Where is the black chick?

1  2014-07-08 by pekingoose

You would think someone would have recognized her by now and dropped her name or sumpthin.


off sucking dick for crack somewhere

Not Vos, the black chick

Club Soda Kenny is turning her into hamburger in a murder dungeon somewhere in Jersey.

She could definitely sell her story

and her fat ass

Might have warrants out on her. Doesn't want to call attention to herself.

She's getting her meat curtains trimmed.

I send my girl to have that done every 6 months or so.

She's fake. The whole thing is a work. Ant wanted to get fired.

I figured she would've at least come forward to enjoy her 15 minutes of semi fame

Not if she's a hooker that assaulted someone and is opposed to being in photographs in the first place. At least she's not being a hypocrite.


She has nothing to do with Ant getting fired, just leave the chick alone.

EDIT: I see downvotes but no counter arguments, just what I expect from o&a fans. Think for yourselves once in a while.

Up vote for your edit

You're right, it's pathetic.