Joe Derosa the big fat cunt

0  2014-07-07 by LouisCGhey

I just realized why I dislike Derosa as of right now more than Bill Burr:

Joe made a big speech on the Patrice Oneal death show, about how he was trying to be edgy and thought provoking on stage, yet the audiences hated him, and Patrice told him "if you want to be righteous, you gotta take your lumps", and how his favorite comedians are George Carlin and Bill Hicks, yet where are his tweets defending Anthony? What a phoney douche.

This faggot is trying to distance himself so much, that he's tweeting about Primus.


Why are you fucking with the mans livelihood?

Because he wears old man shoes.

Rock 'em bro

Yeah, let's shit on all the show's friends because they're smarter than our fucking idiot.

Come on, you whiny fucking babies. Anthony was a fucking moron and should have known better. Anyone with any sense isn't going to say shit to support him.

You know who else people like you thought was also a moron? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, THAT'S WHO!!!

Wait, Chipper_Chip is Jewish?

It's 1970. A club owner refuses to have George Carlin in his comedy club because of the 7 Dirty Words skit. Should "Carlin have known better"?

Or, better yet.

It's 2014. A club owner refuses to have Paul Mooney on because what he's said about white people before. Should Mooney "have known better"?

Ew stfu. This is totally different. Just like the fans aren't owed a "twitter apology" noones owed a "twitter defense" either. Ant shouldn't have been fired but he's still a fucking idiot

How is it totally different? A guy says something unpopular and is denied work. Isn't that exactly the "free market reaction" all you types have been touting on the sub all weekend?

Huh? I just said Anthony shouldn't of been fired. But every person who's ever been on the show doesn't need to put their neck and livelihood on the line either. Leave them alone

Fair enough, but DeRosa isn't a big enough star for anybody to give shits about. If Kevin Pollak and Colin Quinn can issue tacit statements of support for Anthony, so can DeRosa. CQ's statement was beautifully put and wouldn't get him in trouble if it ever showed up on "racist comedians take to Twitter to support racist radio host" blog post, which is what DeRosa is really afraid of.

CQ and Pollak are established and respected actors/comedians. Joe DeRosa's career has been dying on the vine since forever. He can't afford a misstep on Twitter, like hitching his wagon onto the Anthony Cumia debacle. His livelihood is at stake.

Anthony should, no- DID, know that going off like that would get him in trouble. Jesus, they've been running the apology bit into the ground right around this type of nonsense.

I don't agree with it, but I do think that he should've known his would happen.

As far as the other comedians, those guys live gig to gig and don't make nearly what Opie and Anthony make. Doesn't matter how much they are making, they don't make enough to warrant them sticking up for a stupid twitter fiasco that killed a show. Friends of the show don't have to go to twitter or hashtag some stupid save Anthony bullshit. They probably have all called him and talked to him.

Ant has already most likely fucked up the lives of at least 10 other people, I would hope his sober self would realize he better not shit on the other "friends" that he has.

I don't fundamentally disagree with you. And I think Ant has been trying to push the envelope for some time.

I'll circle back around to what CQ said. He didn't condone what Anthony said, he just said that everybody in the comedy business has said something racist (paraphrasing). It's a simple statement that nobody can disagree with that won't get anybody in trouble if it was quoted on some article about "people who support Anthony Cumia."

Ill circle back around to Joe not being popular enough for anyone to care what he thinks, haha.

Yes, Carlin should have (and did) know that he'd no longer be welcome at certain clubs. That's exactly why he did the bit!. To break out of his family-friendly hippy dippy weatherman persona and become a more controversial, social comic with adult material. An absolutely horrible example. And Mooney knows he's not for everyone, and that the controversial things he says have hurt his career more than they've helped it. He tries to be provacative enough that more clubs won't have him

Derosa can't bear any weight with shoulders like that.

I'm hoping tomorrow bill burr addresses it on his podcast. 140 characters on twitter can make or break you, obviously. So we'll see. I know bill has been bothered by ants racism for awhile but I believe he will stick up for him. As far as derosa goes, he has a lot more to lose if people deem him a racist for associating himself with anthony. He is trying to establish himself in the LA scene and that's the last thing he needs. I'd like to think he's talked to ant as they seem to be friends outside of the show.

hanging out for that one.

and don't forget to wait for DiPaulo's as well.

I guess you could say...his name is mud.


DeRosa has a podcast perhaps he's waiting to use that platform before saying anything. Twitter is to short to say anything substantial. Plus it's the holiday weekend and DeRosa owes Anthony nothing. Shut up already.



He's an intellectual coward. There's no other way to put it.

he was never funny enough on O&A, compared to the many comic geniuses they had on regularly

Who gives a shit about Joe Derosa? If he wasn't a comedian he'd be a postman, he stinks.