Pests need to attack The Young Turks

22  2014-07-07 by bdizzle45


They are just expressing their opinion. They speculated too much and jumped to way too many conclusions for their opinion to be worth anything, but they have a right to express it.

Stop sending mobs after people. It's hypocritical. Debate them with you want, but I doubt they even read their comments. They've been attacked for years. It only made them stronger.

The only thing that annoyed me were the assumptions. Cenk made it sound like Ant was a closet racist and this twitter tirade exposed his true feelings. He's a well known racist and has been for a long time. And then of course there was the typical liberal angle of saying they need to call out people like him because he has listeners who eat up everything he says and agree with his ideology. Ant gets into debates all the time with Opie, Jimmy, other guests and listeners about his "ideology." I think they were completely misinformed about O&A and their audience and spouted off the same rehearsed lines they use for any typical conservative talk show host.

sad that even fans think truth = racism. Ant was 100% correct everything that bitch did, about the issues in black society and so on, it's just the fact. Gun violence, crimes, look at our prisons and its population split by race... they are facts. How it came to be or how to fix it is up for discussion, but facts are facts for right now.



The young Turks are progressive ya liberal

They are cunt badgers. Send in the hounds to bait them out of their hides.

I thumbed down their video. You happy?



It's not that they gave their opinion, it's how they gave their opinion...very douchey.


What's that?

you must be new to that shit, that's what they always do.



As your elder (31) I must say that your ideas do not reflect those of a 30 year old. You're acting more like a 29 year old...even a 28 year old some might say.


they are irrelevant, I wouldn't waste my time.

'Pests' ended years ago with No Filter Paul's nonsense

Bring up the Armanian genocide.

I thought for a second he was going to.

More like the young jerks, am I right.

in before thebudgetgamer is fired.

I like the title: O&A-HOLE ....they decided not to go for the Opie & Dopey or Dopie & Agony like in the past. A nice, refreshing change...

I'd like to attack her with my peckah tss tss

FYI: When ant uses the words "savage" and "animal," they are thinly veiled comments about the race of the people he's talking about. It's not about "the behavior," and he's admitted as much on twitter when questioned as to why he barely ever uses those words to describe white people. If you think otherwise, you're either dumb, or lying.

It's kind of like the people who always make a point of saying Barack Hussein Obama. "What? It's his middle name...I don't mean anything by it!"

Now that I've gotten that out of my system...they did jump to a few dumb conclusions, I think mainly because they don't listen to the show. I'm not quite onboard with the creepshots angle, and I think he most likely got hit.

I'll say it again though: Why hasn't the guy with 20 cameras, tons of free time, and an axe to grind posted a picture of his black eye?

People like you are the reason we don't have the show anymore. You're a grovelling, guilty pussy.

Black people aren't grateful for your allegiance and will never return the favor.

Guilt has nothing to do with it. My family came here from Scotland 50 years ago, so I feel no responsibility for anything. I knew it's the easy go-to response to call people "guilty" whenever you don't have an argument...but it doesn't apply.

I just recognize that the bad examples of any race don't define all of them. That, and I don't need "well, at least I'm white" to make myself feel better than the people you blame your shortcomings on.

Also, I talked about Anthony, language, and the obvious things he admits to. Where was the groveling and white guilt in that? I don't think he should have been fired...I'd much rather argue with him about these things on Twitter. I also listen to the show religiously, so I'm obviously not an easily offended pc douchebag.

Reddit is not your personal army.

NO, can you fucking people see how hypocritical it looks to attack people for saying something we don't like when thats exactly whats being done to anthony, Fuck sake you're amature

Cenk Uygur is a knee jerking race baiting dick, i have no respect for any of his views on race relations, his other stuff is hit and miss.

Why are these pakis calling O&A fans racist?

The young turks didn't get anyone fired, the tweets went viral way before that


i never heard of them before this -- sound like low rent MSNBC wannabes to me

That Cenk faggot had a MSNBC gig, and couldn't even make it there.

bdizzle, do you play online games, like counter-strike? I know someone personally named bdizzle.


Theyre warranted an opinion but their attitude toward it was unnecessary, fuck em they deserve a hit from the pests

As much as I hate the young turds they can easily defend themselves against cunts like us.

If you get reply they will smash you. They are not weaklings like the Todd show they believe their stupid thoughts and have integrity. You can debate them but you will lose if you attack.

Young turds....i get it. word play yuma. Fawkin killin'em


So, how did it work out today?

ya they got a thick skin and can handle us




you must be new to that shit, that's what they always do.

People like you are the reason we don't have the show anymore. You're a grovelling, guilty pussy.

Black people aren't grateful for your allegiance and will never return the favor.