New Articles by the Gawker bitch

0  2014-07-07 by notacowcatcher


Hey you guys. Congrats on giving them page views. This is exactly what they want.

Don't give the cunt any hits.

Don't give them pageviews. Use imgur or pastebin

How are you going to leave shitty comments on their articles?

We don't give a shit about the content in them.

Gawker "journalists" are paid via page views which is why they post the most inflammatory stuff imaginable. They want you to get mad. They want you to go to the comments and post antagonizing stuff. They want others to respond and write in response more inflammatory stuff. They want all of you to refresh the page and bring up the page view counts,. Read this:

You guys are making things worse when you do this.

Photos can be posted in the comments for fucks sake. We can affect the entirety of the site's page views if we fill up the comments with horrendous pictures.

And all that will happen is that Nick Denton will give this guy a raise for all the views he brings in. You thickheaded idiots just don't get it. The reason the Seinfeld guy was fired was because he made Gawker look stupid. If you can do that......sure you can get this guy fired. People that bring in pageviews though always stay. Always.

"The reason the Seinfeld guy was fired was because he made Gawker look stupid."

Did you take your medication this morning?

What did I say was wrong or is this the part of the debate where we just trade nothing but insults back and forth?

How did Michael Richards make Gawker look stupid.

Not that Seinfeld guy. There was a "journalist" on Gawker who wrote an article about how Seinfeld was a racist due to his comments about diversity in comedy. He brought views to Gawker but he also brought bad press when people got angered by the article is the important part other news organizations were reporting on the outrage towards Gawker. Gawker was looking bad to the mainstream. This is the line where a "journalist" from Gawker needs to cross to get fired. From what I remember, this woman was shortly fired from Gawker after this interview happened:

Wow, didn't know about this.

Carry on.


Yeah, it's appropriate it use that article to support Ant.

You got it.

