Ron just said he will be on O&A Monday

77  2014-07-11 by stevenknight

So, that's something too look forward to?? :)


Still not as exciting as the new "Fez and Denny Show" that'll be churning in his wake.

Blueberry and Peterpumper in the morning

Self-Suck and Cakehorn during drive time


Breakfast Talk with Matchbook and The Tinkle Lord

SiriusXM's Gay Virgin and Fez

Denny doesnt work blue..

... and Fez doesn't work

I'd love to see Ron go to LFTC and jim get out of his contract some how and have Sirius force Opie to do radio with Fez. Not because I hate Opie or anything but just because it would be hilarious to hear Opie lose his mind.

2 stand alone fruits

One of my favorite Fez lines for sure.

Fez would simply cry everytime Opie asks him a question.

I'll listen to O&J if Ron's on board.

O&J, aint that wat u have 4 breakfast? tsssss

I'll listen to Ron asumpthin

Here's the thing about Ronny B.... If he does one show he's going to do both. Put in a solid 8 hours then go home to eat a blue apron and chill.

Damn straight... hinting that he is deciding between co-hosting O+J or LFTC ... maybe both.

Sweet, Benny is gonna have a Tito's Moment?

Ron on LFTC, now that sounds interesting!

It sounds revolutionary, like a whole new way of podcasting


Yes! This is fantastic. Ronny B is going to bring some much needed levity to this whole situation.


Somebody call Perrynoid. I feel a new song coming on.

Ron & Opie Show

On Sirius Talk Radio

Fawkin noice

'FRO show?

Oh I wish. The old AFRO shows are my favorite. Although it could end up being a ''RO show Monday and we wouldn't know the difference.

He didn't say he definitely would but I really fucking hope so.


Great news!

thank fucking godddddd...

Could Ron possibly leave Fez and Join Opie and Jimmy while Ant does his LFTC show?

Any chance you gentlemen can link me to some must see Ron and Fez stuff? I've never heard much of them, Stand Alone Fruit had me dying though. And Ive heard a few Unmasked...I really like Ronnie! Thanks!

Computer Fez takes over, identity guard or carbonite live reads, Fez tries to get his cat to say cookie, Davey mac inventions, Ron's knife club, Ron's Eulogy (rest in piss), Dave the dog fucker, the bear dance, animals with beards.

Theres one called growing up with Ron and Ant that was pretty funny if you wanna hear em together. All on youtube

Love love love soundboard Fez.

"Its me! Fezzy!"

"I'd LOVE a sandwich!"

Bear dance is amazing

Check out DiscoDog on youtube, he uploads lots of Ron and Fez clips, lots of gold in there.

Check out my playlist!

I need to update it but it's still pretty good.

PaulO is an AssWhack.


Black Superheroes

Look up "cookie" and "frog" (separately) paired with their name on YouTube

ESD gets hot sauce on his shaved head:

While I love Ron, Opie's "trying to impress Ron" character may be his most tiresome and that's saying something.

"I just like to chill out and be mellow, let's play this Stones song to break."


Ah man, give him a break. Everyone just wants RB's coolness stamp of approval.

When he tries to commiserate with Ron about how terrible staff are just going on and on about it and all Ron says is "yeah" "yep" "right"

Would love to hear Ronnie's ungagged opinions about the subject.

What's he gaggin on a cawk asumpthin?

Ooooh, isn't this great?

(Seriously. Pretty great.)

Wonder if Ron's going to be there Monday to make sure Opie and Jimmy don't say anything "bad" against Sirius.

Opie needs all the help he can get.

All those cancellations could not have been good, lets see the "rudder" try to keep the ship afloat, after the Iceberg Sirius/Negro buckdancing Hooker Alliance of America (Gawker) Ripped a fucking hole the size of Texas into the side of the show. luckily Ronny B volunteered to bail out the vessel!

But how long will that last?

I hope "new ron" shows up and talks about roadtrips and Titos for 4 hours.

I wish Shelby could make an appearance too I love that little cherub

No thanks. He's turned into fez junior and bombs pretty hard on a regular basis. His explanations are way to wordy. He's just not ready for the big leagues yet.

Shelby is one of the main reasons I don't listen to R&F. I really could not care less what he or any of the other useless interns from the past few years have to say.

They tried to hire multiple people that HR wouldn't sign off on. We are left with Shelby.

East Side, the kid that did animations and improv....just too bad.

This is like saying you don't want Chip because he bombs. That's the point.

Chip is completely different. Shelby doesn't bomb on purpose. And if he does it doesn't seem like that's what his bit is. I don't see how he's a good fit with opie and jim.


I think he's there to help nurse the wound, as it'll sound different without Ant. Think about if Jimmy suddenly contracted AIDS; it'd help if Vos or Bob Kelly was in the next day rather than going without a 3rd mic.

Whenever Ronnie B is in a studio with live microphones, he is the first mic.

Does that happen often?

Did he?

I love Ron, but I don't think I'd like an Opie & Ron show. Opie is a poor man's Ron already. Ron & Ant would be gold.

You're crazy. Ron would start talking about jazz with a guest and you'd hear Anthony start cursing under his breath in disgust.

Ron's too cool to do a full time show with Ant.

That chucklehead Opie doesn't belong in the same room as a genius like Ronnie B.

Ron has filled in for Ant in the past and has flowed very well with the Opster.

If Anthony plays it right, he can have his own podcasting empire, like Bob Kelly, Carolla, and others have done. Even if it's mostly just guys from the O&A channel on Sirius. Exciting times, these.

He's not driven enough for something like that. Ant wants to clock out and do his thing at his house, or at the range, or at the casino.

I doubt he wants to spend all day on the phone trying to acquire new talent and fight to get them sponsorship deals.

He wouldn't need to spend all day on the phone. Op & Jim when they're free. Ron and/or Fezzie same. Sam's a lock. Basically any one from the Sirius days. Most of everyone else is already tied up, but he could bring on whoever he wanted, with minimal effort.

That's still only half the battle. It's not like advertisers are throwing themselves at media-condemned racists.

Sam's not a lock. He wants to be mainstream. He's going to keep working at Sirius XM until the WWE hires him.

Will Fez be on as well?

There is no Ron & Fez without Fez.

Grandma will be around, but likely not in studio.... when R&F merge with O+J, you can expect Jim to administer weekly "advice show" treatment to Fez.

It's not Ron and Fez, it's Ron, Opie and Jim

Yes, but Fez must be part of it.

No he doesn't. Whenever Ron has appeared on O&A in the past it was without Fez

You've never heard the AFRO shows?

Yeah but they haven't really done a true AFRO show since the WNEW days, maybe they did one early on at XM but I think for the vast majority of time that they've been at XM/Sirius, if Ron was ever doing a show with O&A there was no Fez. I feel like I could count on one hand how many times I've actually heard Fez on O&A at all since XM and it was when they all happened to cross paths when the show ran late and Ron and Fez were in the building before they ended

But Fez is the heart and soul of that team!

I believe Ron is best as a standalone radio guy

Fez has 33 stents, which explains why the Ron and Fez show is dying.

I am sick of hearing people say Ron is funny. He isn't. Ron and Fez absolutely fucking sucks. You only pretend to like it because O&A like them and it makes you feel closer to the show.

Link to ONE time Ron has made you laugh. I want to hear about it faggots. Just ONE time he has been funny.


"In Philly, we jerk off in our cars in outside elementary schools like gentleman."

I laughed every time I thought of that line for weeks.

Never heard that line but I still know you butchered it.

Even if you didn't, that isn't funny.


Jesus buddy, did Ron Bennington touch you where the bathing suit goes?

I couldn't even listen all the way through

Boo, what an absolute bore

They should bring Ron in and just cancel R&F, never found that show particularly interesting

you're an idiot. Ron and fez was great but now it's kind of falling off.

you're an idiot. Ron and fez was great but now for the last five years is kind of falling off.


i loved the fez crying and freaking out shit. since the move to raw dog it's just not been the same.

Mostly just Fez who's been falling off.

I LOVE ron on OnA, but ive tried listening to ron and fez numerous times over the last few years and its just hard to get into. Certain segments that ive liatened to have been good but listening to a whole show, from what ive heard its ron taking random phone calls. I guess it used to be better back in the day.

Yea, when fez wasn't a silent sissy.

i loved the fez crying and freaking out shit. since the move to raw dog it's just not been the same.

Does that happen often?


"In Philly, we jerk off in our cars in outside elementary schools like gentleman."

I laughed every time I thought of that line for weeks.