Anyone interested to see what hoo hoo has to say?

0  2014-07-07 by bushwater

I think it will be 10 seconds if that. Discuss...


I'm more interested in watching Bobo freak out at the protest tomorrow. Someone film that shit please

I'll be there. I've already made the mistake of giving him my phone number and he's been texting me. My biggest fear is it'll be just me and him.

Please take video and give us a full report

Check my twitter @OandAProtest for updates


He's not even going to bring it up.. nothing to gain in either direction and plus by the time he does another live show it would be silly to bring a 5 month old story


When does he come back from vacation? December?

"If you're fortunate enough to make a living in the radio business, just keep your controversial opinions to yourself. You make millions of dollars, and all you have to do is keep your mouth shut."


"He's an idiot. No one ever stood up for me when I was having FCC troubles. Fuck him."

Were did you work? If you don't mind me asking.

you dummy.

Great post.


Had to try!


i am - if he's live and addresses it

"I invented wearing wigs, Robin, take that toilet seat cover off your head. Oh, right, the cancer. HOO HOO I'M HIGH ON CAT PISS AND WIG GLUE SOLVENT. WIGS, ROBIN. So what's in the news?" "Anthony Cumia of the Opie and Anthony show has been fired for plugging his twitter directly into his brain with no filter. Play Gary 12 page 11 row c23 and skip ahead to..." "Never mind that. I rode my wife all the way down to the bottom of the grand canyon during our 40-week vacation. It reminded me of the time I saw your cunt before it fell out, Robin. HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO WIGS."

Great post.

Had to try!