Looks like the protest is (very) slowly picking up steam

10  2014-07-07 by EVILTHE_TURTLE


What I wouldn't give to hear Jim mock Sam's denim shirts and his hipster shoes just one more time.


Bobo using thundersticks: http://telly.com/1MPDQMX

I fucking hate Telly.

experiencing Bobo IRL is worth it alone. I would try and egg him on to lighting something on fire though

This is a notest.


Sam looks like he wants to kill himself.

Fans Unite @OandAProtest ยท 27m

Protest is officially over. If I heard Bobo for one more second I was gonna kill myself.

amateurtest tssss

You're not wrong Chip!

What part of this indicates the picking up of steam?

this is fucking priceless. Sweet turnout

Didn't this same exact thing happen with the Stern rally?