How To Get Rid of Sirius XM Because of Anthony's firing

32  2014-07-06 by GratefulGreg89



Tssyeah, you fuckin' nailed that cocksuckah!

Steve C!


I can't believe I just watched this whole video. I was expecting some kind of outburst from you or some kind of shitty response from the rep.

Steve C, I'm disappointed.

Just because we are upset doesn't mean I can out burst for no reason... Why bash someone who's getting paid in curry... But if I got a lick of attitude it would have been on

Fair enough, alright you did what you could.

Thanks for posting this bro!

44 minutes for me. Your lady was way better than mine.

Good game Steve.


At least she respected your decision.

When he said the thing about I'm canceling because you fired Anthony Cumia, not because of Anthony Cumia, that was worrying. I don't know if she did actually care to understand. She might have just noted, Opie and Anthony, or Anthony Cumia. Can you imagine if all these O&A fans who are canceling their subscription are just getting noted down as, "canceling because of Opie and Anthony." That's the exact opposite message.

LOL I didn't even think of that.

thats actually why i made this video public so everyone could see the correction "canceling because of OandA?" no no no no im canceling because YOU FIRED anthony

I spent 25 minutes on the phone changing my phone number and address on a utility. They repeated every letter of my name and address multiple times using the NATO phonetic alphabet. And they gave me a separate reference number for changing each detail. They also do the same thing where they repeat back what I say to them, because their trainer tells them this shows they understand and sympathize with me. This is pretty snappy relatively speaking, but I understand your pain.

You could have at least Ramoned them.

Good job. I was a member since March of 2005. Cancelled on July 4, 2014. Not a single regret. If they bring Anthony back I'll resubscribe immediately. Fuck em.

FUCK. I was gonna post the classic video of dugout Doug smashing his radio that is covered in WOW stickers and the video was taken down. I was gonna talk about the good ol days of "unsubscribing"

I'll be wasting 10 minutes of my day tomorrow cancelling. XM subscriber since 2003.

Done, and done!

Nice tats how are your klan meetings?

They're ok thanks for asking



This was good for a cancellation. When I purchased a new vehicle, it took me 55 minutes to get upgraded from the Sirius service to XM service for the specific reason to listen to O&A. I didn't want it for free or anything, or pro rated etc, I told the woman I was waiting to GIVE THEM MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER TO PAY THEM MONEY FOR THE SERVICE. I repeated this line multiple times and I did not compute. Then I rephrased it. Me "Does your company like to make money and add subscribers?" Operator "Yes". Me "Will you be willing to take my credit card number to charge me for services, in turn making your company money and additionally, you, as a sales person, being credited with a sale?" Operator "Yes". Only then did they take my CC number to get the service.

So let me get this straight: To cancel your Sirius XM subscription, you call Sirius XM and cancel your subscription. Mind blown.

The point is telling them the reason why...


When he said the thing about I'm canceling because you fired Anthony Cumia, not because of Anthony Cumia, that was worrying. I don't know if she did actually care to understand. She might have just noted, Opie and Anthony, or Anthony Cumia. Can you imagine if all these O&A fans who are canceling their subscription are just getting noted down as, "canceling because of Opie and Anthony." That's the exact opposite message.