What I've noticed in all these "(Insert name here) shows support for Anthony" posts is...

0  2014-07-07 by ryanasimov

...none of them actually show support. They all say some version of "I wish this didn't happen", which is ambiguously designed so that it can be read as either "I wish Anthony wasn't fired for expressing his thoughts" or "I wish Anthony hadn't made the comments he made."

All these public comments that celebrities or friends of the show are tweeting seem to be written so they can say they weren't silent during this controversy, but won't damage their career.


No shit, people aren't gonna agree with his opinion because it's racist.

Well to be honest, you can't really defend the things he said and implied.

Even Jimmy didn't do it. This is the best you can expect.

When the headlines are "Racist Brutally Beats Woman's Fist With His Face, Calls Her Ten Children Niglet Puppies Sucking Government Teat" you have to tread lightly.

Ralphie May was pretty direct and he is getting destroyed on twitter right now for it.

I actually feel a bit bad for Ralphie. He stuck up for someone who he clearly had no need to considering the way Ant hammered him on air. And then he copped shit for it. Poor little feller.

they have careers they care about, we know it's them showing support. they have to be vague about it.

he's definitely finding out who his friends aren't.

This is the same mentality that got the Virus tour derailed. Leave these fucking people alone. No one on this thing knows what is going on personally between anyone. It's like everyone wants to get pitchforks and go after Bill Burr. Like they have to go on Twitter and have you verify their standing with their personal friends. It's damned ponderous at this point. You, me, most everyone here are listeners. Stay in a fan and a listener's place.

I don't support a word Ant said in his rant, I support his right to say it.

Still better then remaining silent like Bill Burr and Joe DeRosa

Maybe they called him? this topic is just like someone complaining that an apology wasnt good enough.

I get Burr but DeRosa hasn't said anything? The show did a lot for him

burr is a lib faggot but derosa didnt say anything? what a piece of shit fuckface

are you this angry with dipaolo too?

dissapointed, yes. i feel that oanda has helped derosa alot despite him not being funny. i dont think he would be where he is if it wasnt for the bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbboys

Bill Burr can still address it in his MMP.

I'm really curious why it's so important to people that Burr talks about this at all. He was a regular guest on the show sure...but does it really matter if he speaks on it? I'm genuinely asking the question not trying to be a dick or anything.

They gave him good exposure in 2005 and beyond.

Totally. They've been very good to Bill Burr and vice versa...I just still don't really get why it's so crucial. Say he says something like "Sucks that Anthony got fired I've had great times on the show" does that make much difference really? Maybe he just doesn't have an opinion on this particular occasion. I dunno...seems odd to me that's all.

Yeah, I don't really see why he's getting shit for not saying something on Twitter. It's pretty obvious he supports the show, and in the past he's been openly against Anthony's statements. It's not as if Sirius is going to change their decision based on Bill Burr or Joe DeRosa's tweets.

The share at least a portion of their audiences.

I don't expect any celebrity to commit career suicide and staunchly defend Anthony in what is seen by the uninformed masses as a reckless, unprovoked racist tirade.

The reason I made the post is to call out the people submitting the tweets to this sub as "(Person) shows support for Anthony" when in fact it's just a vague comment.

So what

So someone has to agree with 100% of what you say or they're dead to you?

Wonderful; fantastic reading comprehension. I was writing about the posts that tout "support", when in fact they weren't really support. It seems that people are in a rush to muster up a list of people who publicly support Anthony, but the copy-and-paste tweets only express sadness, not support.

That's all. I made no pronouncement about whether or not Anthony needed anyone's support or if I thought a friend of the show was right or wrong for tweeting.