I think everyone should...

0  2014-07-09 by Mitchull

Mention "social justice warriors" and "white guilt" a whole lot more. It really adds power to those terms and makes for compelling conversation. Throw in some more anecdotal opinions based on your race, too. It's all really good stuff.


As a black man with white guilt I think this social justice warrior should suck a dick

and by dick, I mean chainsaw.......I kind of agree though..the anecdotes

ITT: people missing OPs point.

Indeed. I don't think he should have been fired, but I can see why he was. Hands down, he's the most entertaining one on the show.

All of these rabid super fans screeching about sjws, white guilt, liberal media, etc. is fucking tiresome even when you largely agree. One might even say they're being "white knights".

Listening to today's "best ofs" definitely demonstrates just how crucial he is to the show. Agree with you 100%!!!

Will do

dont you have more liberal drivel to spill on other subreddits? I dont watch fox news but ill watch the equally bad daily show maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

I don't think you can really safely compare a 30 minute, 4 day a week comedy/political satire show to a 24/7, 365 day a year right wing talking point machine. (And I do watch Fox News but that comparison is a bit ridiculous).

in terms of bias, but if you want to take that route feel free to look at the overwhelmingly liberal cable news networks and the obviously liberal leaning regular news networks- but thats not the point, the point is your a fake outraging thought policing liberal and don't like to be told so. You like to tow the party line on things like gay marriage while all the while spewing your own intolerance over the opinions of others. and to save you time, im a libertarian who thinks gays should be allowed to get married and ant should be able to call out the dog shit black culture in america

I'm not liberal. I'm an Independent who was Libertarian. I enjoy my comedy shows for the comedy and I listen to Rush Limbaugh and agree with him sometimes about some things and think he is batshit about some things. This isn't a political debate though. The reason a lot of people are saying dumb things is because this is a sub about a comedy talk show where now suddenly morons are trying to discuss this firing from a "Constitutional" standpoint.

the constitutional argument is only used by a small dumb minority. Keep in mind the show has a huge trucker fanbase. I cringe when i see idiots make that argument too

That small minority is the most vocal that goes onto Salon and Gawker and anywhere else and makes that stupid point that this was an infringement on Anthony's first Amendment right! And then the people who wrote those articles can laugh and know they were right in everything they said because the "stupid O&A listeners" don't even know what the first amendment actually says.

I love how you fags love to use "MAAAAANNNN" while crying about how the big bad librul media is keeping you down.

The irony is hilarious. MAAAAANNNN!

btw keep posting "Looking for a friend" ads on video game subreddits you loser lmfao

I will. I enjoy many video games. Want to play some?

I don't understand this thread or know who you are, but that's fucking pathetic dude. Go out there and make some friends.

As a user of terms like "sjw" I think you know exactly what this thread is about.

How else can I make friends? I don't understand real life.

No I really don't. My only sjw post ever was clearly sarcastic about Nick Dip. I don't even know where you stand on this issue, you are babbling and assuming people know who you are, the sign of a message board dork.

fag? how tolerant of you...

I don't claim to be tolerant, fag. I'm selective about my tolerance. You, I have none for. Fag.

I don't claim to be tolerant, fag. I'm selective about my tolerance. You, I have none for. Fag.