Well, so much for that protest

60  2014-07-07 by [deleted]


i'm sorry but that fucking made me laugh! 4 people with signs yelling

I guess those are the four people in the world that believe Anthony Cumia would do the same for them.

And one of those people is Bobo.

Well, I guess all of those people are Bobo in a way.

People on the scene need to get as much info from Sam and them as they can.

God damn it, Sam. Stop breaking character!

this is getting out of hand

Looks like they got a signed 'LIMITED EDITION' poster from the unmasked. That's better than a kick in the bollocks.

The protest should have been promoted on StormFront and /r/whiterights

Don't forget /r/greatapes!

This oughta shake SiriusXM to their core!

This just in...anthony re-hired with a 400% raise

The pests have done it again! This is their greatest victory since the time they got Howard's show cancelled! When 2-6 overweight retards with signs get together there is no limit to what can be accomplished!

They should "jocktober" the building with tubgirl, goatse and shittin' dick nipples posters just like they did their FB page!

this is the sort of shit the boys would have goofed on for hours!



Hey look, there might have only been four people there, but they weigh as much as nine or ten people, easy. That must mean something.

Let's not talk numbers, let's talk mass.

tssssssss tssss mass what is this a church or s-sumthin

LOL honestly who dint see this coming? People have to realize that the target audience for the show isint 18-30 anymore.

That audience has grown up and they have jobs now mannnnn

Just puppets to the corporations maaahn.

Yeah and ive listened at work everyday for the last 10 years and the boys have matured along with me.


New sidebar pic nomination please.

that looks like fox news where the hawk smashed his face not sirius. he set it up and i think is on the wrong side of the street

The guy in the LFTC Swastika shirt will be very helpful in convincing people that Ant and the fans aren't racist.

haha they look exactly like O&A listeners.

Filmed like a proper O&A fan. Turn your fucking phone!!!

Why the fuck would anyone wear a shirt with Ant's nerfed swastika LFTC logo to this protest? WHY?

Look at those man tits and tell me he gives a fuck

The protest is really picking up now http://telly.com/1MPDQMX

Funniest thing BoBo has ever done.

This gave enough laughs for an entire show.

tell em to spread out


who could ever have seen that one coming

Also, from the pics it looks like Buh Buh Ray Dudley showed up too.

Do you really not know it's bubba

Dude, I'm going back like 15 years here.

Sams a good lad

It's not like the free fm days when you could gather a couple thousand fans together in the city and protest. Now days with siriusxm radio there fan base is all over the world and it's much harder to get anything going like a mass protest.


Nobody wants to go defend a self-avowed racist. Especially if the media is going to show up and run a report on you and your racist defending buddies.

The lead guy isn't getting there till about 8:30.

I'm going to walk over there and see what's the haps.

It's safe to say that this protest was... steeped in folly.


I'm now convinced... this whole firing thing was a setup by the staff to get Bobo to say gay things.

Someone please ask him what kind of dog he has and what it's name is.

It's not like it was going to achieve anything anyway, why the fuck would anyone turn up?

seriously. this is all for the best. Get them off structured radio and behind the might of podcasts.

I see this as a good thing.

This is better than the show!


This is going great

So there are four people there, and one of them wears a shirt with an emblem that looks like swastika. These guys really know how to make an impression.

Well isnt this great

How is it possible that Bobo is the least awkward person there?

maybe we can spin this.

could this still qualify as a silent protest?


I don't even see 4 people. I must be at the wrong spot.

how is it a fail?


Are you serious? It'd be better if the entire idea was just thrown out.

Oh no... I work in the city but I couldn't bear to see a four person protest.

Just go by and take a picture and Tweet it please

I'll see if I can get there before work.

hahaha, knew it.

Its probably Bobo and Doug from queens with his goons.

They should go interrupt the FoxNews live shots if Fox tries broadcasting outside!


hahahah oh noooo


The rally broke up just before the big stars were arriving.

There's a third of a dozen of us. A third of a dozen!!

Yeah, now SiriusXM has no choice but to bring Anthony back


Not really a protest. More of a smattering of support.


Yeah because protests are lame and no one ever cares.

Slacktivism at it's finest... Or maybe everyone had to work on a Monday after a long holiday weekend.

I want to setup another protest to protest this mornings protest

It's about the same amount of people that would show up to see Howard for an AGT taping or Letterman appearance these days.

Compilation video of the protest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG5untIinmQ

It got taken down already by Sirius. Here's the mirror.


Who's that idiot with the swastika LFTC shirt? Since he had gotten word of the protest, he might be lurking here or on twitter.

I wish people would have just baby birded in front of the building. People present are fat slobs enough to try something like that and leave a nice big mess.

I just came from down there. I had to leave for work It was me and 4 guys. I see on Twitter that Bobo showed up right after I left.

Hoping it builds up during the day.

I mean, let's be honest. I'm a real person with a real job and bills. I don't need to be on 6th avenue, and potentially the news, with a tag-line beneath my name saying "Supports Known Racist Anthony Cumia."

The news isn't going to say "Supports Free Speech Activist that said horrible shit about 5-10 specific people after being assaulted."

An (I assume, or at least largely) unknown fan can't just decree a protest, choose arbitrarily its time and place, then summon folks to come and expect a high turnout. He should have first proposed the sole notion of a protest, done his best to have it gain steam, then get as many influential people in the community to sign on (webmasters of fan-sites, members of the O&A staff, recurring characters & callers on the show, other people with some forms of authority & gravitas - e.g. cops, lawyers, fellow known broadcasters wanting to support free speech - etc. - even perhaps the ACLU, the Guardian Angels, local politicians opposed to de Blasism, and so on) after which a date, time, and place best suiting most of the parties ready to participate should have been chosen; and only then should the event have been notified to the public at large, and not just as little comments here and there, but through a well thought out advertising campaign with cool graphs and slogans, flyers. Then once the even occurred, there ought to have been public speeches, recorded and then put on Youtube and elsewhere. At least as much of all that as possible. Not some half-assed invite to a handful of people to attend some barely prepared and poorly executed rendez-vous on a street-corner. No offence, but jeez.


No worry. It's only addressed to whomever would in fact be inclined to.


TL:DR yeah he organized a small get together of basement dwellers.

Especially on a Monday morning, after the 4th, where most people have no choice but to go to work.

Half the staff at work took the day off here as well.

TL:DR of your dissertation?

OnA fans in hiding behind a keyboard shocker

It's almost as if all their fans aren't in new york and jobless.


YOU SHOULD OF DONE IT, I can already imagine your face when you finally arrive.