First LFTC Guest: Charlamagne tha God

13  2014-07-10 by [deleted]

Been getting into this dude a bit along with the Breakfast Show. Dude is fucking hilarious, VERY similar to Patrice in a lot of ways but still his own thing. I think he would be a good mix with Anthony, he's a no bullshit sort of dude who happily points out contradictions and glaring omissions that people seem to be fine with in society, in black or white culture. Sound like someone? Also he will pull Ant up on his obvious racial prejudice and they can debate points and make jokes on shit. It will never happen but I think it would be hilarious.

Ant's opposite number:


Isn't going to happen, but goddamn would it be great.

Charlamagne is funny, reminds me of Whoo Kid a bit

I think he looks like Mike Tyson or Linford Christie or the Sugarhill Gang

YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES. He's hysterical.

Ralphie May should be the first guest. He has been the most vocal in support of Ant and after all they have been through it would be epic.

They also have this in common.

A bull-baiting racist black guy?

I'm sure that'd go over great, 10/10 would watch.

edit: ssspellin'

He was great on Neal Brennan & Moshe Kasher's podcast (the Champs). He has a real Patrice / Whoo Kid NY type vibe, and was open and hysterical.

He is funny for a radio guy. He is what Opie should be.



