Burr turning his back on Ant?

0  2014-07-08 by [deleted]

I am curious if anyone has heard anything from Bill.

If he has turned his back on Ant I would take a listen to this because it immediately stuck out of my mind when this whole thing started:



He doesn't owe anyone anything

I hope you guys know that harassing Burr on Twitter is not going to help him feel compelled to interact on this issue.

Bunch of silly geese.

O&A and the listeners supported him. They helped propel him to his current douche pedestal status.

He talks shit all the time about how he is still the regular guy.. When its not true. He is now a puppet of the business. He is also ultra liberal and probably sides with Chen on this...

Not to mention his wife is black.

We can only hope he gets heckled badly and called out. He doesn't have many routes he can take to turn it around like in Philly.

He could have said something as its more about Anthony but speech in America.

Could you be MORE of a butthurt bitch, if you tried?

Yeah a few fans of a radio show are gonna really ruin Bill Burr's career. He's doing movies and was on one of the most successful TV shows of all time. He surely has no/would have had no career if not for a radio show. C'mon, let's get real.

Bill burr got to where he's at on his own and because he's funny and worked hard at his career. Most of his fans don't even listen to Opie and Anthony either. He has like 3 specials on Netflix. Here's how I know. Most of the people I work with have heard of Bill burr. Most haven't heard of Opie and Anthony. That's all there is to say.

"Not to mention the fact that his wife is black" you say that shit like it's against the law to comment on racial issues when involved in an interracial relationship.

His wife is also a WOMAN, but he's still said some offensive things on the MMPC regarding women over the years. You guys give Burr no credit as a human being and your assumptions over silence are so pathetically knee jerk I'm surprised you're not bound to a wheelchair.

"...Now I gotta turn my back on ya."

and another one of these

Look at the comments on Burr's tweets. People are upset.

He's in a difficult place, but he should at least address the issue.

Why? He doesn't owe anybody anything. If he has personal issues with Ant, it's none of our business.

I think he's a talented, funny motherfucker. If he's got a problem with Ant, then he's still a funny motherfucker, he just won't be a guest on the Compound.

You all need to back the fuck off him. He doesn't owe you shit. It's bad enough people are calling Opie and Jimmy "traitors". Bill and Ant had a professional relationship, it's over. Anything else, none of my - or your - fucking business.

Thank god he has you to defend his honor.

How butthurt are you?

Took you 5 hours to come up with that?

Yes, I was sitting her for 5 hours mulling my retort over.

Dumb twat.

Don't worry, Burr still loves you.


You're really bad at this.

It feels like he's almost trolling us. If you look at his retweets they are from comments about when he posted his MMP tweet. There are like a hundred tweets about ant and then the 2 tweets he retweeyed are at the bottom.

It feels like .....

You really need to go with more than just your feelings. What started all of this was a bunch of people who felt that Ant's rant was racist, and who felt that he was lying about being assaulted.

And who really gives a shit if Burr pipes up or not? How does that effect anything?

I honestly thought this was gonna be a sarcastic post when I saw the title. I just posted this along with probably 5 people before me.

There's still hope he's sarcastic, he hasn't replied to comments yet.


You guys know it's just as much Burr's right to have an opinion against what Anthony ranted about as it is Anthony's right to rant about it?

Your judging of Burr and other comedian's silence on this is closer to the bullshit outrage you're mad about than any of you are man enough to admit.

I just read he unfollowed Opie and Anthony when the news broke. Is that true?

Nope he did that a long time ago


jesus christ, another Burr thread. enough. can we get some fucking moderation in this damn place

Bill Burr comes to help Anthon...wait what?!?!?!?!??! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6aRr9zhyM8

Leave Bill Burr alone.

Burr sucks, as a comic.....ok he's funny but as a person I never cared for him on the show, he's a liberal clown who never saw eye to eye with Anthony....some people forget who helped them get to where they are.

Fuck Bill Burr... And Fuck Opie the most. Cocksucker has shown no public support for Ant

If anyone has a right to be upset with Anthony it's Opie. Now shut up.

yes not to mention he and Jim haven't trashed him at all. and I think the fact Ant states nothing but love for Jim and Opie is Ant understanding they have a right to be pretty pissed.

Hey, if Opie would be more funny, instead of just pushing the "Be More Funny" clip maybe he would have less to worry about.

Opie never claimed to be the comedian on the show. You did that.