I think this is it, the end of the road. The partnership is over.

16  2014-07-07 by mr__hat

Opies latest tweet, all Ant's tweets and the vast majority of the insider info I've managed to gather points towards the one thing I've feared since this whole thing went down.

I've been going back and forth with this and obviously I don't know...but to me it finally really looks like it's over; The Opie & Anthony Show is over and there are no plans to continue it on any platform at any time.

I'm just sad now. Together, they were the best. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe things will change.


Maybe it's not such a bad thing. O&A will go down in history as one of the best radio shows ever with the highest presence on the internet, and it makes way for people to fill the gap such as podcasters.

Thank god they stayed relatively strong until the end and never had the Howie decline with cat bits, AGT, and tales of the Hampton's elite.

Wait! You mean they aren't the next two judges on American Idol?

Ant hates blues, jazz, rap, hip-hip, r&b, I mean he's not a racist or anything, god forbid, but he probably wouldn't enjoy 'modern' music. There's not a lot of call for Dixie on AGT.

Hmm...what was I thinking...no black singer would ever make it passed the first round of cuts.

I guess they're trying to go about this in a way in which they don't hate each other, or let people know that they don't hate each other.

I had thought they had two more years together left in them, but no more than that. This just hastened that process.

Wow. You just described my first marriage.

Me too. I was deluding myself into thinking a podcast or an LFTC variant was a possibility. Doesn't look like it.

You never know dude. Someone could offer them a lot a money tomorrow. It's not like they still don't do good radio. But if the O/J/S show is doing well and they offer opie the same money and give jim a raise then they'll probably stay. Everyone is going to go where the money is.

See there's the real rub, the show has been shit since Super-Show1.

In the following months we've had caddy stories, tooth aches, and whatever the hell Self-Righteous Jimmy has had to say.

They aren't exactly going out on top here. Hopping from one contract extension isn't going to fix that.

Who is going to offer them that money?

Idk. What if mark Cuban gave them a nightly talk show on axis. Some shit like that. These guys are professional broadcasters with a polished fucking show. That's worth something.

I dont think in the current apology climate that anyone with a PR department - crazy marc cuban or not - is going to invest millions of dollars into getting a new show off the ground. Sirius didn't fire Ant over language, they fired him over PR and stock prices. Nothing will start a big PR disaster for a company than ''Hiring confirmed 100% racist Anthony Cumia who Sirius fired for being literally hitler of racists''

Hello, I am Godwin's law bot!

I'm calculating how long on average it takes for hitler to be mentioned.

Seconds Hours
This post 7801.0 2
Average over 1956 posts 279651 77

Graph of average over time available at www.plot.ly/~floatingghost/0

"godwins_law_bot" Jesus reddit is just the worst. Also Hitler.

I've been saying this for the last 5 days; and I'm just as sad about it as you are.

And I fucking bashed you for it. And I'd probably attack my own post if I was still on the "angry" stage of the Kübler-Ross model.

But you were being kinda cunty.


These are troubled times my friends, emotions will run high.

I too am a negative nancy who feels worried for the future. I can't listen to Ronnie try and get Fez to do anything.

If one of them gets a massive offer they'll call the other one and poof they're back on track.

From who, though? Who else will allow them to be themselves, and for good money, in this day and age, other than SiriusXM?

I'm not sure if the O&A show is finished. I think the show, as we know it, is done on SXM.

But, the boys have come back from far worse. Personally, I think Sex for Sam was way more "offensive" to the public than this new issue. Sure enough, they bounced back- albeit three years later.

The good news is: some semblance of O&A will be around (LFTC, O&A podcast, live shows, etc.) much more quickly than it took for them to return to radio after Sex for Sam.

Everyone thought O&A were done after WNEW. There was zero hope. Here, we have some hope that they'll be back, in some form or another.

This isn't a divorce. The end would be on good terms personally and I'm sure Opie would be a frequent guest on LFTC and Ant on whatever Opie does.

Yeah, I agree. I really doubt this is a divorce. They are more than friends, I think. They are brothers from other mothers. They don't have to hang out off the air, they hang out 20 hours a week on the air.

Exactly. I dont know of a single relationship I have in my life that I would want to spend 20 hours a week sitting at a table talking for 20 years.

Ope's never been to the compound and he's not about to start

Opie visited the compound and went on air for quite a while, dummy. It was awesome, At was like a little kid showing off his toys to his best friend.

When? Recently ? Send link

Find it yourself, I'm busy. It was a couple years ago.

C'mon, help a Google illiterate cunt like me out

They're not friends. norton though...

I have had a feeling for at least the last few months that those two didn't want to continue working together much longer. The spark seemed to be gone. I thought they would make it official at the end of their contract, but this might be the opportunity they needed to go their separate ways without exactly "quitting."


This is the best thing to happen to little jimmy's career.


They're not friends. norton though...

Ope's never been to the compound and he's not about to start

Yeah, I agree. I really doubt this is a divorce. They are more than friends, I think. They are brothers from other mothers. They don't have to hang out off the air, they hang out 20 hours a week on the air.

"godwins_law_bot" Jesus reddit is just the worst. Also Hitler.