An open letter to the pests

0  2014-07-08 by [deleted]

This is a self-serving rant and reads like the venting of an angry fan. It is. If you disagree with anything I say then have a nice: go fuck yourself.

  • Anthony was fired. Although you may not agree with the circumstances of his firing from SXM it should come as a surprise to nobody, especially OnA fans. The biggest reoccurring segment at the time of the shows derailment was the apology bit. The boys picked apart in detail each bullshit PC witch-hunt and the inevitable subsequent apology. OnA were completely aware of the PC lynch mob that lays in the internet weeds waiting to strike once the armchair activist bat signal shines. Donald sternling, Jonah Hill, Garry Oleman and many others were all recently chronicled on the show in detail! The show was crusading against the avalanche of fake righteous indignation public comments and social media have the potential to unleash. I am shocked the outcome of Ant’s twitter rant was a surprise to Anthony especially when he refused to apologize at the demand of SXM in the brief window between his firing and suspension. Most likely Anthony felt apologizing was not an option due to the nonstop and justified criticism of apologies the show was engaged in. However, a tongue in cheek apology that adhered perfectly to the typical corny lawyer prewritten format would have been very funny and noticed immediately as such by the show's listeners. Fans of the show would dismiss it as an obvious mockery and SXM's lawyers would have been appeased. Could it have made a difference? I don’t know. What I do know is when Anthony told them to fuck off his radio fate was sealed. Now as a martyr ant looks like a hero, but this does not change that fact that what he did was fucking dumb.

  • The relationship between OnA and SXM was already on shaky ground before the firing. SXM constantly blew off the show's requests for studio renovations and funding for fan events. It’s no secret Howard is the darling of the company. Post-merger, OnA were never viewed with any kind of favoritism. To put numbers on the disparity a live read on Howard's show cost advertisers to the tune of $10,000 and on OnA was worth only $500. OnA had (as they always do) expressed doubts about renewing their contract in October and SXM probably had similar reservations. When the company was given the opportunity to keep or dump OnA a few months early and simultaneously end Ant’s PR debacle SXM chose the path of least resistance. The decision is not surprising.

  • The pests have been an abysmal disappointment. The time came for the pests to rise up live up to their reputation as a powerful weapon. As it turns out, the same people that have a talent for trolling the fb pages of hack unknown radio shows one month out of the year were unable to voice an intelligible opposition to SXM. The pests did not point out the many hypocrisies of SXM: branding itself as a forum for uncensored speech, broadcasting songs with racial content just as "abhorent" to SXM as anthony's tweets or the fact that for years on SMX's airwaves the show has been a safe place for racially charged politics and politically incorrect jokes without objection. Instead the pests canceled subs and then chose to target and blame the gawker blogger and attack his twitter. The fruit of this labor was to turn the twitter account of a unknown 20 something white guilt riddled Asian blogger to private; Bravo. Also spamming the comment section of all his articles is only giving his articles more page views which is all websites like gawker they care about. Next, being the one trick pony they are, the pests jocktobered the SXM fb page accomplishing nothing. In the absence of the leadership normally provided by the show, pests turned their efforts to lashing out at FRIENDS of the show who had yet to publically comment about the firing. A low stakes Schindler’s list of names that had made pro Anthony statements was compiled until only Bill Burr and Louie CK remained. The pests branded them traitors and promptly began bashing them on twitter. Let’s not forget neither Bill nor Louie said anything negative about Anthony or condoned the action taken by SMX. Instead they chose to remain silent. Why? Bill has disagreed with Anthony’s racial views and debated him on the show man to man. Bill’s dating a black woman and is focused on advancing his career. Louie for some time has been a household name and has a show that is 100% his currently airing on FX. We have no idea what kind private communication either party has had with anyone from the show. Bashing Bill and Louie because they are playing the game and are discontent to live out their careers in relative obscurity never rising above dealing with “midlevel jews” is ridiculous. The days of Louie playing slave girl with Francine’s blackish ass are in the past. These two comedians are everything that is right with comedy right now. Stop mother fucking these guys on twitter, it’s embarrassing.

  • Opie has a family and no fallback career. Jimmy has a VICE show still in its infancy. Both are still under contract. Expecting them to fall on their swords for Ant is unrealistic and would be foolish of them. Those of the pests choosing now as the time to double down on the ever popular Opie bashing are rubes. The guy created from scratch the show we are all mourning the loss of; does he get no credit? It remains to be seen if Ant can transform LFTC into a broadcast as entertaining as he was on OnA. If he is successful in doing so we may see the show rise from its own ashes when Opie and Jimmy are finished with their SXM contracts but that’s speculative at best. I’m not sure what lasting changes are to come but when the boys go on air next week after I hear what they have to say I’m canceling my sub. It’s depressing. I’m sure guna miss hearing Ant make Jimmy laugh as part of my daily routine, oh well its been fun. Thank you for your service. Punching Out.

Edit: Typos/Formatting

TLDR: Keep bashing Burr/Louie on twitter, it will bring the show back.



What's that? Your phone crapped out, dude.

Yeah man, we can't hear what your saying. Just take a deep breath and try again.

I stuck with it until I got to this part- "this is a self serving rant", then punched out. Good read up till then.

An open letter invites a response.

If you disagree with anything I say then have a nice: go fuck yourself.

This does not invite a response.

Paragraphs would help

edit: better


Get over it!

Cryin,whinin, pitchin a fit



Well said!!!

Not really a letter

Suck and fuck, dogsie!

Jesus. Could you make this a little more concise? This is the internet, we don't have time to read your fucking memoir!

Fuck Opie.

All I want is Anthony to hire Bill Pullman to go on LFTC dressed as the president from Independence Day and give a speech tailored to the pests that flows just like the speech from the movie :)

"Good morning. Pests, In less than an hour, we will all join others around the world, and together we will launch the largest internet radio show in the history of mankind!

Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences any more. We will now be united in our common interest. Perhaps it's fate that Anthony Cumia was fired on the 4th of July, and with this you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from words.

We fight for our right to speak without apology, to enjoy humor without fear, and should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the pests declared in one voice, 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on, we're going to survive.' Today we celebrate our independence from SiriusXM day!"