A friendly reminder that the guy from the young turks denies Armenian genocide! Yay gang!

112  2014-07-08 by [deleted]


Hence the name, the Young Turks, which was the nickname for the Committee of Union and Progres which were responsible for the genocide. I figured they were either deniers, or some kind of proud Turkish nationalists. It would be similar to some German Americans calling themselves the Young German National Socialists.

I thought that was so obvious from their name I've never bothered to use it to attack them. They're likely quite proud of it and they have some kind of BS rationalization for it..

Edit: He did an AMA last year and it was the top voted question, and he's ignored it, so he's probably having a tough time defending it. He seems like he's just stupid and doesn't do enough research before naming himself something.

Edit #2: He accused Anthony of being a liar, yet he wrote an article for the Huffington Post criticizing Mitt Romney for requiring women to show proof that they were raped in order to get an abortion.

Whose responsibility is it to show that it happened? What evidence do you have to present? Do you have to have a conviction first? Wouldn't that make it too late? If later the man is acquitted, does the woman go to prison for getting the abortion? Will there be rape panels to decide if someone was actually raped? Someone has to decide if they get the exception or not, right? How will the woman convince the rape panel that she has been raped?

Edit #3: Quotes from Cenk Uygur, sure enough, he doesn't value free speech as much as he did in 2007.

We can't censor everything based on the lowest common denominator of sensitivity. This applies to conservative thought, liberal thought or completely non-political thought. You don't need the concept of freedom of speech to protect pleasant speech, you need it to protect speech that might be and is offensive to some.

And if you're an adult, you need to be able to tolerate adult conversations. You don't have to listen to it, but you shouldn't have the right to shut it down for everyone else because you are sensitive to it. Honestly, who cares that you are sensitive about it?

This is the same guy defending O&A for shit they actually said on the air. What a hypocritical douchenozzle.

Did he change his views, or maybe he just likes sexy talk about Laura Bush, the dirty little Turkish pervert


Interesting as fuck. Not even being sarcastic. I'll be damned.


I just hope the pests keep tweeting his own words at him. It would be nice to see him argue with himself.







Who was this coward who deleted his comments?


This is the same guy defending attacking O&A

wikipedia page will probably be scrubbed.. the genocide part was a subsection yesterday, now it's just a paragraph

Not only that but in the years leading up to 1900's the Arab States in the Ottoman Empire were starting to gain some form of autonomy and a national identity after centuries of Ottoman rule but once the Young Turks came into power all that changed. They quickly and violently tried to snub out nationalistic ideas in the Arab states.

This little opportunistic shitdick is pissing me off so bad, I might have to start a tumblr.

How will the woman convince the rape panel that she has been raped?

All she had to do is produce a picture of what she was wearing the night of the attack so the panel can see that she deserved it.

Outstanding post. Gold for you.

Thanks. I don't know what to do with it, but I'll try and spend it all on whores.

They actually did some cool shit with gold. Free UPS shipping or something like that for 3 months.

Ana Kasparian has been on the JRE a few times, and she's Armenian. I think she's talked about the genocide on JRE, there's no denial from her. I don't know anything about that douchebag except that he loves to embarrass himself.

Check out how he scrambled to protect Anthony Weiner when that scandal first broke.

"Look, Breitbart is a proven liar, okay? He doctored the Shirley Sherrod tapes. He's done this over and over again. Why would anybody take this fool seriously?"



Eat a dick, faggot.


What's the point? I could come up with a well thought out response but it wouldn't do anything to stop you or change your mind so why should I? You don't warrant a proper response. You're a nobody troll. So fuck off.



Armenians aren't The Chosen people, so the media doesn't care.

Armenians aren't even chosen for anything.

Cab driving

How dare you. I don't know if your name is based on where you live but one Armenian was blessed with the skills to coach college basketball. Tark the shark!!!!

wow what a douche. And he calls Ant pathetic.

At least Ant didn't deny slavery

Yeah at least he just wants slavery

At least he sings with his slave.

yeah at least ant doesn't like black women so the female slaves don't need to worry about getting raped by their master. Tss.

Here is a handy dandy image of him


Someone with a twitter should let him have a look at this.

you shouldn't have the right to shut it down for everyone else because you are sensitive to it.

I created one just to send him this and some of the best quotes from OP.

Even if he changed his mind when he became a progressive (former republican), it's still a terrible thing to say.. and technically a major hate crime.

As he refuses to address it, it's safe to say that Cenk Uygur believes that the Armenian Genocide never happened. He also refused to address it during his AMA. Along with the fact he named his show after the group that lead to the deaths of millions, it's pretty clear that he denies and or supports the Armenian Genocide.


"Changing your mind? Forgiveness? This is the internet baby! Let's get him fired!"


I can forgive ants rants and jokes, but denying that 1.5 million people died puts you in actual-hate-monger category.

I agree.

tsss wait wait - hold on, i remember one time i was hanging out with my friend Ian and some fuckin cocksucka Armenian piece of garbage was bein' disrespectful and saying hurtful things about my muddah, so i said to my friend "Armenians are mean, Ian" or sumpthin.

i dunno i'm just riffin'.

Lets get this traction in TIL, get it front paged.

"TIL Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is an Armenian genocide denier."

go go someone not as lazy as me

Or perhaps some nice people could flood the comments on their videos with it.

A hypocrite that ignores context in order to further an agenda is America 2014

don't waste your breath, the dipshit is riding hipster bandwagon for as long as it takes him, lucky for him there is a never ending barely-educated supply of freshly graduated idealist who consider him an idol, for about 3 years before reality hits them over the face and they see him for the douchebag he really is.

Hey I got mentioned!

He also refused to answer about 25 iterations of that question during his AmA in May of 2013.

You're puttin me in a tough spot here. I love Ant, but I have also been known to deny a genocide or two in my day. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

The weird thing is that his co host is a actually Armenian. Nevertheless he is quite dumb.




Young Turks:

The Young Turks (Turkish: Jön Türkler, from French: Les Jeunes Turcs, or Turkish: Genç Türkler) were a Turkish nationalist reform party in the early 20th century, favoring reformation of the absolute monarchy of the Ottoman Empire. Officially known as the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP; Turkish: İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti), their leaders led a rebellion against the absolute rule of Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. With this revolution, the Young Turks helped to establish the Second Constitutional Era in 1908, and the Committee of Union and Progress, based on the ideas of the Young Turks, ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1908 until the end of World War I in November 1918.

Image i

Interesting: The Young Turks | Young Turks (song) | Young Turks (record label) | Democratic Party (Hong Kong)

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Hoohoo, I invented having a co-host of a certain ethnicity to clean up my image, hoohoo.

If only I could introduce him to some Greek Cypriot friends of mine

There was a Reddit Ask Me Anything. He was asked repeatedly about his denial of the Armenian Holocaust. He never addressed it. https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=cenk+uygur+ask+me+anything

Liberals are dishonest hypocrites about race? NO WAY.

If Cenk died, I don't think I'd care.

You mean that Cenk is a dishonest dickhole? This is something the MSM has never seen before!

Everyone that is half smart knows Cenk is a dumb cunt, same goes for the majority of people at TYT.

Where is Chen now?

Crying over his lack of character and watching his ass.

Wow, he better not ever come to Glendale.

yeah, if he doesn't wanna annoyed & agitated.

One thing we can collectively attempt is to write emails to the Southern Poverty Law Center about him. Being added to their hate list can be a big stain on one's career.

Perhaps someone could add this information to his Wikipedia entry?

Not much to add other than my ex boyfriend was Armenian and me and his friends (o&A listeners) used to like to fuck with him by denying the genocide. Laughs were had.

But yeah. On a serious note? Fuck that guy.


What do you expect, he is an asshole. I've said it before he made some valid points but he is still an asshole. I think that is important because of what he said about Ant in the first video. "Just know who you're listening to"

I don't care, the young turk chick i want to fuck brutally and marry forever

the bitch looks like an ant-eater (double entendre)

double ender?

I wonder if anyone here is old enough to remember Serdar Argic on UseNet circa '94. I now also wonder if Uygur could have been behind that. He would've been 24 at the time.



Serdar Argic:

Serdar Argic was the alias used in one of the first automated newsgroup spam incidents on Usenet, with the objective of denying the Armenian Genocide.

Interesting: Newsgroup spam | Usenet | List of spammers | Joel Furr

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Damn - that's some wayback shit

Armenians scharmenians, is what I say.

This is so great, I was a fan of TYT like 2 years ago and I love O&A. I remember really liking Cenk and agreeing with most of his thoughts on political situations. However I think he is taking Anthony's situation way out of context, and going about it in a very childish way. It is fun to see two people I find very entertaining going at it though, I hope we get some kind of debate between the two going soon but I won't hold my breath.

who the fuck cares about the armenian genocide? Seriously, there have been like a fucking billion genocides in history. This one has zero effect on me. Who cares.



Even though your point has absolutely nothing to do with this post - If something is a good idea, it doesn't matter who invented it. It's going to be used. Though I doubt anyone knows who came up with condoms/abortion.

C'mon, are we really trying to defend Armenians here?

More trying to attack a dirty savage Turk.

Fuck off. Balki was the man. :)

abloo bloo it's just his opinion. leave him alone. 1st amendment. free speech. america. don't like it, don't watch it. i'll disagree with you but fight to the death to defend your right to say stuff. who's it hurting. don't tread on me

(don't get me wrong, i think it's funny this is happening and he deserves a thrashing but it's kind of hypocritical to say those things in defense of things you like and then attack using the same exact methods against something you don't)


A+ for reading comprehension


Did you read what you wrote before you pressed send?

Can't exactly blame me for taking the 'I'm not suggesting anything pest related' part as a wink wink suggestion to totally do pest things.

He's a faggot communist. The Young Turks were a communist group. Communism ALWAYS ends in genocide—he's a disingenuous DOUCHE and suffers cognitive dissonance.

Can't exactly blame me for taking the 'I'm not suggesting anything pest related' part as a wink wink suggestion to totally do pest things.
