Friends of The Show

0  2014-07-07 by [deleted]

It's good to see so many friends of the show publicly showing their support, yet meanwhile you have some like Bill Burr who not only won't address it, but have decided to unfollow both Opie & Ant in an effort to distance himself.


What the fuck is the motherfucking hard on about Bill Burr? Jesus Motherfucking Christ already

For the thousandth time: he didn't unfollow Opie and Anthony based off this. He hasn't followed them for months.

Can this be stickied?

No it will just be downvoted by the circlejerkers who are looking for confirmation bias to be pissed off at people they feel wronged by.

Sound familiar?

Jesus, just go find his address and beat his ass or something. If it will make you folks feel better. My God. Everyone has to be alike, think alike, agree with everything. One damn person. This obsession is fucking sick.

It's funny because my big point in this Anthony situation is that everyone is right to their own opinion, right or wrong, and some of the dipshits on this subreddit have no comprehension that their behavior is the same knee jerk douchebaggery that the outrage industry operates under.

PEOPLE WHO ARE MAD AT BILL: YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES. It's not up for debate, it's a fact, and your actions are dumb as fuck. Stop emulating the problem, dummies.

I dunno what people want Bill Burr to do. He isn't in charge of hiring/firing for SiriusXM so there isn't really anything he can do about this. He never agreed with Ant's opinions on race/politics so it isn't surprising that he isn't rushing to defend the guy.

And neither will anyone else if the Borg decide to go after him one day too.

Go after him for what? He doesn't typically sit on twitter talking shit. He also doesn't work for a company that could fire him. He could continue to do stand up and work independently as he does. He's in a different situation.

True. At least he can take comfort in the fact that no one's stand-up bit has ever been taken out of context by a blogger or shitty cellphone video to be used against them on social media. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Saying something during a standup routine for the purpose of being controversial or getting a laugh is a different situation than angrily tweeting from your couch at 3 am. One is a person trying to be entertaining and the other is a person venting emotionally.

Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say that Bill Burr isn't entertaining too.

You don't need to agree with the opinions of a person to not want them fired, let alone a person whose show helped build your audience substantially.

When did he come out and say "I'm glad Ant got fired." Just because he wants to avoid wading out into an issue that can do nothing but bring heat on him professionally and personally (from his wife) doesn't mean he's some turncoat. Also, he brought a lot of listeners to the show. That was a mutually beneficial relationship he had with the show.

Pressuring friends of the show to comment on this situation before we've even heard lasting information on the future, with the punishment being condemnation and hatred from Pests sound a lot like the same fruity outrage that got Ant fired.

Even if he didn't want to comment, to unfollow them on twitter in an effort to distance yourself is spineless. I'm not outraged, just disappointed.

I distinctly remember discussions about a lot of these guys not following each other on Twitter from years ago.

Fair enough, my mistake, I'll delete the post.

Careful, people on here get really upset when you talk ill of Bill Burr.

Exactly why we should talk ill about Joe DeRosa

I'm not talking ill of him, he can do what he wants and I'll still think he's one of the funniest people alive and listen to MMPC, I just think it's unfortunate that he's choosing to refuse to support a program that has supported him for years.

Has anyone listened to his podcast that just came out today?

Perhaps he mentions it in there.

Just listened to the podcast. No mentions at all. Did he eve follow O&A in the first place? I can see not mentioning it, especially since Ant deleted his tweets, but if he unfollowed them, that is fucked up.

Exactly why we should talk ill about Joe DeRosa

I'm not talking ill of him, he can do what he wants and I'll still think he's one of the funniest people alive and listen to MMPC, I just think it's unfortunate that he's choosing to refuse to support a program that has supported him for years.

Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say that Bill Burr isn't entertaining too.