Look at the bright side of the disbanding of O&A:

108  2014-07-07 by [deleted]

Roland can no longer use O&A as a crutch to eat everything in New York for free.


Can't argue with this one

Hey that's fat shaming

More like fat shamuing. I'll be here all week.

Unlike the show. Amirite?

Aaaaah I'm going to miss stuff like this.

That was actually pretty damn impressive. Just one additional letter brings a whole new world of shame.


Hey that's fat shaming

Otherwise known as truth.

Shhhhh!!!! You'll wake up Gawker.

It's after 5, and I'm drunk & irritated. BRING ON THE FAGGOTS!

After I ejaculate, we'll have a talk.

Is Gawker like the SRS of life?

I'd say Jezebel and XOJane are more like SRS. Gawker is like Circlebroke.

Watch it you'll offend the SRS landwhales.

This would be an ideal week for Fake Roland to book some guests

Carlos Mencia.

Fake Roland should start harassing Sirius on Twitter

the dust is starting to settle and the hate is begining to return..

this is the reddit i remember.

Life gave O&A Lemons... Hopefully Roland gets AIDS or sumtin, I don't know... tsss

No more music breaks. SiriusXM gave them access to a vast catalog of music they could play without a takedown notice. You can't do that on a podcast.

So that's another silver lining.

This is the best thing about it, no doubt in my mind.

Lemons to lemonade sir, I like it!

also no more A list guest interviews!

"A List" is a term to be used loosely with the average OandA guest...

Where's the RoRo gonna drop anchor?

hopefully off the brooklyn bridge

DAMN. That's a good point.

Yes he will. He'l use his connections to get free food so that the company gets a mention on whatever show he goes onto.


Roland will have to blow the baker if he wants any now.

I was thinking, I don't have to deal with the cunts in this sub any more. Jesus some of you are some miserable childish fucks.

Penis juice

Lighten up, Roland.

More like fat shamuing. I'll be here all week.

Hey that's fat shaming

Otherwise known as truth.

Watch it you'll offend the SRS landwhales.

Shhhhh!!!! You'll wake up Gawker.