A black guy's perspective on Anthony

173  2014-07-09 by jtreezy

I got into watching the clips a few years ago, when I started to realize how funny Louis CK was. I would listen to clips just for Louis, but slowly started to appreciate O&A's sense of humor as well, and I found Patrice and I realized these were a group of funny mother fuckers, and I really Identify with the fast talking east coast vibe.

I think Anthony Cumia is fucking hilarious. He's got such a shitty dark sense of humor and more snark than anyone i've ever heard. It's special to listen to when he's at his best. But what do I think about his social commentary? Ant's rants are 50/50 with me. He's makes points that other people are afraid to make, I understand that, and I have no problem with it, actually I commend him for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Everyone should be able to say what the fuck they want. Sometimes, he pretends that he is being objective while others are so biased in the other direction. But most of the time it's bull shit. While everything anthony cumia has ever ranted about is totally based on reality, at the end of the day, I think Anthony is racist, and he really unfairly hates black people. What did black people ever do to make him so angry? (otherthan the gimmie fitty cent kid). You can't deny that he doesn't hate black people. And it's frustrating for me sometimes because I want to like the guy because he makes me laugh, but sometimes it's just impossible for me. Live from the compound is usually just too much for me.

With that said. I don't think I have ever been "offended" or "Outraged" at anything I ever heard him say or tweet (He's responded to my tweets twice during the GZ trial. I tweeted him, "You don't own one hoodie?" and he tweeted back "I do, but I'm italian, I do my thuggery in Armani." It's was a great response. Honestly I think "outrage" is mostly triggered by journalists who want attention on themselves for reporting the outrage they are creating themselves. It's kind of like a chicken or the egg. What comes first, outrage or the reports of outrage?.

My problem with AC lies in not what he is saying, but in that their are millions of people listening to it. Sometimes I worry that AC might be influencing a lot of people to hate blacks. I'm not saying O&A fans are racist. It's the funniest fucking radio show ever. But I hope everyone understands that it isn't cool to say the word "nigger" and shout angry generalizations about people. I know from twitter that some of ACs biggest advocates are asshole racists. I agree with freedom of speech but I just hope that we are classy enough to not want to be assholes to people solely based on what you hear about them.

And about the Firing situation, AC has been saying racist shit on twitter for years (he's bassically called people nigger on twitter in the past, I've followed him for a while now. , It's kind of funny that THIS is what gets him fired. Pretty much he had it coming. It's like in sports when a player is playing rough and getting away with it, and then he barely touches someone and gets called for a foul. Sometimes shit just accumulates and there's that one straw. So while i'm disappointed that the O and A show might be over, it's actually amazing that his words didn't catch up to him earlier. And we all know that if there was anyone in the world who deserved to be punched in the face randomly by a black woman, it was anthony cumia


Yeah, Ant's a racist. We're all a little racist. I don't think he outwardly hates black people solely based on the color of their skin. I think he hates the culture and the fact that most people in this country aren't allowed to comment on it. He's also stated in the past that he was jumped by black kids a lot in High School (he grew up in a lot shitty neighborhoods in LI), so that might explain some of his racial bias.

Ant just has some growing up to do.

I totally agree that everyone is a little racist. And i'm sure if a white person could listen in on an average black familiy they'd be surprised how much racist shit black people say about black people.

IMO real racism is based on the idea of genetic superiority. Even though I'm white I've experienced real racial hatred. I'm talking about American History X-style racial hatred. There is a sickness about it that is palpable; you can almost smell it. I don't know Ant personally but I doubt very much that he has that kind of racial hatred in him.

The rest of it is just common bigotry. I think bigotry comes naturally to people and we're all vulnerable to being bigoted. It's irrational and lazy, and people tend to think irrationally and lazily. I have no doubt that Ant is as much of a bigot as the rest of us, he is just less restrained about it than others, I guess.

Yeah, I agree about his past Compound shows. I tune in to O&A to get away from life's troubles, or at least to laugh at them, not to hear someone obsess about what he thinks is wrong. This is why I disliked them getting serious on O&A and why I won't pay for a subscription to LFTC if it turns out to be a serious show.

You make a shitty point there, mack. Ant's a racist.

The question is, should racists be allowed their point of view and opinions too? And I think they should. SXM were cowards.

Racists should absolutely be allowed their point of view and opinions, the same as young earth creationists and climate change deniers. Doesn't mean it's a good idea to give those people a platform to spread their bullshit. 5 years ago, you could listen to the show and still be entertained no matter who you agreed with, but that's been gone for a while now. I'm convinced that the show lost its credible counterpoint to Ant's views when Patrice died, so instead of the race conversations being real, raw attempts to argue their way through this admittedly hairy stuff, they became one-sided white supremacist rants.

If an audience is willing to pay for the platform, which they clearly are, then it's really not up to anyone else to say otherwise. The whole premise of a free society is that good ideas tend to rise to the top on their own momentum while bad ones stagnate. I'm sure Ant has persuaded a few people to his opinions, but we should want to respond with persuasion of our own. Debates aren't won by smashing the opponent's microphone.

That said, I definitely agree that Ant has been sliding off into a paranoid racewar fantasy, especially since Patrice's death. His rants have cut into the percentage of enjoyable show, but I listen on demand and just skip ahead.

If an audience is willing to pay for the platform, which they clearly are, then it's really not up to anyone else to say otherwise.

I don't know, just because some people want to buy something doesn't mean I should have to carry it in my store, especially if I think selling that item will chase away more business than it brings in. I agree that debates are not won by smashing the opponent's microphone, but they're not won by giving him one either.

That's my perspective on it too, he isn't racist. I think of racist as considering one race subhuman, thinking they shouldn't be allowed to vote, shouldn't be allowed to hold office etc...based solely on race.

Ant's biased, and I agree most but not all of his more contriversial views on race are wrong. However he is at least honest, able to have friendships with black people, heck the fact he and Patrice, a guy who was outspoken, acted in regards to dress and mannerisms very inner city, got along and respected each other to me says something about his character. He doesn't expect everyone to agree with him either, something he has over the click baiters calling for his firing.

Plus he isn't a politician. He is just a guy who does really funny radio.

he talked about eugenics and loved to associate blacks with words like savage, animals and instincts every chance he got. Jim did the latter too sometimes (called criminals savages) but with Ant it all came from the same ugly place...

It's so weird how people won't admit Anthony is racist. If Anthony isn't racist, who the fuck is? What qualifies in your mind as a racist if not a guy who spends every day screaming about how blacks are inferior in every way, yells nigger at everyone in his car on the way home, does a LFTC show hating blacks the same night, and goes to sleep watching Hitler speeches on History Channel? Fuck

Yeah, I always found it amusing when Ant would complain about being unjustly labeled a racist. Does addressing the existence of problems in black family culture and the resultant disproportionate rate of violent crime make him a racist? Not necessarily. But when you combine it with the fact that he brings it up at the slimmest opportunity and stays up at night yelling at videos from certain websites, he starts to sound like a racist to me. Oh, and then he argued that the black race inhabited the bottom end of the IQ bell curve because of their natural mental ability, which is the literal dictionary definition of racism.


Hasn't he himself said he's a racist? He sure as hell doesn't deny it.


Have you missed the eugenics show? He basically said whites are genetically smarter than blacks.


Don't play semantics, we're better than that. He is racist.

Totally. I grew up with a lot of black families, and I've heard plenty of racist things being said within their circle.

Give some examples of black racist things you heard.

Come on man. You're talking about 25 years ago. But just off the top of my head: White Bitch, White Mothafucka, Cracker ass nigga, puerto rican bitch/slut, chink, ching chong, spic, etc.

Shit. I'm Hispanic, and even my family says racist things about everyone.





Yeah. As in absolutely; fully. I didn't say "Tottaaaally Man" like some shitty 90's commercial for Lunchables Pizza.

I just heard an Eagles song..


I grew up in Houston, not too fond of the blacks. Lots of good ones don't get me wrong, but the majority were fucking assholes.

I grew up in Houston also and most of my friends were black or mexican. And the thing you got to realize about blacks in Houston is they never had a real normal white friends at least as I have been told by my black friends besides some wiggers they new but who respects wiggers and wants to be friends with them they more or less tolerated them.

Anyways I have been told they hated white people before they met me but that is because they never had a real white friends and all the whites that I knew that new the same black people as soon as they were alone with me it was NIGGER this and NIGGER that and my black friends would also talk shit about white people although none of it was directed towards me and my Mexican friends were NIgger this and Nigger that whenever we were alone.

Anyways I found the blacks just never had real white friends and they were more like wounded people that was the reason I saw for their hate and all my white and mexicans friends were just plain racist assholes just for no fucking reason.

Anyways I lived and floated thru those 3 worlds all the time from about 99 to 2005 and this was a terribly constructed post but just try to understand the jist I guess.

well the issue is that white people cant refer to race in any way whatsoever or they are racist, and that racist term is only for black people to say, because... they are taking it back and they have more freedom of speech than white people.

Bullshit that blacks should have more freedom of speech than any other race

But I think white freedom of speech advocates get into a logical fallacy when discussing black freedom of speech. If you love freedom of speech so much why does the freedom of speech blacks have annoy you. You shouldn't be trying to bring black freedom of speech down to everyone else level you should be trying to bring everyone's freedom up to their level.

That's his point. Everyone should be able to say everything.

But we don't have to at all times. I shouldn't go around telling old woman their skin is wrinkled and they look like shit.

Don't tell that old woman that. It's tough to grow old and she might be ashamed enough of her wrinks as it is.

and that should be the point but I often see people like getting angry about black freedom of speech like they'd like to see it taken away.


I agree.

A black friend of mine from Houston with plenty of white and black and mexican friends from the same area was astonished I never tried to steal anything from him, said I was a breath of fresh air in so many words. A lot of it has to do with where they're from, because I have other black friends who do trail rides and cowboy shit and hold completely different views from urbanites about most things.

Thank you for your service.

No excuse to be niggin'

by niggin I suspect you mean doing niggerish things like robbing and stuff.

Anyways those white and mexican guys I was talking about were sociopaths(or young) robbers and violent cunts including myself in someways I was stupid as shit but never racist.

If those white guys and mexicans were role model people in society and called those black guys doing some bad stuff niggers then I would give them a pass to some degree.

However those white guys and mexicans were terrible people in a lot of ways so they were no better than those black guys doing niggerish things either cause they also did niggerish things.

Their hate was purely based on race and not on if the black guy was a good guy or a bad guy and it was regular with all of them.

And unrelated to all of that I wanted to share this short story. A white co-worker was talking to another black co-worker how he was defending black people to another racist white guy. Then a month or so later the white got mad at the black guy and when me and the white guy were alone it was NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER.

I don't know I and I am still stunned that people are that kind of pure racist. And I do distinguish Racial from Racist as the late great Patrice Oneal said.

I'm talking about going around jumping white kids, because I saw that all the time. Fuck them.

I got jumped by 3 black dudes. And when I told my other black friends they wanted to go out looking for them and get em even though I am white and they are black.

I also remember a couple other times when I almost got jumped by other black dudes and then when they realized who my friends were they relaxed. And they were cunts and they were looking to jump anyone with any sign of weakness it was very predator like.

Also I remember a couple of my other black friends jumped some other black dude who was just a straight punk no integrity whatsoever. Anyways my black friends jumped him cause he's a punk bitch and desevered it however they never jumped me and stopped me from getting jumped a couple of times and never screwed me on a weed deal or anything even though when we first met they were ready to jump me until they got to know me.

Anyways I don't know those white kids that got jumped you are talking about but were they decent people were they straight cunts did they have big stupid mouths?

If they were decent kids then that's fucked up but were they?

Justifying the violence either way makes you the true nigger here.

I guess I can see that. Fair enough.

Live and learn.

I enjoyed reading your comments, You sound like a good guy.

They were the little nerdy kids that would walk to school. The ones that focused mainly on their schoolwork.



We're all a little racist but Anthony is Hitler reincarnated.


Lol, I've never even seen this bot before this reddit. Now I've seen it 4 times in the last 3 days.


We're all a little racist.

This is such a cop-out argument.

I believe that there are degrees of racism and we're all guilty of it. I don't mean it in a sense of pure hatred for other ethnicities outside of your own. I'm speaking of unconscious racism, where it's hardwired into our brains from the time when primordial tribes reacted to seeing the first outsider enter their community with violence.

I'm not saying that I disagree, but it's a cop-out argument to excuse someone else's racism.

I don't mind his racism. He's free to express his feelings towards any ethnic group he likes, even as a broadcaster. IMO if everyone was more honest with their racism we would understand each other better as a society. As long the conversation doesn't careen into pure hatred, I'm fine with it. To me the worst type of racism is the silent kind.

I think he's funny, albeit a bit uncomfortably racist at times, but I still listen to him and think his firing was bullshit. But "we're all a little racist" is still a cop-out argument.

Whatever. In the words of René Descartes, "Eat my ass"...or something like that.



This is one of the good ones, and so well-spoken. Your post, I mean.

He seems like a good egg(plant).

Oh snap, he called me a mooly.

Ding ding inappropriate bell. I'm a ashamed I laughed.

He's not an eggplant...He's retarded!


I'm not saying O&A fans are racist.


pics or you're a white person.

I bet you dont believe me cuz i'm a good writer. Beleive me now? http://imgur.com/lqpEA4k


Let's sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here.

I literally laughed for full 2 minutes.

My first reaction to that pic was, "he's gotta be a fan of the show because he's alone in his apartment taking weird selfies with no shirt on... like Jimmy!"

You are a good writer who wrote Beleive?

fuk off

Are you aware you are being "a good egg" and the "token black guy that absolves this racist from being racist" and a ton of O and A fans (of which I am one, but not because of Ant's racist bullshit) are upvoting you because of that?

You are a good writer, and I do get where you are coming from. But I worry that you are pandering to people that literally get pandered to every day. Much like how Anthony has admitted all the time to going to the website niggermania. He's not kidding about that.

yea, that was one of the worst things i ever heard ant say that website and the people who post on it are completely irredeemable. I know exactly what you mean but my post doesn't HAVE to be looked at like that. I just wanted to vent my opinion cuz i'm a fan of the show, but maybe the "im a blck guy" angle was kind of lame, but i'm sure people are curious about it tho.

I'm sort of curious about the racial make up of this sub now

I just downvoted this post. If it makes any difference. (not yours i mean the thread.)






I before E, except after C...

They didn't teach you that during your seven years in high school?

I'm not tryna get this published, fuck off. If there's one thing I fucking hate, It's people correcting spelling and grammar on social media posts. Fagget

It's not ok to say the word "faggot" or fagget unless you are one.

Well then you're a faggit

What are you avoiding by changing one letter? One of these days when you are assaulted by a large gym rat gay man we will be able to say you deserved it. Here is the documentation.

I agree, he's a homophobe. I will be a wordy fuck and type five paragraphs about it later.

After C comes U N and T when talking about Dre013

Try harder.

I don't mind Anthony's racist jokes.

It's when he tries to make a serious point that gets on my nerves. He tries to make crime an issue of race instead of poverty and parenting.

That said, he shouldn't have been fired. Firing him isn't going to make him more accepting of black people.

That's the thing. Anthony goes beyond joking.

I don't mind racist jokes either. They're funny a lot of the time and mostly harmless, and yeah.

It's when he tries to make a serious point that gets on my nerves. He tries to make crime an issue of race instead of poverty and parenting.

ENOUGH w/ the poverty bullshit. My dad was born in a (98.9% white)factory town at the HEIGHT of the Depression. Being poor/impoverished/broke does not make one a criminal.

The few black folks in the town were poorer than the broke-ass white people. They also weren't criminals.


The 30s were the height of the Mafia and bootlegging.

What universe are you living in?


I'm living in the real universe.

My dad was born in a poor factory town in bumfuck. He was not born in Chicago, NYC, or any other place that anyone would give a fuck about.

Bootlegging happened in his town, but there weren't any shootouts or any shit like that. Just a single speakeasy. Care to try again, Mr. Wikipedia?

The Mafia was behind the majority of bootlegging in the 1930s. Whether or not you want to admit it, bootlegging contributed to the vitalization of stores, bribing of cops and judges, as well as assassination.

You're not even looking through rose tinted glasses. You're pretending to know what your fathers life was like and looking through HIS rose tinted glasses.

You're just being idiotic.


You're reading wikipedia and have no idea what you're talking about.

There was no mafia in my dad's town. There were also no courts or judges--it was, and still is, an unincorporated town. I'd be shocked if anyone in town (when my dad was a child)was even of Italian ancestry. Italians (and Irish) were basically treated like black people. Poles didnt' do much better--the tobacco mill segregated them to a row of tiny little houses. These houses now sell for approx $300k.

You are totally uninformed.

Your dads town wasn't the fucking United States.

I just linked you a chart showing that murder in the US was at it's highest in the 1930s and you're still arguing.

You're an amazing person.

I'm still arguing because national stats don't necessarily apply to a specific locality. Can you grasp that concept?


Sadly there were no (specific) laws against domestic abuse at the time and the only law enforcement around were the state police, who were at least 10 miles away. Most people in the town didn't have telephones in their homes at the time.

White men were quite privileged.

Perhaps. But there's nothing to indicate that the black men behaved any differently w/ their wives or other black people. At the time, a black man would not dare to even speak to a white woman unless she spoke to him first, let alone commit any kind of crime against her lest he suffer the outrage (a beating or worse) from the angry white male majority.

The point is that being poor does not make one a criminal. A criminal mentality makes one a criminal.


Just the world 's economy was.

Your comment does not refute my point.

I'm talking about people who packed tobacco for a living. Snuff, to be precise. None of these people, regardless of color, tied a sweater around their neck. And the overwhelming majority of them wouldn't attack you.

BTW, the guys with sweaters tied around their neck are typically more prone to white collar crime and date rape.

Tell me how rape is caused by poverty, it should be fun..

Tell me how rape is caused by race, it should be fun.

I think we can all agree that rape is caused by gender. Girls shouldn't dress like such sluts if they don't wanna be forcibly sexually assaulted! Am I right, people?... Guys?? G-guys?


You win.

How is it so hard to contemplate rape being a racial thing? Rape and aids is fucking RAMPANT in Africa, yet it's not racial? Fucking get over yourselves. There are horrible people everywhere, but that doesn't turn fact into fiction because you are part of that race!

Whites (my race) have the highest rate of serial killings, am I denying that solely based on my feelings, even though It's a fuckin fact?

Just accept shit and grow up. Holy fuck this entitlement is exhausting.

Ok, so explain how being black makes you more likely to rape and being white makes you more likely to be a serial killer.

Do I really need to hold your hand and spell all this out for you?....

If a society doesn't persecute rape, or hold it to a high concern of their citizens, it generally happens more there. Look at India and most of Africa as prime examples. Entire fucking continents turn the other way when rape, AIDs, forced marriages, and broken homes are everywhere.

This doesn't mean if you are black, you have a higher rate to rape. BUT in black society, it happens at a higher rate.

Why is it such a long shot to consider these same types of people will probably continue acting this way, regardless of their current living location!?

Oooohhhh, so the courts don't prosecute white serial killers.


..... That's what you got out of my comment? .....

I've just right now realized how much of a fucking moron you are. Conversation's done.


lol later


I grew up very poor, sir. I've never raped anyone. Rape is simply knowing right from wrong. General human decency.

"N-PERSON! N-N-PERSON!" You seem like a good egg sir, I'm sure anthony would welcome you with open arms into the compound, after frisking you down at the door of course

Why don't you just behave!?

I am an arab and I can totally see where this guy comes from. I don't think the vast majority agree with all the things Ant says. The fact the we listen is because you cant hear that shit anywhere else. It's intriguing, its edgy, and most of all its fucking hilarious. I want to listen to adult material that pushes me past where I am comfortable. The show pisses me off all the time but thats why I like it. It actual invokes emotion. Ant also hates arabs but that doesn't mean I hate him or Im offending. Mother fucker has his opinion and he was my favorite on the show.

I think your comparison is valid, but I wouldn't say he hates arabs or black people. Anthony just tends to smear an entire group of people when it's only a percentage of that group that is fucked up. A shockingly high percentage.

I am also a white skinned towel wearer and I echo your sandy sediments one hundred percent

ألله اكبر؟

rare atheist arab sorry :(

ألله اصغر :(

how did u get access to the internet in jail?

Ask your dad how big your mother's vag is.

I must be doing it wrong. I get my internet from AT&T.

Fellow black dude O&A fan here.

Occasionally, I would tire of Anthony's rants. I'm pretty sure I just turned it off the day he discovered The Bell Curve—not because it's was politically incorrect or anything like that—but because he sounds like a developmentally delayed 16-year-old when taking more than 40 seconds to explain a concept or idea.

I loved a lot of his racial humor, which is unacceptable to the PC police. An example:

Context: Jimmy looking for pube hair removal product:

Caller: "It's called Magic Shaving Power, have you ever heard of it? It's actually made for black men's faces; it's like a depilatory cream."

Anthony: "What's in it, mace?"

How is that not fucking hilarious?

That was so funny. It's the timing more than the content. Which says something about the content and how Ant thinks. He had that one queued up right at the top of his brain.

Even though I found it racist, it was pretty funny. Obama did a state of the union, and ant says "My TV went from 3D to a 1N".

Anthony has said that he's a racist many times.

There was one LFTC show with ApologyGirl where he "admitted" he is a racist with no laughter at all.

His opinions on black crime and gun violence aren't bullshit. They're based on and supported by evidence.

True, there are valid arguments to be made about the prevalence of criminal/violent culture among young black men. I don't think Ant is a racist for addressing these issues. I think he's a racist because he addresses them with such obvious venom. He devotes so much time and mental energy to revving himself up over Worldstar videos, it really comes across like black people are his white whale.

I think most people have been in disagreement with what he said (too harsh, too overtly racist), myself included, but we all disagree with the firing. I think Ant has decent intentions, but he's also old school, and probably spends too much time as a rageaholic, looking up biased stats to feed his debates.

If Ant were to stop tweeting at all, I think the rage would decrease, the looking up Chicago stats would stop, and Ant would be happier and less inclined to tweet about them being savages/animals.

he called her a savage cunt. since when is that racist?? and should i stop calling my 5 year old cousin that all the time?

Black guy here and very long time listener (DUBBYA N-E-DUBBA, EARL, HOLD PEAS) and this is Dead. Fucking. On. I love Ant, but even Patrice has said to his face that he was an outright racist and Ant didnt deny it. I even remember a show a few years back when Ant was really going nuts over black issues to the point where everyone in studio was getting uncomfortable. And to make it all go away, he 'spontaneously' decides to have a compound party to change subjects and get people to stop looking at him like the crazy lone fox news watching gun nut that he is and to think of him as the fun party guy that he portrays himself to be. It was classic misdirection and it worked so well that even I had to tip my hat to him. Anthony is the poster boy for Long Island bigotry. Extremely close minded, small world view, and surrounded and insulated by people who think like him and look like him. He can post all the pictures of him being buddy buddy with another black person all he wants, but all that does is prove he is racist because its the equivalent of a person saying, "I can't be racist, I have a black friend."

And then the backpedaling. "I didn't mean all of them when I said 'they’re not human'" Sure. THen the stupid pictures with the one black guy out there. Doing the Token Shuffle.

surrounded and insulated by people who think like him and look like him.

You mean other blacks?

Excellent post savage.

All understandable and along the lines of the way I feel about Ant.

I honestly do not think Ant hates black people, he hates modern black culture. He hates the rap music, gangster, illegal gun carrying, gold teeth, 24 inch rim, "WORLD STAR" shouting, bad grammar culture probably 95% of white people hate. I do not hate black people, I have never had a bad experience with a black person. But if I see a black guy or girl dressing and acting like thugs I am automatically disgusted. Hell if I seen a white guy acting like that I would be just as disgusted! If I see a black guy walking down the street in clothes that fit and speaking "proper" English I do not even notice and I do not think Ant would either.

Everyone (including black people like myself) hates thug culture, even though I'm admittedly a fan of hip hop. It's that Ant would be so damn hung up on black people all the time. He obviously hated black people or he wouldn't have been on niggermania constantly, a lot of people hate aspects of modern black culture, but to hate it all so overtly like he did is just weird. He always found a way to shoe-horn it into conversations.


He hates jazz for the same reason he hates Phish or the Grateful Dead - he thinks it's pretentious, masturbatory noodling on an instrument. Ant likes 3 fucking bands anyway, so it's not like he's open to all sorts of music except jazz.

I don't like Jazz or thug culture, does that make me racist too?

Yes according to all these fucking idiots

This is what I've been thinking the entire time, but it may be selective memory on my part. The only times Ant has really "ranted" about blacks were when he was talking about deplorable, thuggish behavior in the black community, which is something every good citizen should also hate. So when black fans come in here and say Ant got what was coming to him, I don't really get where they're coming from because it seems to me like they're associating themselves with people they would otherwise hate. If you're listening to O&A and posting on reddit, chances are you're not out robbing stores in flash mobs or playing the knockout game and leaving innocent bystanders with partial paralysis, so why shouldn't you be as angry as Ant is about that kind of savagery?

In all honesty, I haven't seen any evidence that Ant actually hates or dislikes blacks in general. Look at his relationship with Patrice, one of the sharpest comedians in the past 20 years. Does anyone honestly think Patrice would have become such a good friend of the show if he thought Ant was some hopeless racist? Personally, when I think of racists, I think of honest-to-God Neo-Nazis who organize and push a specific agenda. I think Ant's just a crotchety old bigot who's vocal and abrasive about things he dislikes and gets caught up too easily in the racial aspects of an issue. I'm not excusing him, but I wouldn't condemn him like I would a racist like David Duke.



Eloquently stated, but you still lose a few style points for having "eezy" in your username.

Oh shit, lol, My middle name is really Tree and my first name stars with J so it was just so eezy to think of.

I do wish that the show would have made a bit more (or goddamn any) effort to shamelessly pander to other listening demographics. Having Keith Robinson on recently, along with the amazing accompanying phoner by Kevin Hart, really felt like it should have been some sort of tonal turning point, and any sort of obvious minority audience for the show probably would have helped Ant pull off a suspension instead of a straight-up shitcan. Uh... ya feel me?

I think people thought Opie was being a pussy for shutting the fuck up while ant was ranting but he's looking like the smart one now.

In hindsight, I think it was mostly out of laziness more than anything else. "Ant Rantsâ„¢" were always good to kill at least twenty minutes, and Opie probably doesn't have many black friends back in the Philly Crew to make the effort of reeling Ant back worth it.

I mean for fuck's sake, Shade 45 was always just right down the hall getting shit-faced, which Ant fuckin' loves and apparently not even that was enough to bring the two races/audiences together.

I never thought Opie was being a pussy, he just wasn't passionate about what Anthony was talking about. Opie knew it made for good radio to some people, but sometimes he checked out for a couple minutes like a lot of us did when there wasn't somebody like Keith or Patrice there to laugh at/with Anthony when he got worked up.

the opening of goodfellas just captures that dumb long island racism so well

Dude, this is in the fucking early 60s. This is how all people then referred to blacks.

Stop spreading misinformation.


"Sometimes I worry that AC might be influencing a lot of people to hate blacks"

Yeah, stupid people who don't get where he's coming from maybe. Stupid people are a problem regardless of how big Anthony's particular audience is. Plenty of us know how to think for ourselves, you know.

It's the ones that don't think for themselves that are in danger of being swayed by what they hear others say. Given that, i see OP's point.

Yeah, exactly, out of millions of people there will be a lot of idiots. There were a lot of women who probably just thought the same way Oprah did on her show. It's bound to happen when someone has a big outlet.

So we should just go around shutting everyone else up instead of addressing the problem that they themselves are stupid? Sorry, but I find that stance SILLY AS FUCK.

Hypothetically, If Patrice was still alive, would he deserve a Punch to the face by a white woman?

You're admitting he's funny and yet you still think he deserved to be assulted for entertaining people?

I don't know if you remember Malik from Asbury Park, but he loved Anthony's racism because it entertained him...

Yeah the guy said an occasional stupid phrase, but he does not deserve to be assaulted.

Now that you've voiced your opinion on race in a pubic forum do you deserve assault?

I've been been punched by a woman before lol. somehow, when a woman, punches a man, the man always deserved it. It's a double standard we all share together, regardless of race.


I wish you could call into The Black Phillip Show with that statement...

OP summed it up. Ants a honest white racist that just pushed it until the inevitable happened. We don't have to like it, but lets stop being shocked about it. Hopefully things work out and the show gets back together in some form, but this is real life so I wont be getting any hopes up.

black, white, purple......I don't care what a guy is, so long as he buys his dungarees from Sears and Roebuck.

One time there was a black guy on the job-site, Jackie Hillis. "Blackjack" we called him. Good guy; he could swing a hammer like nobody's business. Some of the guys would razz him a little bit; put bananas in his lunchbox, ask him if any of his family was in the "Planet of the Apes" movies......you know; silly, good-natured stuff.

Well, one day I guess Jackie got up on the wrong side of the bed or something, maybe he didn't have his coffee that morning, I don't know. Tommy the Taper came out of the spot-a-pot and told everybody he just dropped off a couple of Jackie's kids at the pool. You know, just jokin' around. We was all laughing, but not Jackie; he picked up a pipe wrench and cold-cocked Tommy with it.

Tommy don't talk so good no more. After he went on disability, his wife Joanie gave me his thermos. She said "you take it; he ain't gonna need it no more!".

I still got it.

That reminds me of the sopranos scene wear Eugene smashes a snapple bottle on little Paulie's head at the construction site. Except your story's crazier


He shouldn't have been fired over his beliefs. I guarantee plenty of people share his beliefs but just aren't honest about it.

They made a business decision. Perhaps it was a bad business decision, but this is the world we live in...

So I guess we just hand over our culture to sjw faggots and cry ourselves to sleep?

Who's crying? Me or you?



I'm probably more liberal than I should be listening to this show, and when he rants I usually turn off the show. I get what he's saying and I understand he's a racist but I don't put much providence into what that old man is saying. He only knows what he's experiences and what paltalk tells him. Him and the boys are pretty uneducated on stuff that's not pop culture.

i'm white but i pretty much agree with you totally. ant is hilarious, and he does say things that most people are afraid to say especially about crime statistics and the like. that being said, he is an obvious racist and a bigot and if this is the stuff he's willing to say out loud you can only imagine the mel gibson type of shit he has going through his mind that he doesn't say. i'm actually shocked he didn't shoot her because i wouldn't put it past him. that trial would put the george zimmerman one to shame.

My problem with AC lies in not what he is saying, but in that their are millions of people listening to it. Sometimes I worry that AC might be influencing a lot of people to hate blacks.

Most of the points you make are valid but this is just silly. Also grammar.

Seriously think about how stupid some of the fucking callers are. He's not some force for racism, but some of those motherfuckers don't need any encouragement.


Seriously think about how stupid some of the fucking callers are. He's not some force for racism, but some of those motherfuckers don't need any encouragement.

Think of how many listeners there might be that are a bit sharper than Bobo, but not by a whole lot.

Ask yourself whether or not these people could be influenced by somebody they look up to.

You have a guy like Dave Chappelle, who's hilarious, but he's been reinforcing racial stereotypes for years and we all love him. What he's doing/was doing is a lot more detrimental than what Ant's doing. You can't pick and choose where to draw the line. If someone is influenced by a radio host and can't think for themselves then they're a lost cause anyway.

Thanks for your insight.

He's makes points that other people are afraid to make, I understand that, and I have no problem with it, actually I commend him for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Everyone should be able to say what the fuck they want. Sometimes, he pretends that he is being objective while others are so biased in the other direction. But most of the time it's bull shit. While everything anthony cumia has ever ranted about is totally based on reality, at the end of the day, I think Anthony is racist, and he really unfairly hates black people. What did black people ever do to make him so angry? (otherthan the gimmie fitty cent kid).

That pretty much sums it up right there. Bill Burr made the same point to him years ago. It didn't sink in.

But I hope everyone understands that it isn't cool to say the word "nigger" and shout angry generalizations about people.

I see what you are saying on this. I cringe a lot when white callers drop "nigger" just to drop it. It's stupid most of the time. I will say DJ Whoo Kid and Patrice don't/didn't help when it came to these scenarios of white callers saying it for the sake of saying it.

what are you doing on reddit? shouldn't you be out robbing people right now ?

I grew up in Central Islip, like Anthony. Blacks were my best friends and also my worst enemies. Depending on what day you caught me on, I could be on an "I hate them all" or a "They always have your back" kick.

But we always joked about race. Sometime the black and whites would join together to make fun of the Puerto Ricans. We could take a joke. You know who can't, a room full of white people, especially left leaning ones.

They hired a new guy at work years back. I'm 6'2, he was 4-5 inches taller. His first day, he tries to throw out a crumpled towel, and misses, from 2 feet away.

I said "Daryl, come on man, you can't be missing that shot, you're black" You could hear the record scratch sound. Only one person was laughing hard, guess who?

  If everyone would stop tip toeing on eggshells, this country would vent and get over it. Instead, we're like the couple who stays married for 50 years, hate each other, and never communicate outside of dinner plans.

Great post!

Good post, jiggaboo :)

The @SiriusXM Host @AnthonyCumia Fired For Racist…: http://youtu.be/Z2jUnvCOLac

Tnn raw perspective on the whole thing. Never heard of that guys YouTube channel before

That was amazing. I'm speechless.

He's got a point that Ant is probably lying because he was taking a picture of that chick and not the scaffolding, but that Rhino was already charging at 20 feet. There's no way he was yelling shit about her "community" at that distance that made her angry. Fucking behave. http://youtu.be/bGZ8Bb6t6cQ


Jimmy once mentioned something about [paraphrasing] "young blacks thugs with guns, no one wants to hang around them, not even other black people."

So while I think Ant takes this too far, and perhaps draws conclusions that aren't always logical, there's a bit more nuance to that overarching attitude than simply hating all black people. Ant I think certainly hates the thuggish, aggressive, element that is so often the focus when discussing young black culture. But I don't know/can't really determine whether the prerequisite of being an insanely funny or really successful black person who's willing to come on the show and chill is some kind of Uncle Tom-ing.

And he obviously doesn't, he's interacted well, just taking examples of the last four years off the top of my head: Carlton, Patrice, Kevin Hart, Keith, Heather from the Real World, Sway, Whoo Kid, T.I., Tyson, Kareem, even Paul Mooney (though that was maybe more a situation of two opposing racists arguing and joking).

I think a true, dyed-in-the-wool racist would be incapable of interacting with the race he/she hates in a pleasant or even gracious and friendly manner. Ant was all of that to all of those people and even had logical, reasoned arguments with them but was always capable of finding some common ground.

Anyway, thanks for the post. (And the weird shirtless "Jimmy" pic)


Great post.

I gotta agree hearing someone spout racist beliefs can perpetuate it. I watched this video on youtube yesterday and all I could think of was the "quick to violence" message Ant talked about: http://youtu.be/hgExTrqH0n8

Thanks for the post. It was a good read and despite me being a white boy with an olive tint, we have very similar paths as fans here.

My lady and I were laughing our asses off when he flipped out on Twitter because like you said, is there a more perfect situation than Anthony of all people being attacked by a black woman? It was just another angry Anthony rant like we've heard on the show dozens of times.

About your point about Ant spreading racism to listeners...

Look. Realistically, there are a segment of fans who he is just preaching to the choir with. I don't have to tell you that there are racists everywhere. People who would never admit they were racist have racist views they won't cop to. Others just hide it in public, and some, like Anthony, are just assholes.

However... you can see right on this subreddit, or other discussions, that there are a lot of people who enjoy the show, we enjoy Ant, some of us even really like Anthony, but we do it in spite of his ignorant and views and biased takes on things.

The people who are open to this shit are gonna fall into those views too. The people who aren't won't, and while Anthony might give a few people some brutal jokes or quips to throw around racially, I really don't think he was the sole force converting anyone to racism that wasn't already on the path to begin with.

I also think the amount of listeners who are actual racists, as opposed to cringe humor wanna-be's who just like throwing around ugly words and jokes for the sake of seeing an ugly reaction, is probably a lot lower than anyone is going to admit.

Wrong place to air your race. Sometimes I think this reddit is sponsored by the Aryan brotherhood.

Ya Anthony seems genuinely racist. He went past the point of saying the stuff people are too PC to say into saying stuff only racists think. I wondered how he got away with it for so long, not because he should be silenced but I don't think many people want to hear that. Still I wonder how he slipped under the radar so long, does nobody as Sirius listen to the show?

You're black. Upvote this man! His opinion on this matters most!


In my opinion, Anthony is the funniest dude there next to Ron. With that being said I do think Anthony is racist. I love the show, Have been listening since wnew so obviously it doesn't bother me that much but as minority it does bug me when he gets so predictable with the racist comments. I see it as a barrier that prevents me from truly relating to him or being too compassionate. the problem is that he's been racist for years now so I don't know why all the sudden it became a problem. I see him as an older guy who grew up in a racist family(he's mentioned a bunch of times how his mother, father, aunts and uncles would say the word nigger) and like every other human has a hard time rewriting that code that was put in place long before I was born.

Dude this is exactly what Patrice would tell anthony the black fans of o&a would tell him at shows and I agree with you. His health insurance and tax rants drive me nuts but sometimes I need to be pissed off. Him being a unforgiving racist and what ever the word for poor people hater is is what makes him special and different.

first time poster yadda yadda yadda

Ant is a funny dude but i hated the racist undertones he brought to the show. Im from Morocco living in the Netherlands (im not black) and become a listener after my friend showed me some Patrice clips on youtube. First i found them all funny and Ant was was always cool and all when patrice was in...but i started listening other clips and kept listening and downloading the show after Patrice died... i don't know man, i grew to like the show... then i remember watching some compound show on ustream one night and he was angry going full angry racist, wearing his gun and the chat was just like some white power rally going nigger, nigger, nigger in every message like it was the funniest thing ever...i was just disgusted thinking i dont wanna be any part of this shit and after that i didnt desire to listen in months. And he started to be like that on the show too even when Opie and Jimmy clearly didnt want him to do that...he was too obsessed and he always just kept going bringing everyone down. And he had to do his annoying "black ghetto voice" every time someone even mentioned black people...every time. Not popular to say but im mostly happy that he is gone.


I was literally about to type "what about the gimmie fitty cent kid" when I read "what did black people ever do to make him so angry?"

I really enjoyed your post. It serves as a reason why many need to shut the fuck up.

I'd like to nominate you for Sheriff of r/OpieandAnthony


I love ant think he's funny blah blah. However i don't take him very seriously about race because i think that he ignores it when it suits him. think that anything to do with race and black people is like porn to him at this point. He's a guy who's constantly looking for anything he can to help him on twitter. He hears a rape happened somewhere and somewhere deep down he wants it to be a black guy and even better if the victim is white. He doesn't really give a shit about the issue.

Its only ever racial to him if it involves black people. They discuss all these mass shootings yet no mention of the fact that a lot of them are perpetrated by white males yet no extended discussion on race from him.Why was there no talk about the high profile story of two police officers pretty much executed by two white supremacist sovereign citizens in vegas a few weeks or the numerous and increasing other incidents that they have killed cops or plotted attacks against law enforcement officers across the country. I mean these guys are staunchly pro cop and I've listened to a number of times they have gone off on black people when a cop has been killed by one of them.

How about when they were talking about dustin hoffmans death and heroin abuse why didn't ant bring up that the average heroin addict is now becoming white and suburban. Im not saying that they have to bring up every story just for the sake of being fair and balanced but i am saying that when they are discussing stuff why isn't ant quick to jump in and throw in his racial angle that he seems to be an expert on. Whenever something involves white people it always turns into a gun control debate, mental illness or blame obama.

phlip seymour hoffman

But ya, I agree with you. He absolutely seeks this shit out.

phlip seymour hoffman

But ya, I agree with you. He absolutely seeks this shit out.

Everything about whites turns into gun control, mental illness or blame Obama? What about when they make fun of christians, middle america, people in the south, italians, or "white trash". The problem is these aren't "buzz words" that the media has told us to be aware of on a daily basis. I'm not christian but wow, do they blast christians any chance they can. If someone with a southern accent calls in, prepare to hear them make fun of their voice and possibly more.

Im not talking about the funny segments of the show which i enjoy even racial funny bits. Im talking about when ant takes a subject and goes on a serious racial rant specifically about blacks. What I'm saying is why doesn't he do that when they bring up something fucked up in the white community that i mentioned above, wheres the 20-40 minute racial rant then. Im not saying he should or shouldn't do this I don't really care either way I'm just saying that just because he throws some FBI statistics at you doesn't mean he is being fair and balanced.

But the rape and child molestation jokes are a-ok.

anybody think on some conscious or unconscious level ant posted that stuff on twitter knowing he'd probably be fired for it? They've been complaining about Sirius treating them like shit for years, their contracts are up in Oct anyway, they talk about radio being dead and the internet where it's at. So now Ant has killed three birds with one stone. He's free from Sirius while still getting paid most likely, off radio and starting a new show on the 'web. #shinkaboutit

I can agree with the fact we shouldn't be walking on eggshells. I get that. Look at it as not people are offended when certain things are said but that maybe it's the disrespect that pisses people off. I hate to be characterized. My story is completely unique to my life. Don't group me in with anyone else with some statistics and figures. 100% of me has lived an excellent life. Honor roll, scholarship, degree, own my own business. So I really don't care about "the black community" The only person I am accountable for is me. The only person's actions I will take responsibility for is me.


My problem with AC lies in not what he is saying, but in that their are millions of people listening to it. Sometimes I worry that AC might be influencing a lot of people to hate blacks. I'm not saying O&A fans are racist. It's the funniest fucking radio show ever. But I hope everyone understands that it isn't cool to say the word "nigger" and shout angry generalizations about people. I know from twitter that some of ACs biggest advocates are asshole racists. I agree with freedom of speech but I just hope that we are classy enough to not want to be assholes to people solely based on what you hear about them.

You can't change what people hear. You can be sure that he hasn't turned anybody racist, though.

Trust me, Anthony's fans will never go after black people in real life. A lot of them are stupid, but not crazy. There are real repercussions to acting on your racism, and society will correct you for it. This isn't Nazi Germany, and America isn't a safe haven for pure racism. I'd even argue that Glen Beck or Alex Ross's listener's are more of a threat to society than Anthony's.



Well said! I completely agree with your analysis of one Mr. Cumia. He will be fucking missed.

He doesn't hate black people themselves. He hates the fact that a lot of things that that particular group does are misrepresented. He gets equally pissed about any sort of misrepresentation in any context.

The white home invader on commercials

News network's use of the word "teen"

Not much different from other things they discuss.

A really interesting read and I pretty much agree.


Go fuck yourself.

Sometimes I worry that AC might be influencing a lot of people to hate blacks.

Seems your people are doing a fine enough job of that on their own. Why isn't that the focus, instead of a mean person saying mean words?

The one thing I would say is I get using the n word to decrease it's power and influence. However, when black people reserve it to only black people it actually increases it's power. When a white man uses it today it's much more significant than 30 years ago.

I remember growing up. I heard the n word a lot. Not from friends and family but from Richard Pryor, my parents never sheltered us as kids. We loved him growing up. And the n word never had any power to us.

The same goes for cunt with women. Women hate it and don't like it used in their presence. If you want to gain a reaction out of a woman... call her a cunt.


Every white person who upvoted this post is the reason Anthony is fired.

I have to agree with the OP that Anthony is a drunken racist hermit, but goddammit, he's my drunken racist hermit.

I find Anthony entertaining in spite of his more radical ideas, but it's certainly possible that his radio soapbox sways some people to his ideology. But as an adult paying for entertainment, I find it pretty insulting when culture police assume that my mind needs protection from objectionable opinions. When special interest groups pressure corporations to drop programming, they're treating the viewing/listening public like children.

Lots of good points man.

I don't think Ant is responsible for making anyone more or less racist than their own circumstances have made them. I think the vast majority of the people who hear him agree or disagree with him to some extent based on their own pre-existing ideas.

People have to remember that all his experience with black people is through Long Island and NE metropolitan areas. Not exactly hubs of positive interaction between ethnic groups.

I don't think he judges individuals based on the color of their skin. That's really a crux for me. If you're a worthless bag of shit he's going to think you're a worthless bag of shit, and the inverse is true. We all know he loved Patrice.

I'm just sad he didn't shoot that cunt. It would have caused him less agony in the long run. If someone assaults you unprovoked, they are a savage cunt, no matter what color they are. He was dead fucking on about that. The fact that other black people rushed to her defense when she was the assailant says more about the racism of blacks in NY than anything. Fuck this attitude that you deserve to get fired for racist words in the first place. Racism =/= discrimination. One is an ignorant attitude, one is a crime. What he does and did is not a crime. You don't get to victimize someone because you are black and they are white. Period. It's wrong that people are jumping in his shit for this, period.

... as a man of questionable mullatta mongrel heritage, who grew up all over the world with other military families and joined the military at 18, I think race in the US is some silly shit that everyone needs a slap over. Oversensitive little spineless bitches, crying about words on the fucking internet like someone stabbed your baby. Half the cunts that are 'outraged' over this don't give it a second thought off the internet, and more than half of them don't have any real friends outside their own race anyway, so fuck 'em.

So much bullshit over absolutely nothing.

Great post

Came here wanting to say "oh hey look, Earl got a reddit account", but the post was too coherent to be Earl

I think Anthony is racist, and he really unfairly hates black people. What did black people ever do to make him so angry?

  • First off, it's more about a subculture than race itself. If it were a race thing, then he would hate all black people regardless of how they live/carry themselves; which is odd since some of his closest friends are black. (Clearly many racists have close friends of the race they hate....)

  • Second, most of his rants are about crime and double standards. So MAYBE it's the ever growing crime statistics in this country? There's TONS of proof... but let me guess; stats & numbers are racist too?

  • Being in the media and discussing current events, there's always some awful event or biased media coverage to talk about, and lots of it has to do with race. After all, it's his job, and what SiriusXM paid him for. Then factor in living in New York, most of this shit is happening around him on a daily basis... hell, not to mention that he was violently attacked.

I agree. I love Ant but he's definitely racist (not against individual people but clearly against blacks in general) and said some stuff that his company couldn't let go. He deserved to get fired. Sucks, but its true.

If this was true, he would have been fired ages ago. The tweets in question were pretty tame compared to plenty of things he's said live on Sirius airwaves. I can only think of three possibilities:

  1. An insidious Howie conspiracy! Doubtful.

  2. Sirius was already concerned about Anthony's racial comments and was finally just looking for an excuse to can him. Perhaps the execs were getting nervous behind the scenes, and this was just the last straw?

  3. The wrong person/group just happened to pick up on the tweets and pressured Sirius. This is usually how these firings go down, but I only started hearing special interest outrage brewing after Ant had already been axed. Then again, I was out of the country and missed the whole first arc of the drama.

Your logic is commendable, but these situations aren't about logic. Ant has always said racist shit, but this incident was picked up outside the sphere of the show. Once that happened and his tweets were showing up on regular news, it was over.

Anthony did nothing wrong.

White people are the only people that are not allowed to point out the black "culture" in this country.

Try asking hispanic, indian, asian people what they think about the black culture.

This country is a huge ironic farce.

Great post. Seems like Sirius just wanted an excuse

No doubt he's racist, but you're correct as we're all racist at birth, I'm a racist, it's human nature. I never agreed with AC on his race rant's, but he succumbed as a racist in an unfashionable form.

Too bad there wasn't racist celebrity rehab featuring Dr. Drew, rather than disbanding the honest plainspoken trio that was the best thing that media created that they never knew they lost.

That would be great show.

Bullshit. As a black man, you of all people should know how black women can be.

it isn't cool to say the word "nigger"

You just said it like 9 times

Its also not cool to have 37,000 black on white rapes last year, while the were 4 white on black rapes, but we have to deal with it..

only four? i don't doubt you, but i'm curious to see the source. can you please share?

Now, tell me what man molested you as a child to turn you gay?

Department of Justice Victimization Study for 2013. I don't have the link, but that is what it is called. The study its self is very interesting, it takes a control group of 100,000 people, a very large control group, and make this study. Now, it is not concrete, it may be +- 4 either way, but with a control group of 100,000, that number has got to be very close.

Source of gtfo

The Duke Lacrosse team had an off year.

Turns out they were in class with porn stars.

damn, your asshole must be sore

"He's makes points that other people are afraid to make"

Like what?


The violence problem within the black community, he wrong about that one?

People talk about that all the time. Ant isn't the only one.

People, what people? People on tv? Show me a few that speak openly with zero backlash and that don't get called racist and that's IF they don't get booted from their job due to their company being a bunch of knee jerk cocksuckers like Sirius

I got 67 million hits googling "violence in the black community". You get articles from both sides of the political spectrum.

It's just that most people manage to talk about it without using words like "animals", "savages" and "they aren't people".

I get around that many for "shit porn" but that doesn't mean people are really talking openly about it.

Well.. make with the links.


"No one ever talks about black on black violence"


I think you are failing to recognize hyperbole.

Were those people speaking shortly after a physical assault?


I totally agree that everyone is a little racist. And i'm sure if a white person could listen in on an average black familiy they'd be surprised how much racist shit black people say about black people.

Totally. I grew up with a lot of black families, and I've heard plenty of racist things being said within their circle.

I think people thought Opie was being a pussy for shutting the fuck up while ant was ranting but he's looking like the smart one now.

IMO real racism is based on the idea of genetic superiority. Even though I'm white I've experienced real racial hatred. I'm talking about American History X-style racial hatred. There is a sickness about it that is palpable; you can almost smell it. I don't know Ant personally but I doubt very much that he has that kind of racial hatred in him.

The rest of it is just common bigotry. I think bigotry comes naturally to people and we're all vulnerable to being bigoted. It's irrational and lazy, and people tend to think irrationally and lazily. I have no doubt that Ant is as much of a bigot as the rest of us, he is just less restrained about it than others, I guess.

Yeah, I agree about his past Compound shows. I tune in to O&A to get away from life's troubles, or at least to laugh at them, not to hear someone obsess about what he thinks is wrong. This is why I disliked them getting serious on O&A and why I won't pay for a subscription to LFTC if it turns out to be a serious show.

I grew up in Houston, not too fond of the blacks. Lots of good ones don't get me wrong, but the majority were fucking assholes.

That would be great show.

We're all a little racist.

This is such a cop-out argument.

I agree.

Bullshit that blacks should have more freedom of speech than any other race

We're all a little racist but Anthony is Hitler reincarnated.




I'm living in the real universe.

My dad was born in a poor factory town in bumfuck. He was not born in Chicago, NYC, or any other place that anyone would give a fuck about.

Bootlegging happened in his town, but there weren't any shootouts or any shit like that. Just a single speakeasy. Care to try again, Mr. Wikipedia?

Your dads town wasn't the fucking United States.

I just linked you a chart showing that murder in the US was at it's highest in the 1930s and you're still arguing.

You're an amazing person.

I wish you could call into The Black Phillip Show with that statement...
