Opie seems to think he is being stabbed in the back...

0  2014-07-10 by [deleted]


What an overly dramatic baby. How after all these years he doesnt have thicker skin is beyond me. Especially on matters involving the internet. Also His communication throughout the saga has been abysmal, and he should know that that will fuel speculation. Instead if crying he should say something akin to "be patient guys, things in the works, ill give an update in (x) days/weeks". But he jumps str8 into being a victim. meh


He's got a point. Nobody knows what the fuck is happening and idiots are ignoring that he is under contract and would be sued for breaching that contract if he were to just motherfuck SXM. Nobody should be saying shit to him at this point. Next Monday, it could be another story, but right now there is no reason to be angry with him at all.

These people are so dumb, some of them think that Opie's mad that people are cancelling...

I wasn't even angry with him until I saw the post. He called everyone backstabbers. I was supporting Opie & Jim and their continuation (what else could they do?)

What pisses me off is, Opie addresses the hate from a small minority and accuses the entire fan base for being disloyal and shady. Fuck him

You think sending out a message like that is fine? Its extremely alienating. If he was smart he would understand that whatever angry tweets he is getting represent less than 0.1% of listeners, yet he responds by lumping everyone into lowest common denominator. Dummy should not have done it.

He's always had a flair for the dramatic, but you know that the most vocal are almost always the dumbest when it comes to shit like this. Its easy to see a wall of criticism coming your way and miss that its a minority of your fans being retarded dicks.

You're calling him the dummy? Notice how he put quotes around the word fans. Him saying, the "fans" are stabbing me in the back, is in no way the same as saying, the fans are stabbing me in the back. He's calling out the rabid asshole fans of the show that enjoy attacking over the smallest uninformed reasons (ie the idiots attacking bill burr on everything he posts)

Oh literal fans.

Are you retarded?

good one. Keep letting the muslims muddy your gene pool over there in Sweden

Do neo-nazis like you ever realize the reason you're working a construction/police/shitty job and not making 6+ figures is precisely your genetic inferiority? You would think you would have the most solidarity with statistically lower IQ racial groups.

wow. A lot of assumptions you made there. If only u knew...but meh

But seriously, you know racism, antisemetism etc. comes from the lower classes statistically (maybe you're one of the few though I doubt it). Doesn't that ever give you pause?

There is a valid argument to be made about immigration reform in Europe and how current policies undermine European Culture and the underlying stability (societal/financial) of the continent. Btw, which part of the balkans are u or ur family from.

Edit: There is a very large difference between broad uniformed racism, and general statements about race relations that have factual merit.

I know that's true to some extent but your username has the whole von_nicht so it gives away the nazi part lol. I'm Serbian don't worry, I'm not muddying up North America.

I figured you were Serbian. I know a few. Was curious. And before attempting to engage someone based on a preconceived view on something trivial such as "von" in a username in the future, let me quickly fix your assumption. Von is derived from traditional European heraldry associated with either landowners or nobility.

haha if you know serbians then you know they would've probably agreed with you. But still I don't think i'm that far off base with my initial assessment, it doesn't matter how soft the language the enemy adopts, I can still see through it with my stalinist gaze lol.

I assumed you were Serbian because you read or write things like this http://balkanbarbarian.blogspot.ca/2014/07/only-more-division-can-save-iraqs-unity.html. A logical assumption is that you are Balkan living in Canada.

Eitherway, in depth debates on serious things over the internet are tedious so ill drop this conversation, but just dont always assume you know the person behind the other side of screen. That was my biggest issue. Ciao

Oh boy... /pol/ is leaking.

Why are you pretending like anything Opie would have said would have made you nicer to him? People like you already hated Opie to begin with, stop being dishonest.

your powers of being able to remotely understand the motivations and opinions of random people halfway across the globe are astounding

Isn't that what you are doing with Opie though?

Not at all. He made a very specific statement. My post was addressed to that. Not speculating on anything else.

This is reason number 746 why Opie shouldn't use social media.


The Philly Crew won't like you posting this

... and by Philly Crew I mean the 'social media presence' person Gregg Hughes tosses a few bucks at to monitor Reddit and downvote with multiple accounts any criticism of said insecure manchild.

Instead if crying he should say something akin to "be patient guys, things in the works, ill give an update in (x) days/weeks". But he jumps str8 into being a victim. meh

He tweets like a teenage girl.

He is messing around.

Opie and Anthony have always had a highly adversarial relationship with their listeners and their guests.

I don't get it; most people in the media don't shit on their audience. Could you imagine if Jay Leno regularly bitched about his audience on The Tonight Show


What a simpering faggot. He's the guy who didn't walk out for the guy who carried him for 20 years. Opie would be a Brother Wease level nothing in Buffalo spinning "Stevie Ray Badass" records if Ant didn't fall into his hands like manna from heaven.

Him and Jim are under contract. They can't walk.


He's always had a flair for the dramatic, but you know that the most vocal are almost always the dumbest when it comes to shit like this. Its easy to see a wall of criticism coming your way and miss that its a minority of your fans being retarded dicks.

Do neo-nazis like you ever realize the reason you're working a construction/police/shitty job and not making 6+ figures is precisely your genetic inferiority? You would think you would have the most solidarity with statistically lower IQ racial groups.

You're calling him the dummy? Notice how he put quotes around the word fans. Him saying, the "fans" are stabbing me in the back, is in no way the same as saying, the fans are stabbing me in the back. He's calling out the rabid asshole fans of the show that enjoy attacking over the smallest uninformed reasons (ie the idiots attacking bill burr on everything he posts)

Oh boy... /pol/ is leaking.