I don't care who's to blame for all this. If Opie keeps going without Anthony, he's a fucking coward.

0  2014-07-08 by EskimoEscrow

If Opie keep's going, he's turning his back on his partner of 20 years. I don't care what the circumstance are, their number one rule should be and has been "both of us or neither of us".
All you people who say Ant "did this to himself"... is it his fault or the fault of SiriusXM for firing him? Make up your minds.



"all you people who say one thing... is it the thing you say or a completely different thing? Make up your minds."

? You don't have to be coy, what's your point.

I'm just joshing, silly.

He's got a contract, man. He could be under breach by failing to perform. By walking, he could cost himself more than Ant did by getting fired.

I honestly thought he had all the F U money he could want.
(PS - I'll retract my downvote on the grounds of silliness and joshing)


He's definitely got money, but they (and I obviously haven't seen his contract) could have put significant penalties into the contract if he walks early.


Well, there's no guarantee that SiriusXM will offer Opie and Jim another contract this October, they'll scrap the channel and turn it into the "Al Sharpton Channel" to make amends.

I'd rather see that than see them go on without Ant. It just seems like such a stab in the back to me.

"He's a fucking coward" keeps making me laugh...If Opie continues, it's because he's thinking of his family, putting them first.

That seems pretty fucking reasonable to me.

He's a coward because he has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life, and he's willing to turn his back on his partner of 20 years for a company he claims to hate.

Opie the destroyer will show us the way, otherwise you could be right

I'm PRAYING the destroyer comes out.
4 Hours every day playing "I've got a bad case of diarrhea" until the contract is over.

I think it'd be tough to jump off the deep end with a partner who keeps going on benders and getting the show in trouble while the rest of your employees/coworkers/friends of the show freak the fuck out. Every tweet in support of Anthony from close friends seems to have a bit of a concerned tone.

so what is opie going to do,sit at home and watch LFTC ?

I would say they should get a video podcast going ASAP. The show is bigger than SiriusXM

anyone seen with Ant over the next couple of months will be shit upon.Can't see Amy Schumer, Louie etc going on Ant's new show any time soon.

He's honoring the rest of his contract. He has a family to support and seeing as the contract is up soon, I think he's doing the right thing.

Family to support? You think he really needs this money?

Yes he has a family to support. As much as you may think he may not need "this money", his family is used to living a certain way. Who knows if he doesn't have a mortgage how much money he has saved up. I'm sure he's fine, but I don't have a clue.

But my family is used to me making 100K a year. Something happens and I'm making 50K or less than half per year....Things are quite different, lifestyle you're used to changes, lots of things change.

Can't be upset with whatever choice he makes. If he jumps ship and does something to piss of SiriusXM, good for him. If he keeps working for SiriusXM, good for him, because last I checked family comes first before "business partners"

And ultimately it's his decision, too. I get the loyalty to Anthony, and I get the argument regarding whether people want to blame Anthony or Sirius XM. But I don't see any rationale at all for blaming Opie; having him have to lose out on what potentially could be millions of dollars for a situation he in no way caused would be really rough.

He lives on the Upper West Side and that's a lifestyle that costs over a million a year. Yup, he needs the money.

So this money is more important that his 20 year relationship with his radio partner? I just don't see how people can justify this.

What qualifies you to speak about their relationship, working or personal?

What qualifies any of us to talk about anything they do? We're fans.

Yes, fans of a radio show, not fans of a personal relationship between Ant and Opie

Who are you to decide what's more important? His business partner decided to jump off a bridge. Does that mean he needs to follow?

I'm not saying he NEEDS it, but it would be pretty stupid to break a lucrative contract for the sake of giving an organization like Sirius XM a big "fuck you". Sirius will just turn around and sue him for breach of contract.

Also just because they're not publicly fellating each other on Twitter doesn't mean Opie and Anthony haven't had discussions on how best to handle the situation to preserve their friendship.

Why shouldn't he be able to make his money?

Yes, fans of a radio show, not fans of a personal relationship between Ant and Opie