New Show Schedule

0  2014-07-10 by thongdropping

Do you think because of the extra week off that they had to take, Jim and the Opester are going to have to go back to 5 days a week?

How fucking grimm would that be for them? I mean, at this point, they're just riding out their contract.


The bigger issue is Jim having to leave for days at a time for stand up gigs.

Oh god thats right. O +J+guest might be borderline tolerable, but on the days when its opie by himself or +guest is suicidal. I predict he takes those days off.

I love that theme song so much, it's so terrible. That better be what plays on Monday before the show.

How about Opie, Brother Joe and Brother Wease on third mic whenever Jimmy's away. That would be some compelling radio.

Haha I like opie with ant and jim, but if they're both gone, he may try to bring "Brotherman" back.

I'm pretty sure he has this written somehow into his contract that he has x amount of days to be on the road. If he doesn't, his agent is an idiot.

Nah. They'll just bring in a guest comedian and make Sam 2nd mic.

I actually really enjoyed the Opie, Ron, Kevin Pollack, Jeffries team up they played on best of recently. I think opie will be able to go alone when Jimmy is gone.

Actually they should use every fucking vacation and sick day they have the right to.
