Mods, please don't ban people who disagree with us.

0  2014-07-09 by insanemetal187

If we are supporting Ant, we have two ways, "we agree with what he said and fuck you." I don't think that's going to go over well. Or, "we disagree with what he said, but we are defending his right to say it."

I was just having a discussion with some guy who was pissed about what Ant said, while he was raging a bit I was trying to explain defending someone's right to say whatever they want but not be fired then he PMed me saying he got banned.

The irony of the whole thing was I was explaining how his position is hypocritical too.


There are some spammers brigading the sub now.

I just checked the guy's history. He has the same reply in 3-4 different subs but otherwise I don't think he can be said to be spamming.

pasting the same comment everywhere is spamming... it does not contribute to a discussion and adds noise to the signal to noise ratio

he posted it once on this sub otherwise it was normal conversation stuff. If he was banned from reddit so be it, but he wasn't spamming this sub specifically.


Inside scoop - I assure you that nobody was banned for just disagreeing.

You don't ban anyone until you find out their stance on cilantro...good thinking.

In the comments section of the second Young Turks video a guy actually posted the phrase "bigots have no place in our society".

Once I pointed out the hypocrisy of that statement, he sneakily edited his comments.

There is no hypocrisy in saying "bigots have no place in our society."

Except that we're all bigots, every last one of us.

Yeah, pretty sure you don't know what that word means.

Yeah, pretty sure I do.

Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats or views other people with fear, distrust or hatred on the basis of a person's ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.




Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats or views other people with fear, distrust or hatred on the basis of a person's ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.

Interesting: Prejudice | Anti-abolitionist riots (1834) | Religious persecution | Racism

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Well, I'm glad you were able to copy and paste it. That certainly suggests you knew what the word meant before you looked it up! So now you have to defend your position that everyone is prejudiced and hates, fears or distrusts people based on ethnicity, religion, etc... You can't because you know that's bullshit.

Words have meaning. I know you want to dilute them by saying, "Oh, we're all bigots" "We're all racists." No, not everyone. YOU maybe. But just because you and your hillbilly friends hate black or gays or whatever, don't lay that on everyone.

you and your hillbilly friends hate black or gays or whatever


I don't fear, distrust, or hate hillbillies.

Sure you do, you just said as much. And what's more you assumed that I was a hillbilly based on your prejudice.

Respond away but I have no more time for bigots such as yourself.

I don't really think you're a hillbilly, I was mocking you because you said you thought everyone is a bigot. I do however think you're a moron because you use words you don't understand. It's clear you didn't know what the word meant when you used it and had to look it up because the moment you posted the definition is the moment you stopped trying to defend the statement and instead started fumbling all over yourself to shift the argument.

You again?

I posted a published definition so there would be no question as to it's authoritativeness. I fully expected you to nit-pick any definition that I wrote myself to try to give your argument some purchase.

Now go take your medication. You're not impressing anyone and I've spent too much time on as it is.

So you're standing by your notion that "everyone is a bigot." Savvy. You must have been a whiz in debate club.


It is completely hypocritical to defend someone's right to disagree and yet block or ban them.... However, Ant regularly blocked people from his twitter who did not share his crazy beliefs. Therefore we are ALL guilty of this.... sometimes we reap what we sew.

That's his personal twitter, he can decide what he does and doesn't want to see. While you can somewhat mirror that to this sub, we should allow for open dialog and it is more of a public forum.

I just think we should be explaining our positions to these people who are just assuming O&A is another racist group name now.

However, Ant regularly blocked people from his twitter who did not share his crazy beliefs. Therefore we are ALL guilty of this....

Wait a minute! What?!

To add to this posts which challenge the prevailing views are being removed or blocked.

This post was made a few minutes ago.

It generated lots of replies before it was removed.

It is no longer in /r/opieandanthony/new/

you signed up 5mins ago,fuckoff

the post that was the same as this one that has been spammed reddit-wide?

you and your hillbilly friends hate black or gays or whatever

