Bill Burr is a hypocrite.

0  2014-07-07 by [deleted]

His entire persona/shtick is based on him being an outspoken, no-nonsense straight shooter who is never afraid to tell it like he sees it. One of the hosts of a radio show that he has been on countless times has been fired and he has no comment or opinion on the matter? Whether he supports or condemns Anthony is beside the point. We all know that Bill has an opinion on this issue, but for whatever reason, he is dodging it completely, which contradicts his trademark “no BS, tell it like it is” approach. His mindless sycophants will downvote this into oblivion, but it won't make what I'm saying any less true.


He has a comedic persona on stage that doesn't necessarily hold his personal life hostage. He is all for comedians saying whatever they want on stage. Ant wasnt speaking comedically or in the studio trying to generate a debate or provoke callers. He was angry and probably drunk on twitter at 3am speaking as Anthony "the civilian"; not Anthony "the shock jock." That's where it enters a territory where a guy like Bill Burr is better off not commenting.

You don't like how Bill Burr's handling this? tough shit. get over it.

Maybe he's thinking its none of his business. Or maybe he doesn't give a fuck. Who knows? Either way it's getting a bit irrational now for everyone to keep throwing Burr under the bus for not saying anything.

Why MUST he speak publicly on the matter? They are friends, for all we know they could have been trading texts all weekend.

Because these shitheads feel like they are owed a public show of support on behalf of Ant by Bill. It's getting fucking ridiculous.

Yeah, when I started reading this Burr stuff before I knew what the whole story was, I figured he must've come out against Ant or something, not just been silent. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with not saying anything publicly, and it is completely possible that he is supportive in private, or that he will say something eventually.

You idiots worship OandA, comedians and friends of the show like they are gods and wonder why you are constantly disappointed when they dont act 'god-like'

It's kinda weird how people feel entitled to a "statement" from anyone remotely related to the show. This is what Jimmy talks about all the time, this perverted culture of selfish nosey fucks. I understand the desire to immerse yourself into a story. Online gobbling up any piece of information instantly is addictive. It's when you start placing expectations on other people just for the sake of your entertainment is when it starts to get weird.


I will give Bill a week before I criticize him. It's quite possible he had correspondence with the boys behind the scenes.

Bill is married to a black woman. I don't think you're looking for the right person to defend Anthony for calling a black woman on the street a nigger, even if she hit him.