What Anthony Getting Fired Has Taught Us

0  2014-07-06 by [deleted]

Congratulations leftists! Your politically correct bullshit got another one fired! YAY!!!

Not only do leftists not understand how economics works, who funds their civil rights leaders...Or what the politicians they support say coughReid called obama a negro*Or that many of their shit pile media outlets are funded by a former nazi collaborator....They don't get they are a bunch of uptight faggots who offend easily.

***No, I am not a 'republican', nor do I watch fox news, nor am I a disinfo agent working for the Kochs.(The trademarks of the low info idiot leftists who thinks everyone who disagrees with them 'must watch fox' Fox news is irrelevant.)

  1. Leftists are the new 'old farts of the 50's' who were offended by everything and demanded everything they disagree with to be censored.

  2. Leftists are still the scum of the earth and are champions of 'free speech' and 'free expression' until someone they disagree with expresses themselves. And no, I am not referring to the first amendment, so shove that talking point up your ass. I am referring to a bunch of left wing hypocrites who claim to be 'anti-censorship' whether that censorship come from government or private entity.

  3. Liberals suddenly start caring about a corporations 'bottom line' when someone they disagree with is fired by a corporation. 363 days a year they do nothing but blame corporations for everything and expose their own bullshit arguments when they demand fast food workers be paid more money even though that would hurt a corporations 'bottom line.'

  4. Leftists are just as racist/more-racist then Anthony. Anthony's level of 'racism' is nothing compared to the sort of thoughts/ideas/opinions of your typical left wing talking head, minority, etc. There is a fucking parade called "La Raza" Jay-Z believes white men are the devil. "Old White Men" is a common phrase used against 'conservatives' who leftists hypocritically generalize and claim 'all act the same' and are all 'racist.'

  5. There are OandA fans who get 'offended' by Anthony's comments on race. Anyone who listens to a show that makes jokes about pedophilia has no business getting offended over 'racially charged' commentary. This is typical of the self righteous leftist who feeds on a steady supply of contradictory bullshit, self righteousness and has their head so far up their ass they can not even see it.

  6. White progressives think minorities will like them more if they pander to them. White progressives basically treat minorities like 5 year olds who are to incompetent and stupid to 'know any better' hence why they never want to talk about problems in places like Chicago.

  7. When a black guy does something wrong, it's not viewed as bad as when a white guy does it.


It took me 2 times of reading this to realize you're against Ant being fired.

You are against him being fired right?

I think he is against Ant being fired. I can kind of see it buried under that pile of agenda.

I'm afraid I lost my sight trying to read the word 'leftists' so many times.

I'm a liberal independent and I'd like to give you a special hug around the neck OP



I'm a liberal Puerto Rican and I love Anthony's sense of humor. I hate that he was fired as the show helps me get through my miserable job everyday.

Agreed. But nobody believes you have a job, just stop it.

Lol, you post in /r/conspiracy. Fuck off, retard.

Hurr durr, people who think differently from me are retarded

Nah, just the retards in that sub.


Did you really have to respond twice, eight minutes apart?

Lol, you think the franklin scandal was a hoax. What a fucking idiot you are.

Says the guy who thinks that a Satanic government pedophile conspiracy could be anything but a hoax. Stop humiliating yourself.


What a retard, lol.


Back for more downvotes, huh?



Remember when you trawled through days worth of my posting history looking for ammo against me? Didn't you notice the posts where I'm a combat correspondent in the Marine Corps?

What have you done with your life, retard?


Lol, you didn't want to answer the question about what you're doing with you life. How convenient that you pick right now to "be done," after replying replying to my comments multiple times each. Be honest, how pathetic is your life? Huh, baby boy?

Haha, that's what I thought.


Leftists raging against offensive speech today are the same as conservatives who bitched about sex on the radio and violence in video games in the 90s. Same tactics, different sides.


1st of all your response was diversionary because you don't want to deal with the topic so I want to point out that bit of dishonesty but even so only Democrats specifically Joe Liberman and Hillary Clinton to this day are the only politicians to try to enact legislation to censor video games so that's another terrible talking point you are pushing.

This may be the worst post in the entire history of this sub.


I hear ya bro.

Atheism is a religion too.

Greenpeace hates whales.

PETA fucking hate animals!


You sound like you believe in a fairy tale as an adult. You're an adult, right?


Corporate America found a great new way to dump payroll by opening the Pandora's Box of political correctness, really.

That's the most cynical thing I've heard so far, so I'm leaning towards this theory.

Schinkle 'bout it: Any employer that ever needed to downsize now has a massive book of shit to throw at their labor force, expanding the definition of "just cause" immensely.

As someone in management, I absolutely see how easy it would be to plant some policy landmines and fuck up people I don't want working for me anymore.

So Mozilla hired a new CEO just so they could fire him a month later? Really? Food Network was tired of all the profits Paula Deen was making them? Really?

You went real specific. I'm talking implications for the average person.

If a liberal from 1960 saw what liberals did today they would be horrified. No old school liberal would ever say stuff like "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences" but that seems to be their mantra these days.

All I learned is that in 2014 an Asian-American can get an Italian-American fired from his job for making comments about African-Americans.

More than anything, it has taught me how many weird and stupid people enjoy the same show I do.

I'd say this is more true of Liberals, rather than Leftists.

I'm a liberal and go fuck yourself cuntsludge


Schinkle 'bout it: Any employer that ever needed to downsize now has a massive book of shit to throw at their labor force, expanding the definition of "just cause" immensely.

As someone in management, I absolutely see how easy it would be to plant some policy landmines and fuck up people I don't want working for me anymore.