Fans Rage Over Opie Minus Anthony | DailyBeast

56  2014-07-08 by chipppper


i love these articles that dont have an agenda or go with what seems to be the right view point, just telling it like it is, we need more of this.

Did it hurt your feelings that they didn't talk about his money?

Their take on Cumia's picture with Carlton was a little opinionated, but the rest was pretty straightforward. I'm more shocked any other media outlets give a shit.

his non-racist pics/vids with carlton were kind of embarrassing. Not like how Beiber does videos with black guys to seem cool, but along those same lines.

They were meant as a joke to people who know what's going on, and to confuse the idiots with no sense of humour.

The "I have a black friend" defense hasn't worked since the 70's.

"A-list comedian Colin Quinn"

I think that's a typo. They meant, "friend of A-list comedians Colin Quinn".

car pusher of A-list comedians

What the hell's a list comedian?

Joe List

Hell is what Cumia’s former employer is getting. While no hard figures are available, it appears that the “Boycott Sirius” movement is gaining traction and potentially doing damage to the publicly traded company’s bottom line. As of this morning, more than 16,000 fans had signed the online petition to give Cumia his job back. Assuming they are current or former customers who either canceled or plan to cancel their SiriusXM subscriptions, that alone could mean a revenue loss of nearly $3 million a year.

bwahahaha, I love these articles that directly impact $SIRI

If they take a revenue loss of $3 mil and also don't have to pay Ant $3 mil... i guess I don't see the impact

come back here and shut up with your logic

Assuming that 90% of petitioners listen for free on PalTalk and YouTube

It's not exactly CNN but any outlet predicting that much loss is making a shit assumption

Real talk

I am pretty happy that he didn't cherry pick my quotes and make us all seem ugly and small minded.

Didn't want your location and occupation listed? Admit it, you're a cop.

He just printed my line from the petition which I'm glad about because like most callers I completely fell apart when he called my house. "I'm not good"


wow great article!


I'm the brown fuzzy guy in the background of that picture. Gee, I had more hair in college.... Maybe I can get some follicles


Their take on Cumia's picture with Carlton was a little opinionated, but the rest was pretty straightforward. I'm more shocked any other media outlets give a shit.

Did it hurt your feelings that they didn't talk about his money?