Back to O&A Channel?

20  2014-07-11 by highflyin

Yesterday we saw the sirius page change from "The Opie and Anthony Channel" to the SiriusXM "Talk" channel. It appears it's back as the "Opie and Anthony Channel" today. Is it just my computer refreshing to the old images or does anyone else find they've erased the "Talk" name and flaming microphone?


Its because they are idiots over there and haven't figured out the web, so they changed the name of the channel which changed the name of the page title which by their convention would have to change the URL (since they put the title in the URL) but yesterday they forgot the URL part was still O&A related.

So if you go to their list page and scroll to channel 103, you will notice the channel name is still SiriusTalk XL and it links to a page with that in the URL, but uh oh, its a 404 error. If you click the NUMBER through, it links to The Opie & Anthony Channel which is still working.

They probably cache the page with the URL internally and that explains the mixup (I reckon if there was a political reason for this change, they would have updated the channel list and description in the database too, since its as important and takes less effort).

Its just corporate dumbfuckery of people wasting time and taking forever to do basic things, always with mistakes.

It's not the cache version, because it doesn't have ant's twitter link, just Op's and Jimmy's

Yeah, that is a good point, well spotted.

Just checked and the list page, channel 103, is the Opie and Anthony Channel once again. You must have seen it while they were in the process of changing it all back.

What else is the Opie and Anthony Channel?

Are you using Netscape or Explorer?


Yesterday the page with the address had the flaming microphone picture and the new name "Talk." Today, the same page now has the boy's picture back on it and with the old station name.


"Opie the Rebuilder"

It's about as likely as that sounds

I'm starting to understand why Opie is good for the show. Methinks Opie and Bob are behind this.

He did say a few hours ago that he was going to SXM to talk to the guys there, and I believe he's loyal as fuck.

I'm starting to understand why Opie is good for the show.

Don't let the Opie haters know that.



Doest thou?

Opie secretly saved the whole show overnight

Good lord, the speculation

Please die.

go away, fat man

Thank god they got rid of that burning microphone. That would've been dangerous for Op and Jim Monday morning

You know Denny wouldn't have been anywhere near it.



Keep trying. You might get a comment that isn't negative in this thread.

I hate to be that guy but it would be incredible if it was all a work. It's been two weeks. No one cares anymore. Imagine if he shows back up on Monday?

Now I don't think that's what happened (especially with all the cancelations) but that would be perhaps the best stunt in the history of radio "see if you don't apologize no one cares". It would be the perfect ending to the apology clock "the only way we would get to ten days is if we did it ourselves "

Edit: the channel lineup still shows it as SiriusXM Talk with Opie and Jim

It would be hilarious if he pulls the George Constanta thing from Seinfeld and just showed up for work like nothing happened.

Oh my god, that would fucking rule.

Anthony Seinfelding ALL of us? Good lord, it would be the perfect crime.

buh bup ba bow pow drrn bow

wow. one last seinfelding. I'd pay him $5.99 /month anyway for that

I bet his ID has been revoked already. :(

Is he forbidden from being a guest? Or a caller? Not sure if he'd want to be, but he's a figure in the news - RO&J could interview him.

I hate to be that guy but it would be incredible if it was all a work.

Yeah - Corporations just LOVE gimmicks where they hemorrhage subscribers, issue fake press releases, and fuck with their revenue streams.

Yes which is why I said it's not what happened.

whoa, it's back for me too...with Anthony's pic and "Opie & Anthony and More - XL" instead of "Opie, Jim Norton, and special guests"

And anthony's twitter is still off of it, so you're not just refreshing old images. This could be a good sign.

More like we weren't supposed to notice until Opie breaks it to us gently.



Means nothing whatsoever.

In an earlier tweet Opie said he was going to "talk to the boys."

That's a euphemism right?

Where I come from that means you're going to inspect your scrotum for ticks.

Now it's back to the opie and Anthony channel on the line up page

Interesting how the channel name was changed back the same day they decided to re-include ant in best of's- i'm optimistic Now it says page not found

Hopefully... And I know this is very optimistic, but I hope the firing turns into a suspension. Siriusxm probably didn't think the cancellations and heat they've received would be as big as it has been. Especially with the comedians and big names that have come out in support of Antonio
