No Anthony on XM best ofs anymore?

0  2014-07-10 by shane4039

Is it me or has XM decided to now only replay shows without Anthony?


Its probably related to the legal issues going on between Anthony and Sirius, since he wants to be paid until October.

And they were horrible to listen to.

The Stalinization of Anthony Cumia.

I'm thinking this was a SiriusXM's request, but I think the crew pulled out some rumbling undertones. During the Chris Hardwich interview Chris mentions his fans complaining about eating a cookie during a podcost, to which he referred they acted like he "went on a racial diatribe". And during the interview with the girl from the zombie film (sorry, I don't know her name) they talk about why celebrities shouldn't have twitters. I might be looking into it too much, probably am....

Missed some of the interview with Chris, but caught a length discussion between Opie and Chris regarding the numerous meetings with Scott G. Regarding the direction of the show & the additional supported they wanted from the company. Can't be a coincidence! If this was SiriusXMs call to take Anthony out of the "best of", then this is a strategic answer to the demand.

Who is this Anthony person you are all talking about? SiriusXM has already sanitized my brain.

They can call it SiriusXM all they want. It's just Sirius Radio to me. I wish that quite disparaging XM's good name.

The suits way of saying fuck you Ant.

I wouldn't doubt if Opie had a hand in that decision to start transitioning the listeners towards getting used to hearing just him and Jim.

Lol, okay player

It would make sense. They played a couple of days with Ant and now they are playing days without Ant. The show isn't going to have Ant anymore so why wouldn't they want to start promoting that idea? I'm sure as far as Opie and Jim and the staff are concerned those shows are just as good as any.

I'm guessing its a legal decision. Ant assumedly wants the money from the rest of his contract, and they realized they're using his "intellectual property" or something and he could argue he should get paid. They were pretty steadfast in playing Anthony-heavy material at first.

*By the way I am a legal idiot and have no idea if this is accurate.

Sirius owns the content, not Ant (I'm assuming based on how Sirius has content removed from youtube). If anything they would have stopped playing his content because they talked about how he doesn't represent their company and then 2 days later they are playing his content over their channels and it finally dawned on them that that seems hypocritical.

Anthony is on right now.

Oh well good. Then everybody was wrong.

He hasn't been part of the replays for the past couple days he just came on. It's not part of the replay from today, either. Not sure why it's on.

Oh I haven't listened.

It was just some in between replays filler. I have a radio that works for free but I still may cancel it.

Yeah, I already did cancel but I'll listen to Monday's show if someone uploads it to youtube or whatever because I am kinda curious to hear what Opie and Jim are gonna say.

Purge the audience?

I think the idea would more so be trying to promote the idea that the show is now Opie and Jimmy. I don't think Opie listens to the shows where Ant is out with an awareness that tells him "boy these shows are awful slow." I think he hears those shows and thinks "I don't think we're gonna have a problem going forward."

I thought that but Anthony is on right now talking about cars.

You're getting a lot of down-votes for suggesting something that is very plausible.

Yeah well, ya know... I think everyone is at the point where they just wanna trash SiriusXM so implying that this was a decision made by Opie (and not management) to start promoting the idea of the show being him and Jim now doesn't really fit the "fuck SiriusXM" narrative.

Very true.