The PC movement is the liberal version of anti-immigrant fear.

0  2014-07-09 by LacanZizekFreud

The PC movement is the liberal version of anti-immigrant fear. It's a kind of "fear of harassment". They want the other, but a desubstantialized other. In older times people took things in moderation, you can have sugar, alcohol etc. but in modest amounts. Today we supposedly consume endlessly but on condition that the "toxic" elements are removed. For example, drink as much coffee because it's decaf, drink all the beer since it's light or has no alcohol, Erock can eat all the cakes since they're without fat. Even war is now warfare without warfare (no casualties on our side). Sex without sex (sex with condoms) etc. Just in the same way we are "endlessly" tolerant today on condition that the other is without their individual "toxic" elements. They want multiculturalism without the bad parts of other cultures, they want the other without their obscene jokes and elements. Tolerance today is the name of intolerance of the other's proximity, if you get too close with all your "real" toxic elements you trespass into harassment. Nice quick video on how we can use racism to fight racism:


Political correctness has a tendency to connect valid opinions held by the right to ideas most people would agree are ridiculous. For example:

  • Concern over immigration depressing low-skilled worker's wages= racist

-Concern over the disproportionate violent crime in the black community=racist

The right however is similarly guilty. For example:

-Criticising Israeli foreign policy= anti-zionist/anti-semetic

-Criticising US foreign policy=unpatriotic/ against the troops/ for the terrorists

-Large government spending= communism/ dictatorship

In short everyone's a cunt

I blame the Janet Jackson incident. That uproar was so successful it's become a textbook for complaining about something in the media.

And it was a conservative movement.

Yeah a lot of the PC movement has been Right-wing Christians. The Catholic Defense League has boycotted everything ever. They constantly want to censor movies, music, obscene language, etc. There isn't one side who is right and one side who is to blame.

I'm talking about liberal PC stuff in particular, which is the predominant form today. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm a leftist...


Well said, I think there's definitely some merit to that.

One of my favorite things that George Carlin said towards the end of his life was actually on an O&A clip. He talked about how seeing the left turn against free speech* was one of the most surprising changes he'd seen in his life. And this is a guy who lived through some of the craziest, most significant changes in American culture, and was personally a huge, visible force within that culture, for decades. He was an icon of the original left that fought for free expression, one of the few who actually went to jail for it. He was also insanely prescient and did predict a lot of cultural developments that other people didn't see coming, but the closemindedness of the new left was a surprise to even him.

Here's the interview

About 18:30

*And I don't mean "free speech" only in the strictly legal/constitutional sense, before some fucking idiot tries to go off on that irrelevant tangent.

The bad thing is that there is no real party or movement on the level of the left back then. Both sides are pretentious assholes and everything in between is shouted down.

Once people learn to disregard this tired, played out liberal vs conservative fake game of nonsense the world may start to get better. The system could give shit less about politics. Essentially the only thing that matters is you have people who believe in the state, and those who don't. No matter who runs things the debts rise, the rights go away and we get screwed no matter who is in office. Basically this left vs right diatribe is like standard definition television. The real divide is class.

Personally I think the whole PC movement sucks. I like Macs.

People seem to think I'm blaming liberals for all the problems in the world... if you actually read what I wrote and watched the video you'd see that I'm a leftist.

Yeah, it's rough in this sub right now. Flooded with lots of upset conservatives.

I think the issue is that people know that the right is essentially against free expression. They have been for a long time. Anything that's associated with that sort of religiosity has always had that element. It's expected from them, people are used to it.

The left, on the other hand, used to stand for free expression, but they've turned on it rabidly in recent years.

"warfare without warfare (no casualties on our side). Sex without sex (sex with condoms) "

The fuck is this horseshit you decided to post?

coffee without caffeine, beer without alcohol, warfare without warfare, sex without sex... what's difficult to understand? We feel compelled to do consume and do these things more in excess on condition that their toxic element is removed. It's a desubstantialized form of enjoyment.

Thank you Tyler Durden.

lol this is what i get for trying to be serious for one second on reddit. There's nothing typical and hipster about what I wrote maaaaaaaaaaannnn.


The bad thing is that there is no real party or movement on the level of the left back then. Both sides are pretentious assholes and everything in between is shouted down.