What did this accomplish?

57  2014-07-07 by Its_Just_a_Ridee

All it did was take away a show from people who enjoy listening to it everyday. I know it made half my workday way more enjoyable. It has a community of fans who talk to each other, usually ridiculing each other, but still. It took guys like travis and erock who im sure love coming to work everyday and have way more than just a work bond with the show. They need to find new work now, so they basically just took jobs away from decent people. Ant will be fine in the end, so they didnt hurt him really. They did destroy a 20 year working relationship with opie. It didnt stop racism. It didnt solve anything. They just took something enjoyable away from normal people.

I guess these assholes wont know how it feels unless Lena Dunham gets fired from girls or something.


The thing that upsets me the most is that he was doing this on twitter. He has 160K fans that follow him on twitter. They're the only ones that see what he wrote because they chose to follow him. He's not releasing some statement for the entire world to get a glimpse of, he was saying on his personal twitter to his followers. He wasn't targeting anybody by @mentioning them. He was just venting after the attack. If he was in front of his microphone the day after this happened a hell of a lot more people would've heard about it, much like they heard his previous statements. He was venting and the only people that were listening were the people that chose to listen.

Then Aleks Chan comes along and has to make a crusade about it. Like OP said, what did this solve? He gets a pat on the back from his editor but he's probably gotten a pure stream of hate for the last 3 days. Anthony is out of a job and the show is going to be fractured with all the staff going to different programs if they hopefully aren't fired. Opie loses a 20 year brand that he spent almost half his life building. Jimmy has a few irons in the fire but the show was by far his biggest platform. An internet tv show and doing stand up is all he has now. This is also bad for new comedy. The show pretty much introduced me to every comic that I love and I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to try and discover some new ones. I love stand up just fine but there really was something special about listening to funny people just talk with each other. It's what made the show different.

All of this was lost for absolutely nothing. Most of the internet has already forgotten about it except for the fans. If Sirius issued a statement saying that they were going to look into this and have a meeting with Anthony then it would shut them up since the news cycle will have moved on by tomorrow. They could suspend him for a few weeks and by the time he got back on the air most would've forgotten he even exists. Sirius handled this in the most bullshit knee-jerk way and that's who I'm more upset at than anything. The paid-outrage bloggers are just doing their thing (shitty as it may be) but SiriusXM were the ones that hired Opie & Anthony because of their controversial past. They were the ones that paid them millions of dollars to be controversial. Now they're the ones that are firing them for being controversial.

I know that SiriusXM is probably citing a morality clause for their reasoning but that isn't going to hold any water in court. With a morality clause you have to set precedence. The fact that Ant has gone on a million racial tirades on the air and on his twitter in the past, without repercussions gives him a good case. If the morality clause was as strict as they'll likely cite, then they should've fired him after his "Obama President NAWWWWW" rant back in 2009. Instead he said racial things and they reinstated his contract 3 more times since then. They're fucking hypocrites that lost their cool thinking that there was going to be a shitstorm of bad PR by keeping him. They were extremely wrong.

This accomplished nothing. All it did was take away something that a lot of people enjoyed and gave a handful of bloggers a smug sense of satisfaction. I hope they're proud of themselves (and I know that they are) because the consequences of Anthony getting fired affect a whole lot more people than they probably realize. I know I've ranted here but it's really sinking in that it's over and I'm sad. Even a podcast with all the same players just won't be the same. 20 years was a great run and I'm going to miss it.

Your mom's box.

That's what really bothers me about this. I've seen people who've never listened to the show in their life engaging in passionate debate about what an asshole Cumia "seems like" and sticking up for Sirius's right to fire Cumia, etc. You have to wonder...why do these people feel compelled to care about what happens to a guy they never heard about five minutes before they opened up their Twitter feed? Because this entire show of "outrage" is completely ideological, a manifestation of a larger psychological defense.

Is Anthony a racist? I'd say yes. But what do these people think is the net effect of firing a racist? The racism goes away? It declines .05%?People have been arguing that Sirius is only acting out of its business interests, but why are we acting like that's a legitimate response, other than the fact that it's been the way things work for a long time? Why are people so willing to defend the frantic and irrational association fallacy that merely having a racist on your payroll means you shouldn't buy their products? "Because that's how the market works!" That doesn't answer the question...does racism go away when you stop paying it?

If racism is really the problem we're trying to address, shouldn't we take a step back and analyze whether or not this strategy is actually diminishing racism? And considering the fact that we aren't stepping back and doing that, then what is this commotion really about?

Twitter/Gawker will move on in a day or two and leave an entire show dismantled in its wake because they didn't care enough to realize Sirius had been funding Cumia's racism for years and we're all supposed to act like something progressive happened. But Anthony is still a racist, a few innocent bystanders have lost their job, a few comedians have lost their venue for promoting gigs, and thousands of years-long loyal listeners suddenly don't have a show to make their morning a little easier anymore. "Boo hoo, poor them! That's what they get for supporting a racist!" Okay, but the racism is still there. What's going on here is that, like with Donald Sterling, people are given a public figure to point at and define themselves against. "See? I'm not racist, that's racist." As long as there is something public and disavowed to point to, self-analysis can remain off the table and people can continue to accept these bullshit substance-less symbols of progress (= fining a billionaire a couple million dollars and pretending to take his team away) instead of the actual progress they're pretending to fight for.

The thing that scares me the most is that all the accusations of racism are implied. They interpreted it to be racist when it wasn't explicitly racist. When other people start deciding context for your words and spinning them to fit their narrative, then anything can happen. This firing is a really scary precedent to be setting. As O&A have said a million times, it's only a matter of time before it happens to you.

The cause du jour is usually a projection of the seat of guilt in a simple, but overeducated mind. They're overreacting to their own personal history and nascent anger toward their parents.

My hypothesis:

Anthony is Aleks racist Asian dad, but he can't crush his own father in reality because he's a man-child and can't accept his father for the flawed human he is/disassociate himself if his father makes him that unhappy. He must keep up appearances. In turn, he'll run someone else out of town to both make himself feel like he's making an impact on history, and lash out at his dad through an imagined, well-organized monolith known as "racist people". It's like punching the person next to you, in the hopes that you feel it.

It's all awesome until you find yourself on the wrong side of an issue, and then you immediately feel the weight of the necessity for open discourse—no matter how coarse. The strangest day ever is when you find your professional life is Animal Farm, and the hive has smelled dissent.

Was this just too long for you all to take?

Wouldn't be the first time it happened…

Internet SJW's are always out for blood. The target doesn't matter to them, as long as they ruin the life of someone with "privilege."

Internet SJWs aren't the problem. It is the professional ones that get people fired.

No, they ARE the problem. They feed the Professional Outrage brigade the tips and leads that they need.

Well said, I think this just proves that all of Opie's bitching was justified. They were looking for any reason to get them out of there. I'm not even sure if they were even really all that mortified by Ant's tweets, for all any of us know they probably used the whole PC thing as leverage. All I know is that it sucks and this is not how any of us wanted to see the show end like this. Still we really won't know much of anything, until they all start talking again.. soon we will have answers.

Man that really makes much more sense. I know they might pump it up a little, but Sirius has always treated them like shit, so it's almost been a standoff of who will give in first. If they really wanted to ditch the show, this would be a perfect way to take one leg of the show out, and then the other two will topple pretty easily when Opie and Jim are there alone.

When you think about it, what kind of backwards ass logic is it to pay these guys that kind of money and then just let them sit there with a ten year old board that constantly malfunctions?

Who fucking knows? I just watched another video from the other studio at XM, and that room was AWESOME, and having the live audience in and all that really made the show. At Sirus, they are in one of the smallest studios, with old equipment - and having world famous celebrities cram in there with them. It's embarrassing for everyone involved on a resources level.

All it did was take away something that a lot of people enjoyed and gave a handful of bloggers a smug sense of satisfaction.

Great fucking post. I especially like this sentence, because you hit it on the money. This is the dirty little secret of SJW moral crusades: it's not about cleaning up or policing the world, it's strictly about personal gratification. It's one big, cheap, voyeuristic endorphin rush disguised as valiant do-goodery, and it's fucking revolting in both its shamelessness and effectiveness.


The worst part was that it was a HOLIDAY WEEKEND. They talk about this all the time. Had SXM just sat down and waited it would have blown over very quickly.

Fucked up world we live in where you can't say mean things about a person that punches you in the face.

It made some smug dooshbag feel good about himself while other smug dooshbags gave him atta'boys.

I'm pretty sure I will continue to fuck with that AleX Chan guy for the next decade because of his stupid douchebag comment of "I invited Sirus to the tweets" Uggh!

Seriously, he did nothing but to make himself look like some racial crusader. I mean i know we make fun of the truck drivers, but im sure listening to O and A helped them out when driving 12 hours a day stuck in a truck. It just sucks.

he is a racial crusader, what he put on twitter was less incendiary than what comprised 40% of the show for the last 2 years

anthony is a super talented guy who turned into a complete dipshit and his mania continues to grow daily

hopefully this will be a wake up call and he'll get his shit together and go back to being semi-normal but we all doubt it

I wonder if it was the emails from Aleks Chan that put it over the top. Basically Sirius is a big company, and I doubt that management has any idea what's on the O&A show. All it takes is a handful of well-placed emails to get the attention of the right people.

Basically it's possible that Chan's emails were more damning than the article; five minutes of attention from the right executives does more damage than a Gawker piece.

Sirius fired him, not Aleks. Aleks does what all other Gawker 'journalists' do: write a cheap celebrity rag. Aleks and Anthony do the same thing: say things to get attention. They're both good at it.

My issue isn't that Aleks wrote the story about Ant's racist rants. I'm a fairly progressive liberal guy, and I often times cringe at the shit Ant says. What bothers me about Aleks is his intent when he wrote the story. His intent was to silence Ant and to get him kicked off the air.

He could have written the story detailing how and why Ant is a horrible evil person without the end goal being to get him thrown off the air. That was his only purpose for writing the article. These people with a desire to silence opinions they don't like need to be dealt with just as harshly as they deal their targets. They say actions/words have consequences, well so should theirs. I'm sure most fans of the show have somewhat similar feelings about this. We all know the guys on the show stated similar sentiments.

Amen brothamaaaaan

Tumblr/Twitter/Internet Social Justice Warriors are sad, lonely, self-hating people who are angry at the world/The MAAAN. They get their rocks off making life miserable for other other people, from the comfort of their parents' basements, which usually just happen to be located in lily-white, upper middle class suburbs. Actual poor, underprivileged people don't have time/give a shit about building an internet outrage lynch mob to ruin the career of "Vile Cisgender Heterosexual Racist White Male Gun Owner Bigot/ Radio Host Anthony Cumia."

I will say that the couple of SJW / activist people I have dated, all were white, felt guilty, but were really covering deep depression with activism against things. The majority of them were legit causes, but the intensity with which they were angry at events like Ants firing even though it in no way affected them, was really telling after spending lots of time with them. My ex would get so upset about the Trayvon Martin thing, that she would cry. Even if you felt strongly one way or the other, being upset enough to derail your day to day life seems to indicate something deeper. Hell, Ant even freaked out over Trayvon for days on end - while Opie was more rational like "We'll never know what really happened and it didn't happen to us so who gives a shit."

I attended a small Liberal Arts College in Northeast Ohio for Undergrad. I totally understand the kind of relationship you went through. I had a number of relationships there that were basically the same. My only saving grace was that I was a Political Science/Political Philosophy Major, and it just happened that this little Liberal Arts College had one of the most Balanced, left-Leaning Moderate to Conservative leaning Poli-Sci departments in the entire State.

I've dated several people from a very left leaning all womens college. Some people are cool, some go far off the deep end as far as SJW because they finally found something to plug into.

I was "liberal" when I was a kid/in college and hadn't yet worked hard to move from my poor background to making something of myself. I'm not just speaking of income either, making something of yourself is more about being able to choose your response to whatever shit life you are dealt. It's also about not carrying the burden of history for things you didn't do.

I've noticed that the people who most want this PC world (and government intervention on silly issues like the names of sports teams) generally have plenty of shit they aren't handling in their own lives.

Typical quote from the SJWs I've dated would be something like "We need to have more public transportation and I'll give up my car when the government makes other people give up theirs, fair is fair..." #iCallBullshit

Agreed, hypocrisy abounded and they had an answer for everything you might point out about their stance on something. Eventually I learned to just roll with it because pointing out flaws makes people not feel so great, and they obviously had something they were tamping down already. Then I had to figure out what was wrong with me that I felt I NEEDED to point out the hypocrisy. It's just hard to talk to someone who thinks that every comedian needs to be PC and silenced, but they should have the right to write "Fuck this company" on a placard and protest in front of it.

You didn't hear? Racism is over

Makes me think about the butterfly effect. Like what was the reason that that black woman was walking in that place at that time, making it possible for this whole chain of shitty events to occur?

She was hooking. I wonder if Jimmy has eaten her ass.

It would be perfect if she was walking out of Jimmy's apartment when Ant started taking pictures.

It's ironic that if they weren't taking off from work, Anthony probably wouldn't be there, and they would have work to go to.

That was one of the first things I thought. "If you had just not taken the fucking day off...."

What if it was actually a tranny that jimmy called over? And he was the one that started this chain of events?


LOL. That's the first thing I cut off on a camera, I have no idea why he didn't do that immediately. It's crazy loud. With street photography, even the tiny click of the lens sounds like a gunshot to me.

The people who complained about Ant do not give a shit about that woman. I doubt they even care that much about what Ant said. They were being led by non-contributing self serving bloggers, desperate for attention but with nothing to say.

There's an outrage machine at work. People get riled up for a day or two and it costs jobs. They silence any viewpoint that doesn't fall in line, censorship by majority court. All this does is make people with radical views afraid to voice them out of fear. How do they think that helps? No more dialog. No more debate. Appear to fall in line or lose your jobs. Believe what you want in private, but don't say it out loud.

Let them wait until, like you said, that machine rolls on someone they like that has differing opinions. Then we'll be left with bland, unchallenging entertainment that stimulates nothing.

Serious post.

It does help.

Real world example. My grandpa use to hang out with the guys in the neighborhood and talk about those niggers. My dad kinda believes the same thing but he knows better than to voice that shit publicly or in front of his children. And me, I don't believe any of that shit. Same with my brother and sister.

Would me and my siblings have turned out the same way if my dad felt like there was nothing wrong with it? Probably not.

And I know that's a controversial opinion around here but just look at history for confirmation. What we're going through is nothing new.

I'm glad you turned out okay.

My opinion on racism likely matches up with your own. I don't like hearing that shit either, but that is exactly why people need to have a chance to be open about what they think, without the risk of life ruining retribution. I don't want people to think that it's okay. I want people to talk about it.

This idea of the majority dictating what opinions can be held publicly goes beyond racism. I've heard too many stories about bloggers going after comedians because of jokes or writers because of subject matter. As someone aspiring to that world it worries me how much power a few days worth of internet outrage has.

I don't know if Ant is a lost cause, but from what he's said his Dad was far worse than him. With every generation we get a little less ignorant. Did you ever ask your Dad about why he thinks the way he does?

(Reddit fucking ate my post so here's take two. Sorry if it isn't as coherent. I was trying to quickly piece it back together)

Honestly, it's a really complex topic.

The baggage that comes with race should be talked about. There's a really annoying trend of pretending everything is ok instead of attempting to address the issues at hand.

Where things gets blurry (BLURRED LINES) is people who try to spout their racist beliefs under the guise of doing the above. People like Ant try to prop up their racism with statistics without attempting to look at any underlying factors. That's bad.

And the issue with letting people speak openly about their fucked up views is that it has the unintended side effect of legitimizing them. Kind of like talking about intelligent design in a science class. Even though there's no evidence supporting it, it's presented as a viable alternative to evolution.

And I'm sure there's people in the middle of reading this that are already huffing and puffing and rolling their eyes about my liberal faggotery so I'll try to give an example they'll dig.

In the early 90s, despite having a point with police brutality and other social issues, the rhetoric in the black community was growing more urgent and accepting of violence as a solution. From talk on the street to entertainment. These ideas were becoming normalized. (In a related note, you have to mention when talking about this, the belief that Korean business owners were exploiting and pulling money out of the black community) - So when that black girl was (wrongly) shot by that Korean grocer and the cops who beat Rodney King were acquitted, within days of each other, those ideas became reality when they decided enough was enough. And it took the collective of society to put it's foot down and say that those things (inciting songs, racism towards Korean business owners, rioting) weren't ok.

Racism really is one of those nasty things you have to keep an eye on because once you start legitimizing the idea, it grows, becomes more accepted and can easily spiral out of control.

I think everybody needs to be more critical when they look at something that's going on and take it on a case-by-case basis instead of blindly following what's presented. Like I think everybody here would agree that a comedian should be off limits as long as they're trying to be funny. Louie saying nigger is a different animal than Kramer saying nigger.

Nobody will agree with me that Ant deserved it but he did because he lost the comedic part of his shtick years ago. Most will not agree that the Duck Dynasty guy deserved it but he did (not for the anti-gay stuff but for the terrible 'blacks were happier under Jim Crow' comments). Most will not agree that Paula Deen deserved it but she did (not for saying nigger twenty years ago but for the noted history of discrimination in her restaurant under the control of her brother)

And here's a shocker, I don't think Sterling deserved it. I don't feel bad for him since he has a long history of being a dumb shithead but his phone conversation was ridiculous. He was telling his mixed race fuck buddy that she could do anything she wanted with black dudes, including fucking them, but that she shouldn't broadcast it because there were other people giving him hell for it. Why didn't the media ever try to figure out who those people were? I don't know.

The media's goal is to get eyes/make money and, sadly, this type of easily digestible no-research fluff gets both. And that's not to say that certain people don't deserve to get their bottoms spanked in public but, when you do it at the rate that currently going on, it loses all meaning.

And who knows how Ant will react to what happened to him. Will he realize that he isn't untouchable and dial it back or will he push it even further with no corporate restraint? Which ever way he goes, I hope he thinks of this as a fresh start and keeps comedy at the forefront of whatever he does.

The stuff with my family is complicated. My Dad's issues seem to be a product of the times he grew up in and the place he lived. And thinking about it more, I don't think my Grandpa was the main guy saying nigger in the group but he did hang around them (that's my dad's favorite example whenever I call him on his veiled shit). But I also don't want to paint my Dad as some type of KKK monster. My sister actually had a mixed race child and while there was some unironic "our pure german blood is being polluted" things being said out of her earshot, all of that disappeared the first time he saw the baby. (And I'm no angel myself. If I was being completely honest with myself there's a decent amount of antisemitism and misogyny rolling around my noggin)

And while I agree with you that every generation gets a little less ignorant, we really have to work for it. When we don't, it's easy for whatever progress we did make to be eroded away (just look at labor rights in this country...but that's a different topic for a different time :)

Thank you. This is the kind of discussion that needs to happen more. Even though I find the views of racists deplorable, I think it's the kind of thing that we need to be aware of. It's based in ignorance, but some people really believe it and in order to know why we need to ask.

The problem I have with the internet blogger types is simple; they don't need to be right to get people in deep shit publicly. If they are loud enough then weak, scared companies will concede. I think it's getting harder to defend people, if they're in the right or not, because of the nature of internet outrage.

We both agree that Louis should be able to say what he wants because it's comedy, and nothing really should be off limits in comedy. Unfortunately, other people don't think like that. We saw it with rape jokes. I've read things by people claiming that Louis is a misogynist or a racist. They're wrong, but all it takes is for one article to gain traction, pepper in some misinformation and he's in trouble. It nearly happened when he made jokes about Sarah Palin (if he did that now, he'd be fucked). It would happen the same way, justified or not.

There is a right way to show disagreement. Stop listening or watching whatever you find offensive, encourage others to do the same, make your point known in public, argue. That doesn't happen any more. People would prefer to blow up the chessboard, going around the back of public discourse to pressure companies who, of course, give in. It used to be that if you had a point, you had a chance to defend it. Now all it takes is an accusation with enough support.

Come on, man. Sirius did this purely as a reaction to Ant's tirade. They can't employ people who fly off the handle on Twitter, especially the way Ant did. His name is regularly seen next to the SXM logo, and they can't be associated with a perceived racist. If anyone could have avoided this, it was Ant. I know an apology would never happen, but it would have solved everything, even if it was insincere. Short of that, deleting the posts earlier and not continuing the rant also could have prevented it. Or just not drunkenly tweeting. None of his rights are being diminished, and he can now continue saying whatever he wants, just not on satellite radio.

I never said his rights were being diminished. And im not saying Sirius doesnt have the right. But in the end, it didnt solve anything. They are gonna lose money. They are gonna lose subscribers. They are being bad mouthed and attacked. Im not saying its gonna hurt their company, but firing him for good isnt gonna help their company either.

why cant sirius be associated with a "perceived" racist

this firing is a precautionary measure against the very likely imaginary consequences of negative publicity. the repercussions of ignoring it entirely would have been minuscule when you understand like 90% of people who actually pay for sxm subscriptions (i sure dont) are middle aged white people who got it with their car who pay less than no attention to the outrage fostering hug-circles of twitter and tumblr. years of ant saying the exact same shit on air with no one noticing is ample proof of how ridiculous it is.

but we all know that establishment-curated conversations on race are what get talk-radio listeners excited, right? that and fugitive bits. thank christ they got rid of ant, though, all this publicity might have drummed up some interest in the platform.


There were no top level meetings.No lobbying of sponsors.No accountants doing the sums to see if they would lose subscribers,etc.

The boss at Sirius probably received a phone call about the whole thing while enjoying the weekend holiday on his yacht,thought about it for a moment and said.... Fired! So Fired!

Good points. Too bad the low information tea party types won't be able to to decipher what you just wrote there. They'll call you a liberal (for being rational), repeat some comment they heard somewhere else, and move on.

Your so right, he flew under the radar for a while , it was great

Sirius is afraid of the PC crowd because they've gained so much clout. This show represented everything that was anti-PC and it just got smashed by the PC dipshits. It'll only get worse.

It's all the fault of the American public school system and asshole PC teachers. It all starts in the goddamn schools. When I was in fist grade in 95 we sat Indian style. When I was in 6th grade they started to call it criss-cross applesauce. They're the reason why we had to start using "Native American" instead of "Indian". They're the reason why you have to say "African American," which is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Does that make a black guy in Ireland an African Irishman? Instead of worrying about real equality, they nitpick semantics. And by doing so, they accomplish absolutely fucking nothing.

Be careful what you say because there's a whole fucking crowd of people that smell their own shit all day and they'll turn on you on a dime. They'll find a way to ruin you.

We've been fucked as a society since the late 1960's. The Generation that read Mao's Little Red Book, The Generation that wrote "Prairie Fire," The Generation that occupied College administration buildings and bombed College ROTC halls, That generation now runs Higher Education in America. We're done. We can't even defend the merits of Western Civilization anymore. Weberian Moral Relativism gave way to Postmodernism, And Postmodernism is nothing more than Nihilism with a happy, socially acceptable Veneer. Nietzsche was right. Leo Strauss was right. Burn it all.

and sadly, for those who understand what you are talking about, postmodernism and poststructuralism is really anti humanism :(


Dude, I'm happy if at least someone else gets it. Having you reply makes me feel less alone.


RIght on MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! .. No seriously, right on man. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. You know it's really fucking bad when the PC nitwits have gained enough of a voice to shut down a show that people pay to listen too. The days of the disclaimer are over. We're all fucked if we don't start fighting back.

Sirius is afraid of the PC crowd because they've gained so much clout

To do what exactly?

The PC crowd can hurt their reputation and they're hedging their risk by firing the man. It might cost them in the short run but they're taking the safest route. The anti-PC crowd is a dying breed, the PC crowd is the future.

So it is the free market at work then?

It's so amusing to me how people are trying to separate political correctness and the left. Just say it. It's the liberals. They did this and their agenda and worldview is the sole reason O&A no longer exists.

Like Jim Norton once said regarding political correctness, "it isn't coming from the fucking right, dude."

Jimmy's wrong if his point is it never comes from the right. The Dixie Chicks were called treasonous by the right wing for criticizing the president (that looks funny now that the president is a democrat), you watch FOX long enough and they'll criticize Mass Effect for having a gay relationship option. Many times the right does it through religion, but it happens a lot.

He acknowledges that it used to come from the right, but the right is moving more libertarian now and the left has become the ones who want to control speech and social constructs. As much of a cunt wad Rush Limbaugh is, you will absolutely never call for someone to be silenced for their opinions, same goes for the rest of your typical right wing people, Beck, Coulter, Sarah Palin, Bill Oreilly. Even the Blaze, which is the rights version of Gawker, doesn't go on smear campaigns against people who aren't PC.

Coulter and O'Reilly both called the Dixie Chicks comments treason. Limbaugh and many right wing individuals called for the firing of Fox's Shepard Smith. Conservatives called on Capital One to fire Alec Baldwin as their spokesperson following homophobic comments.

What you're describing isn't political correctness. Political correctness is inherently leftist and only concerns topics like race, homosexuality, transexuality and disabilities.

That is a narrow definition. Degradation of political, social, and economic groups are also included.

If you want to use your conveniently narrow definition, please see my comment below that describes how the right called for a firing based on homophobic comments.

Bad judgement & bad decisions on Ant's part screwed him over. Ant forgot he's a professional broadcaster who shouldn't be complaining like a teenager on twitter about drunken 2 AM encounters with strangers. On top of that, putting up her picture and announcing to the world he's calling strangers niggers.

This isn't a political issue. The only ones who think this is a political crusade are is the slow, stupid, low IQ, or no college education part of the O&A fanbase that watches Foxnews.

He has gone on worse tirades on the show which reach way more people than his dumb twitter account. Sirius, paid him for it and broadcast it and people ate it up because he was funny and interesting. Now that their little secret is out, they have to cover their own ass. Anthony was just doing what he has been paid to do for years.


It won't go away anytime soon because kids are trained to think this way. You almost can't blame them, that's the sad part. Just look at the scenario, Anthony may or may not have invaded a woman's privacy. The woman may or may not have assaulted him. Those are the real issues, not that he said some bad words.

Welcome to America, where we're taught to never judge a book by its cover but we are taught to judge a man's beliefs by a word or two that he used. "Omg, he used the word savage, that must have racial connotations. He must hate black people." "Omg, he called her a cunt, he must hate women."

You can't say certain things in this country even if they're backed by reason, logic, or proof because you're aromatically wrong from the get go. Real progressive world we live in.

Ant didn't invade a woman's privacy. No one has a reasonable expectation of privacy in public.

Right. And what's more--she was almost certainly a prostitute. I mean look at her! She is a ridiculous, dirty looking person and deserves ridicule for being in public like that. Add that to the fact that she battered a person and brought race up in the first place by calling him a white motherfucker, and this is just the height of absurdity.

The sad fact is, however, that Anthony was a dinosaur, and had been for a long time. Carrying guns, dating girls a third of his age, speaking his mind about race and gender relations--you can't do those things and be a public person anymore. It was a fun run while it lasted!


This PC garbage is hurting everything

LOL what?

I can understand you're upset, but seriously wtf are you talking about kid?

I would love to hear how it is hurting video games, oh no can't see as many titties?! You get told you shouldn't call everyone faggot whores who suck on tranny niggery dicks to get aids? Sorry for you.

How about Art. Have you even seen any art in the last year or two? The pc crowd doesn't touch that shit.

Science. Love to hear the science answer. Is it because you can't say niggers are inferior? Is that what upsets you?

So many children in this sub overreacting like it's the end of the world as we know it.

Angry much?

Art is being effected by the PC crowd. The use of Trigger Warnings at some universities certainly effects literature. By slapping a warning label on a book you've tainted the reader's reaction. Granted, that's a small pocket, but I think the mindset indicates something much larger. They want a world where their beliefs are reflected back to them. And, if you don't fall into that you should be silenced, shouted down at any public forum, or censored in other methods.


Precious clicks for Gawker.

Life Rule No. 1 : Never depend on a shock jock for job security

I don't think anyone else is going to lose their jobs behind this.

Unless the show pulled a hail mary play and hired someone that was a daily workhorse with tons of talent (Ralph Garmin comes to mind because works in radio and also does tons of impressions), then it may just fold anyway though.


I doubt Erock and Travis will have to look for new jobs. If the show takes the logical next step toward doing a video podcast that is.

You think OnA will be able to pay these guys 60-80k per year to run their video podcast? I am guessing not...

Good point on the rest of the staff. Which is why I kinda don't Opie to blow up the show. Let the guys figure what they will do next and tough it out till the contract is, which isn't that far off (3 or so months, which could be easier by using up all their vacation time). Even if it's half assed going through the motions, it lets the other guys who devoted around a decade to the show figure out their lives instead of throwing them out on the street.

Been a listener since 2000. Shouldn't have gone out like this. I'm sure Howard will have a good laugh. Hoohoo

When you sum it up, yeah, that's pretty much the only thing Sirius accomplished here.

What I find most galling about this is the line that Anthony's tweets were "wholly inconsistent with what SiriusXM represents." This is the easiest thing to say, but what does it really mean? Just saying that something isn't in keeping with what you represent says nothing--what do you in fact represent?

What does SiriusXM represent? Judging by this statement, I guess it would be...not using edgy language? That's what SiriusXM represents?

Its given me a nice outlet to laugh at whiny manbabies, so theres that

I dunno I'd consider the people that wanted "the bad man that said the mean words" to be fired bigger babies.

Bigger babies than the people calling for the death of the author of the gawker article?

It's getting Aleksander Chan more money! Keep "trolling" Gawker you guys, it's the greatest failure at comedy I've ever seen. All your little clicks are lining Gawker's wallets. I prefer the gay porn trolling though, cuz that's hot. I liked the pic of the twink sucking three cocks with Justin Bieber photoshopped on. I can't remember which porn that was from though... any of you wannabe faggots remember? PM me your cocks please, fags.

you want a show where the host cares about jobs of the staff to a point they censor themselves? fuck me, they won, game over if this shit is acceptable in anyones mind.

You're like the dey turk err jurbs people crossed with the leave britney alone guy

Ant will not be fine in the end.

He doesn't have "fuck you" money.

What? The guy who regularly spends 5 figures on hands of blackjack doesn't have FU money? How do you figure?

He has retirement checks coming up in a few years, he can cutback on his lifestyle a bit, he has investments, and he can always sell or rent out his Manhattan apartment. I'd say he will be fine.

He's not going broke any time soon, but he definitely can't keep living the lifestyle he has been on podcast advertisers.

Yeah, seriously. Didn't he just buy a crazy overpriced car, like last week? That must seem like a bad purchase this week.

Ant has made millions and millions of dollars in his career. Probably since atleast 2000, he has made atleast 1-5 millions dollars a year. Also, Opie has said that their agent sucks, but at least the people handling their money have made it so they never have to worry about money. He said him or his kids will never have to worry about money. Maybe his grandkids. Im sure hes fine.

It isn't about how much you made. It is about how much you spent, and how much you saved.

I've known more than a few people in this business who have made "fuck you" money, but pissed it all away. Millionaires go broke all the time.

He's not lying. Guys that make mills and gamble all the time? You think they know how to save money? Fucking shit man. This is some MC Hammer type thinking.

What are you his fucking accountant? None of us know what he has in his bank account, what investments he has made over the years, what stocks he owns. Ant will be fine, regardless. Money isn't everything. This thing will eventually blow over, and if they do decide to do a pay for podcast, They may take a huge pay cut, but still will be able to do way better than most people do even if they are only making a couple hundred thousand a year. The bottom line is none of know shit about what they plan to do until sometime next week.

I still think someone will offer him good money to do political talk radio.

Maybe he'll partner up with the Reverend Bob Levy on late-night AM radio. Eesh.

Oh god. The thought of that just makes me sad.

Its part of the bit dummies.

Seriously, he did nothing but to make himself look like some racial crusader. I mean i know we make fun of the truck drivers, but im sure listening to O and A helped them out when driving 12 hours a day stuck in a truck. It just sucks.

He's not going broke any time soon, but he definitely can't keep living the lifestyle he has been on podcast advertisers.

Well said, I think this just proves that all of Opie's bitching was justified. They were looking for any reason to get them out of there. I'm not even sure if they were even really all that mortified by Ant's tweets, for all any of us know they probably used the whole PC thing as leverage. All I know is that it sucks and this is not how any of us wanted to see the show end like this. Still we really won't know much of anything, until they all start talking again.. soon we will have answers.

That's what really bothers me about this. I've seen people who've never listened to the show in their life engaging in passionate debate about what an asshole Cumia "seems like" and sticking up for Sirius's right to fire Cumia, etc. You have to wonder...why do these people feel compelled to care about what happens to a guy they never heard about five minutes before they opened up their Twitter feed? Because this entire show of "outrage" is completely ideological, a manifestation of a larger psychological defense.

Is Anthony a racist? I'd say yes. But what do these people think is the net effect of firing a racist? The racism goes away? It declines .05%?People have been arguing that Sirius is only acting out of its business interests, but why are we acting like that's a legitimate response, other than the fact that it's been the way things work for a long time? Why are people so willing to defend the frantic and irrational association fallacy that merely having a racist on your payroll means you shouldn't buy their products? "Because that's how the market works!" That doesn't answer the question...does racism go away when you stop paying it?

If racism is really the problem we're trying to address, shouldn't we take a step back and analyze whether or not this strategy is actually diminishing racism? And considering the fact that we aren't stepping back and doing that, then what is this commotion really about?

Twitter/Gawker will move on in a day or two and leave an entire show dismantled in its wake because they didn't care enough to realize Sirius had been funding Cumia's racism for years and we're all supposed to act like something progressive happened. But Anthony is still a racist, a few innocent bystanders have lost their job, a few comedians have lost their venue for promoting gigs, and thousands of years-long loyal listeners suddenly don't have a show to make their morning a little easier anymore. "Boo hoo, poor them! That's what they get for supporting a racist!" Okay, but the racism is still there. What's going on here is that, like with Donald Sterling, people are given a public figure to point at and define themselves against. "See? I'm not racist, that's racist." As long as there is something public and disavowed to point to, self-analysis can remain off the table and people can continue to accept these bullshit substance-less symbols of progress (= fining a billionaire a couple million dollars and pretending to take his team away) instead of the actual progress they're pretending to fight for.


Internet SJW's are always out for blood. The target doesn't matter to them, as long as they ruin the life of someone with "privilege."

Sirius fired him, not Aleks. Aleks does what all other Gawker 'journalists' do: write a cheap celebrity rag. Aleks and Anthony do the same thing: say things to get attention. They're both good at it.

Internet SJWs aren't the problem. It is the professional ones that get people fired.

The worst part was that it was a HOLIDAY WEEKEND. They talk about this all the time. Had SXM just sat down and waited it would have blown over very quickly.

Fucked up world we live in where you can't say mean things about a person that punches you in the face.

All it did was take away something that a lot of people enjoyed and gave a handful of bloggers a smug sense of satisfaction.

Great fucking post. I especially like this sentence, because you hit it on the money. This is the dirty little secret of SJW moral crusades: it's not about cleaning up or policing the world, it's strictly about personal gratification. It's one big, cheap, voyeuristic endorphin rush disguised as valiant do-goodery, and it's fucking revolting in both its shamelessness and effectiveness.

I wonder if it was the emails from Aleks Chan that put it over the top. Basically Sirius is a big company, and I doubt that management has any idea what's on the O&A show. All it takes is a handful of well-placed emails to get the attention of the right people.

Basically it's possible that Chan's emails were more damning than the article; five minutes of attention from the right executives does more damage than a Gawker piece.

he is a racial crusader, what he put on twitter was less incendiary than what comprised 40% of the show for the last 2 years

anthony is a super talented guy who turned into a complete dipshit and his mania continues to grow daily

hopefully this will be a wake up call and he'll get his shit together and go back to being semi-normal but we all doubt it