This whole thing with Ant is a farce. (Think about it, it's not a crazy thought)

0  2014-07-08 by MrRickMcDick

Anthony did this, knowing that he would be all over the news, and that the fans would get into an uproar.

This is either a interesting tactic to prove to SiriusXM just how valuable the show is, as many of the fans would be disconnecting from the service. Or a very good publicity stunt, any publicity is good publicity, it doesn't even matter if its about a negative topic like race. More interest in the show, the more people are going to listen.

They're still Shock Jocks, they may try to play it down a bit, opting to be more genuine. But you have to remember they see them selves as characters on the show, they don't just working casually and talk normally into the mic, its all a production.

Alot of people thought the show was dying. Maybe they are thinking of bringing the shocking part of the show back? Yes it will survive being Politically Incorrect, if they are making money for a company, the company will keep it.


Thermite Paint.


But he got fired. So if he was trying to prove to Sirius how valuable the show is, Sirius didnt agree.

I thought of that, but I have a feeling it was a knee jerk reaction.

If Ant can get back into a positive light, with out apologising, I guarantee they would take him back

Yeah but I don't think a billion dollar empire makes a lot of knee-jerk reactions. My feeling is that they wanted to get rid of the boys for a while now, before Sabean even came on board. I think Sabean was told it was his last chance to fix the show, and when he failed, he was fired, and then they had to get rid of Opie and Anthony. So they suddenly became upset at his 'abhorrent' daily race-baiting, and fired him. It was just an excuse not to renew their contracts.

It's an intentional move to get fired, so they can go start a podcast with a "visual element", like they keep whining about.

The show has been dead for awhile. Now it can go be the small audience podcast that it belongs to be.