What does Opie do on the show without Anthony?

26  2014-07-09 by aftershave

He steers the Chip



Of all the dramatic things I've ever seen!

Ok. Terrific.


No, that's what the fans do.

Oh good lord.

Th...that's terrible I'm sorry.

So is a fake typed out stutter you goof

I guess the pendulum is swinging back the other way. YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!

Be more funny!

So, isn't this great?

Okay faggot, what's next?

you cut out there. What

fawwk yeah

Kids talk non-stop. All the characters are gone. Opie just does not respond well to them, and Sam just says "ugh shut up, character-x".

There's no way the show is good. But probably not as bad as we're thinking. Very little riffing on a topic, story, or video like we've come to love. There's no one to reciprocate with Jim like Anthony can.

How long have you listened to the show? You know who usually 'steers' the show and keeps the topics moving? Opie does, and frankly, Sam does that some as well.

I think the show could be good, but it will be different.

If the new show ends up being shitty, then it will be because they don't care enough to try.

I started listening about 8 years ago. I know opie moves the show along all I am saying is he's not a comedic genius. He's a funny guy in my opinion but who is going to make jimmy wheeze?

Ya it will be different. :( at least Jimmy can always make Jimmy wheeze.

(Thanks for taking my post well, I was hoping it wasn't too abrasive.)

says "fffffffuuccckkkk" a lot in that weird way he sloppily says it, and goes "there's nothin we could do!!" in his high pitched voice when he gets dramatic

Karen, we needed that co-host!


He's a glorified bored op

He doesn't need to bring the funny himself, he needs to find the funny and bring it to us. That's all he needs to do.

wish he would do something new and talk about his mom or upbringing. since he never talks about it, I feel like he grew up very rich as an only child. I bet his mother was very nurturing.

Talks to Lady Di and Bobo. He seems to enjoy that too much.

He studies people - it's what he do.

Goes to break. Hangs up on people who are answering a question, since that's apparently the funniest thing ever.

If you thought his eating on mic was bad before wait till there's even more silence. The beauty behind it all is most of the "wtf is he doing?" thought going through your head he is doing on purpose.

I'm personally still hoping for nothing left on the bridges over xm when the contract expires.

Supports Jimmy Norton.

You should change your name to humorless echo.

Watch youtube videos.

Can't wait for half hour viral video and tshirt plugs

what's that?

What's that?

What's that?


I notice that a lot of the 'opie sucks' comments are not getting up voted like they used to be. Is it because he said good things about Ant?

I think we forget that opie had risen to the top of his field. Let's pretend he's useless and unfunny, (which I don't think he is). He has succeeded in the career he loves, makes millions doing it and has a beautiful wife and family.

I wish I was as unfunny and mediocre as he is.

Robin Quivers has succeeded in radio, too.

Opie's place at the table is to set it, nothing more. When he tries to do more, he fails miserably.

Listening to some Patrice shows and classic bits, Opie would routinely chime in with the dumbest, unfunniest shit imaginable. But because the rest of the room was riffin' and laughin', those lines, thankfully for him, were steamrolled over/ignored.

Yes Robin did. That is a painful rebuttal. I still like Opie, but I see where you are coming from.

That or he deleted the 30 other accounts he used to upvote his posts.

Opie has been dead weight since the start.. Unfunny, uninspiring, totally the lamest part of the show. Remember that awful hard forced 'HARHARHAR' laugh he used to do. Ugh. This show is done without Anthony.

Joe Rogan also sucks.. and always has.

Amazing post. Nice work.
