Who will/should be Ant's sidekick on LFTC? He'll need someone to riff off of

0  2014-07-09 by crookedmile

Gotta be a comedian right? Unless Melissa Stetton is available.....

Attell would be the dream but it would never happen.


Cenk Uygur

It's the typical buddy cop format.

Donald Sterling

It should be a black guy he calls "Toby" despite it not being his name.

Robert E. Lee

LFTC should just be for the interim, until they get the O&A podcast set up this October.

Big A and Bobo.

Not Sam (and I don't mean @NotSam).

hopefully it wont be any random airheads that he happens to be fucking at that moment



Weeeird rants!


I think Brother Joe will be on the show a lot

Let's hope not

Pat motherfuckin Duffy.

Who does he like the most?

George Dudley.

("the pope wrote cunt!")


The raptor.

Hopefully not a 17-year-old girl.

Well, I'm pretty busy, but I guess I'll make some time for it.


He should try to get Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, and Phil Robertson booked all on the same episode. They're not all so famous that they'd turn it down.

Hopefully not his latest school girl like he did with Melissa and again with Jane.

Adam Carrola.

Who is the current Grand Wizard of the Klan? It would be pretty funny if his first LFTC he opens up the show with that guy vehemently defending him.

Alex Jones - or Ant becomes Glenn Beck's sidekick in a few years