 year old habits die hard.

Welcome to cable news.

He and Opie have both said on the air (even during the apology clock bit) that they've apologized before to try to save their jobs and if they thought it'd save their jobs they'd do it again. That's not sniveling. You're an idiot if you decide to take a "principled stand" over something as silly as not liking the word "sorry."

yeah if he went on CNN or MSNBC they would make him look like a crazy racist guy.

LMFAO. I think so.