Yesterday's Protest failure

4  2014-07-09 by [deleted]

I would have hoped there would have been more unemployed pests living in new york city who could show up at 8am on short and little discussed notice.




Show me the pic please, I'm a Sam-like failure at finding things online because I'm using Zack Morris' 70 pound white brick phone to access the internet, as I am a poor sad hobo

Excuse me sir, I showed up and I'm an unemployed pest living in Connecticut!!!

Did Lady Di even show up? That useless water buffaler.

She did but she couldn't find us, thankfully.

She couldn't find it... lord.... not enough Natty Ices I guess.

What a complete imbecile

She couldn't pass by that Blarney Rock without stumbling in and having a few.

What's the difference??

From my knowledge she showed up late.

Bobo sent dick pics to a guy pretending to be a girl who flirted with him over twitter. Of his mangled cock. And he's the most talkative one there.

20,000 people used to show up to tour events, tons of people came out for the walk over, spontaneous howard protests, etc

they lost most of their audience, probably started with how shitty the terrestrial show became and how burnt out they were by the time they got to XM

then probably accelerated once it went from "o&a always win in the end" to "o&a are huge losers the company couldnt give a fuck less about who got evicted from their studio and their salary sliced by 2/3rds"

the show has become a lot less local.. I'd be surprised if even a fraction of the users on this subreddit are from the NY city area. I'm not.

You also have to remember that back in the NEW days most NY area (and everywhere) listeners were probably college aged. I was still a sophomore in high school when they came to NEW.

They really haven't gained many new listeners compared to the loyal fanbase of yester-year... and most NY based listeners are probably mid 30's or 40's with a wife, kids, a job etc and cannot drop everything to stand on a street corner and put up with Bobo. Are you telling me this protest was failure? (notice my subtle plug)

Honestly, it`s entirely possible that a huge percentage of the fanbase doesn't even know he was fired yet.

I didn't know he was fired because I just assumed that the reason they weren't on was because of the July 4th weekend and their "whenever" summer vacation schedule. Finally meandered over here to figure out what was going on and got hit with this.

Hmm, I doubt it but it could be true..


I'm sorry I don't really care. They lost all passion toward the end there. I hope Cumia runs a successful Internet show. He is going to have to put in work and tenacity if he hopes to make it profitable.

I'm just going to firmly hold on to the belief that it was not representative of the o and a shows reach and popularity, but rather that SXM simply buried them and they are bigger than that lot would seem to purport.

I know, just please let me have this.

Unemployed in San Diego here. I don't even know where this "Nu Yorck" place is.

She did but she couldn't find us, thankfully.

From my knowledge she showed up late.