The firing of Anthony Cumia is just another hit to honest discussion in the media and it's absolutely sickening

1  2014-07-09 by [deleted]

I've been a fan of O & A for about 3 years now and all I can say is that Anthony has been more real and honest with black people than any white guy I can think of. There is a long history of Ant getting along famously with black people on the show and if that means anything it should tell you HE'S NOT FUCKING RACIST. I just have one question for anyone who's black and happens to be reading this: If you were assaulted by a dumb fat white chick over nothing, what would be your reaction?


The white guilt, social justice warriors don't care about his history .. Just a few tweets

I think even many of the biggest O and A fans would admit that Ant was a stupid shithead to publicly post "They're not people." and to keep saying "savages", never once applying that term to white trash people.

I have no issue when he quotes crime stats (facts are facts), but he crossed the line of sensible ranting with those two particular statements.

That's where he went too racist for any mainstream audience to be expected to understand any context.

You are on reddit, a website that caters to SJWs. This will not end well for you.



Can we stop acting like racism is based solely on skin? Shit he Hayes the culture. I hate the culture. We all hate the culture, but let's make it about pigments.

I'm not black but if I'd been in the situation Ant was (and i was drunk as i'm assuming he was) my reaction would be similar. Think about it, Ant's ranted so many times before (both on Twitter and the radio) on the topic of race and come away unscathed so he probably wasn't giving it a second thought. You come home drunk with a face that's throbbing and you lash out, I'm not saying it was right but it's what he did and i dont think a company should've taken what he did on his personal time as grounds for termination. Maybe a 30 day suspension but def not fired, fired, so totally fired. You are right, this will only scare non-blacks even more into attempting a racial discussion because we've been trained that the only time you can discuss race with black people is when you are agreeing with them and that accomplishes zero in improving race relations. It's another reason i miss Patrice, when he was on there were honest discussions on race. He and Ant would scream their heads off but still walk away friends, you think that type of convo happens in ur local dive bar or coffee house without there being a problem? Doubt it....

So, basically, now non-blacks will be afraid to use "I called her a f---ing &$;;-: because that's what she WAS" as the thesis statement of their attempted racial discussions?

SJWs don't want to talk about the high incidence of crime in the black community. Oddly enough, this leads to more crime in the black community!

Here's why: Let's say that you're a cop, and there's a dude named John Doe who is in the habit of committing crimes. And you ignore John Doe, day after day, year after year. After a while, John Doe will figure out that he can commit crimes with impunity.

See the analogy?

Once you understand this, you'll realize that SJWs think they're doing what's best for the community, but it's actually hurting the people who aren't committing crimes. And guys like Ant are actually positive for the community because they're bringing attention to the problem.

Unfortunately, Ant is one dude screaming against a sea of SJWs.

They ignored the 80+ people shot just in Chicago over the holiday weekend. 14 dead. It's not newsworthy to focus on black people and their ignorant, racist, murderous culture. just is not profitable for the news media to dwell on inner-city crime that few news viewers can relate to or even live in proximity to.

learn the difference.