Seen while browsing the comments of a post about Anthony in /r/entertainment

11  2014-07-07 by Lennobowski


That post is scary accurate. Ever since Obama became president he has progressively gotten worse. We've all heard the eugenics discussion. And the peak was the Trayvon trial. 40 minutes a day just dissecting why the black community are savages and deserve to be shot. Disturbing is putting it lightly.

Anthony has the guts to say what everyone already knows, there are problems in the black community that involve violence and double standards. You pretty much make his point that everyone turns a blind eye to gang or gun related violence when it's black on black, however if a white person is killed it becomes front line news. The left leaning media is to cowardly to ever discuss such topics but what the hell, again you simply make his point.

His problem has always been the OBSESSION with it. And it climaxed when he got into some altercation with one person and started calling them all savages and wanting praise for not shooting her.


Agree with everything up until "Try Jason Ellis". Yuck.

The point of this post was the Jason Ellis comment...oh well

It's okay, we all hate him.

I think I missed something. Why do we hate Jason Ellis? Didn't he used to be on the show all the time?

He trashed O&A.

I wasn't a fan of him back in the day, but he's very hacky.

Agreed with most of it until that Jason Ellis comment

The funny thing is I would be a lot more likely to keep Sirius if Faction played music all day like the music stations are supposed to do. Since it's basically an Ellis channel now that's out.


Jason Ellis? Fucking yuck.

Oh I know, I HATE it when whitey has opinions. Hate it!

It's ok if black media figures speak racially, but no, not whitey. Fuck him