How much of your enjoyment of the show was political?

0  2014-07-07 by powers55

Just wondering based on the attack every "liberal" comedian who hasn't yet commented on the situation. Seems like these reactions are all political based.

I've listened since 2002 and considered it a comedy show.
Never once took any political discussion to heart, and while I disagree with much of Ant's politics was thoroughly entertained by hearing his rants.

Are most of the newer fans to the show just people who wanted to hear politics with curses? Does that explain the O/J hate?


I hardly agree with Ant politically an only sometimes were his rants entertaining to me. Rarely would he give them a chance to be heard. He would become Bill O'reilly where if he's yelling louder, he's right. Very quickly he'd get dismissive of any point the other person would have.

It got old quick. Then Trayvon happened. That whole thing put me off from wanting to hear anything about black people or guns forever.

There definitely was no political "discussions", that is why rant is the only word to describe it. I too would be put off when it was everyday. Just seems like the backlash at anyone has included "liberal" which usually only comes from politically obsessed people.

None at all.

I took my enjoyment in the same way that I occasionally flip on Fox News. I personally don't want everyone to have the same opinion as me. In fact I like hearing someone who has the exact opposite political opinion as me if for nothing more than getting all riled up.

To me there is enjoyment in the anger. Anyone who gets offended by the political musings of a high school dropout radio show host needs to re-consider their anger.

It would take days to explain all the reasons for the Opie hate. It's not to do with his lack of political talk though.

i enjoyed his political and racist rants

The only time the political stuff was good was when Anthony was debating a guest that had a different view point.

The only thing that worries me about LFTC is it's gonna end up being him screaming to himself about whatever's going on. I would probably stop watching if it became a daily thing.

Zero. I loved the show despite the hosts' ignorance of political issues.

Judging by this subreddit the last few days, too many people seem to have loved nothing else about it.

That is what I have noticed as well, just seems strange to me, never thought of it in that way at all.

I'm with you - started in the beginning of 2002, and couldn't care less about the politics stuff (I skipped over the majority of it).

There's been threads here before about "What got you into the show?" or "What's your favorite part of the show?" The political stuff almost never gets mentioned by anyone.

What sucks most in this situation is that an ancillary part of the show that had almost nothing to do with why it was so great ultimately caused all this nonsense.

Totally agree what made the show great was the comedy the great lines etc, not so much the one-sided rants. I just get the vibe, here and on twitter, that many of the newer fans just wanted right wing politics with curses.

I'm pretty right-wing but I didn't listen to the show for their political discussions (or rants in Anthony's case), however, I still often enjoyed it but some of it got annoying pretty quick (ie. Trayvon).


and this

And when Patrice was in. That's about it.

Just about none.

Most of my enjoyment WAS when Louis CK was on because I've been following his genius stuff since he worked for Conan long ago. Him being on O and A got me into them though and into a ton of comedians I never would have been into before like Norton, Dipaolo, etc. Been a tryhard listener since then because I've always hated how boring and predictable Stern is, and wanted to shoot myself every time Louis went on there. Says "Hey robin" 500 times a minute. I saw these things and when O and A pointed them out the first time it made me think, holy shti these guys have balls and are observant.

I first heard about them during Zimmerman. The political "rants" were the most enjoyable for me.

I first started listening because of the Imus scandal, so I guess that was somewhat political. But it wasn't the best part of the show, just some good filler conversation.

I still can't believe I sat through those damn interviews with George Zimmermans brother.

I was listening less and less because of it. I was down to cherry picking the youtube videos.

Very little. I disagree with Ant and Jimmy on most of their political positions, however the show was still entertaining enough to put up with the ranting (for the most part.)

I took my enjoyment in the same way that I occasionally flip on Fox News. I personally don't want everyone to have the same opinion as me. In fact I like hearing someone who has the exact opposite political opinion as me if for nothing more than getting all riled up.

To me there is enjoyment in the anger. Anyone who gets offended by the political musings of a high school dropout radio show host needs to re-consider their anger.