Eastside Dave: Gawker writer slurred Redhead Americans with "ginger" slur

46  2014-07-11 by [deleted]


Dave should apologize for his astounding lack of a chin

The offensive article.

(EDIT: wish I hadn't used "slur" twice)

Slur? Slur? Something about a slur?

I love Dave, very much but all he does is self promoting. Either call into Ron and Fez or don't. Dave stop doing stupid stuff on Twitter, get any radio job any where and build your resume. Or do Tuesday nights comedy clubs like Vos recommended you to do.

Fuck off. Dave's the man.


Not hating on him, but I never "got" ESD. And he looks like a fookin IRA sleeper agent.

He's an unfunny third rate stuntboy to top it off. The saturday show he used to have was fucking awful.

YOU are an unfunny stuntboy and YOUR saturday show used to be fucking awful.

He also wrote this great article on his website he didn't mention Anthony specifically but he it wrote around the same time Anthony was fired.

Thanks for posting the link Dave.

The G word, please...

His hair is so red it looks like his head and face must be hot all the time.

God Bless ESD. I hated the guy the first time I heard him but he is the BEST.


2014-07-11 18:55:05 UTC

You owe American redheads an apology (especially me), @hudsonhongo & @Gawker, or my mom and #CarrotTop will sue. pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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Dave's a good boy.

dave is dan shaugnessy's long lost son, google it.

i can never tell if dave and his red head thing is a bit, im sure it is but sometimes it seems like he genuinely gets mad about it, he said how much he hates south park for making it a thing.

Enough of this guy already.

It's the last group of people it's socially acceptable to offend.

I miss Fucktwat the clown.

He is a good Jersey boy, and I love him as so, even if he is a mick firebushed fuck.

Fuck off. Dave's the man.