apparently we may be waiting longer than thought for LFTC

24  2014-07-08 by masc89


Oh shit, he's actually putting some work into this thing!

that was my reaction as well...

There will be a few shows in between


Ant needs to do this right. LFTC has had an amateur vibe. I'm a liberal and rooting for him to take over right-wing talk. He's funnier that them all.

He needs to do it right but the media attention and buzz around this I going to die soon. He can capitalize by starting asap.


2014-07-08 06:04:00 UTC

RT @ColonialBoy1:you prepping a Compound show?

-Yes, working out logistics & putting a staff together. Look for promos soon. Show by Aug.

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LFTC sounds pfg

I would guess that's a reg show. But there will be some warm up shows I'm sure.

I forsee Dr. Gay being everything behind the scenes.

Dosent T-Storm already sleep over every time there is a T-storm?

Nice! He's doing it big time!

3-7 weeks actually isn't that bad.

You mean 3 weeks? Jesus what will we do that whole time?

The only thing keeping lftc from becoming epic is ants boozing. But you never know dude. He might need the cash


Good. I don't mind waiting a month or two for a show with some production value and behind the scenes QA put into it.

Ii think he mentioned hitting the podcast circuit, so hopefully some content gets out that way. He could do JRE, Corolla and Jay Mohrs in LA, maybe Maron even.



Good. He has a lot of attention right now, the last thing he wants to do is half-ass something that a lot of people will actually see.

I'm still hoping he comes on in a few days, and fully explains the incident, and talks for a bit. It doesn't have to be a professional show, but he should get the full story out there. You can only communicate so much through twitter.

Do you guys think Danny comes back?

Not really. Danny has talked a little too openly about Ant since their falling out.

No fucking way.

I just found out that danny's reddit name is /u/dugoutdoug and I went through his stuff and realized that it was a stupid question to ask. I may be one of the few but I really liked Danny and I have always liked Sam and even Than back when he was on. I hope the best for those guys.

I've generally liked everyone who's been on the show. I just sort of take everyone at face value and it's enjoyable. I don't have the energy to get really deep into it. It's a radio show.

EDIT: Having read Danny's post history, wow. What a miserable fuck.

I try not to be sucked into thinking I know anything behind the scenes because why would I, I live in Tennessee and am so far away from these guys and so disconnected from them except what I hear on the show and see on twitter. As for Danny he may be one of the luckiest humans on earth being able to lose a sweet gig (at least from an outside point of view) working on a famous radio show, to working at Rockstar, I think being a video game tester. All jobs suck after a while so im sure its not fun and games constantly but It is way better than most jobs. Wish I had connections like that.

In GTAV you can hear Danny's voice in one of the radio promos on one of the stations.

I just heard it the other day for the first time. Thanks for verifying it was him.

I may be one of the few but I really liked Danny

Go back and listen to some of the longer youtube clips with Danny. You'll quickly destroy any nostalgia you might have had. He's absolutely insufferable, and his boy romance with Anthony is even more embarrassing to behold.

Everyone can annoy me from the show ever once in a while, except for sam for some reason, so if he was insufferable at one moment he would say or do something later that made me remember why I liked him but I am just a different type of person I guess.

I think LFTC could be amazeballs if Anthony swings for the fences. I feel like he will. And I'm not too convinced that this isn't some kind of clever ploy by the bbbboys to establish a solid foothold in the podcast world before completely severing ties with SiriusXM.
