Well fuck it, It was fun.

0  2014-07-07 by [deleted]

Just checked this sub now, and holy fuck this is embarrassing.

We actually kind of had a little flow going online as people were taking notice of the #StandWithAnt hashtag, then 4 or 5 fucking tools showed up to this "protest", if it can even be referred to as that, and now my faith in this entire thing just crawled under the metaphorical porch to die a cringey fucking death. I remember someone said on one of the protest threads, that if you went to the protest then you could end up on r/cringe. It seemed like a joke then, it's probably a painful reality now. If this doesn't end up on the front page of r/cringe this week I will be really surprised.

It seems it's time to move on to Live At The Compound, and forget about all this shit, Ant already has it seems according to other threads. I would just like to say thanks to those who turned up at the protest, for embarrassing anyone who was even remotely involved with this entire thing. You cringe inducing tools.


Yeah, anyone that thought a protest for this whole thing would be a good idea should be shot. Pretty much anyone with half a brain knew that no one would show up. Nothing makes your cause look more pathetic than only having the support 5 fat guys and a retard. It's as if these people forgot just how much the show shit on Occupy Wall Street.


5 fat guys and a retard

And a 60 year old virgin. Don't forget Patti.

One of my most downvoted comments of all time was me saying "yuck" to the original protest thread, where the OP was advocating everyone show up with stupid signs with show-memes on them. Pretty much everyone who identified how fucking cringy it would be was downvoted to oblivion.

It's the same old story. Certain fans have always wanted to ingratiate themselves with the talent, and hold that above everything else.

If any of these self-centered dummies chromosome counts were off they'd be doing exactly what Bobo does.

A racist making hateful, racial remarks on twitter doesn't exactly bring out reliable supporters to his defense when he's fired.