Are the replays airing this week foreshadowing things to come?

5  2014-07-11 by hwalton

I am in my car about three or four different times yesterday. I believe it was a segment with Chris Hardwick. Any way, it seemed to me they were playing it all day but what stood out was it was just Opie and Jim, no Anthony, and Opie seemed to always be talking be talking about how to do a better podcast. Its like they were giving listeners a taste of how its going to be with just Opie and Jim and maybe a nod to Anthony's upcoming podcast.

I dunno. Punching out.


I noticed that yesterday during the Martin Freeman replay.

Google it bro.



Yes. They did this on purpose . What it revealed is that O&J need a 3rd person. The Hardwick segment is good. Most talk radio is the best with 3 people. Good neutral bad. Opie ant Jim. Howard Artie robin. Howard robin Fred . Bill burr, Patrice, Jim . Ect. Ect

So look for more Sam or eRock

Fuck you! Good, neutral bad would obviously be Jimmy, Opie, Ant.

Did you even drink beers in high school?

Beer?nah, only road sodas

erock please, this is his time to step up and jim and op have always been better at fucking with erock.
