The Truth About Anthony

0  2014-07-06 by Third-Reich-Mike

The FBI has been tracking Anthony Cumia and his bigotry for years. Cumia has a rabid following in the white supremacist community, attracting several devoted followers and supporters who have bestowed him with multiple nicknames and aliases. It is believed Cumia uses these names to avoid detection from authorities when posting online and when committing crimes. Courtesy of the federal criminal databases, the following is a list of Cumia's alleged monikers:

  • Anthony "The Nigger Grave Digger" Cumia
  • Anthony "The White Plague" Cumia
  • Anthony "Good Night, Black Parasite" Cumia
  • Anthony "Kike Killer" Cumia
  • Anthony "Pulling the Trigger on Every Nigger" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Clip-Tips to Crypts Kid" Cumia
  • Anthony "Going Rambo on Sambo" Cumia
  • Anthony "Impugn the Coon" Cumia
  • Anthony "Minority Deport" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Spook Nuke" Cumia
  • Anthony "Peekaboo, Jiggaboo!" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Quaking Quadroon Quasher" Cumia
  • Anthony "Sambo Saboteur" Cumia
  • Anthony "Eschew the Jew" Cumia
  • Anthony "Kebab Shishkebab" Cumia
  • Anthony "Stein Slayer" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Beaner Brainer" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Mudskin Manslaughterer" Cumia
  • Anthony "Purger of Mud" Cumia
  • Anthony "Rameses the Kike Terminator" Cumia
  • Anthony "Anti-Semite Dynamite" Cumia
  • Anthony "Killin’ Schlomo in Slo-mo" Cumia
  • Anthony "One Man Klan" Cumia
  • Anthony "Catch Me If You Klan" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Renegade World Trade Grenade" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Kike Striker" Cumia
  • Anthony "Stab The Arab" Cumia
  • Anthony "Threw A Rock At A POC" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Mulatto Murdering Maniac" Cumia
  • Anthony "White Future, Bright Future" Cumia
  • Anthony "Kike Krowd Krusher" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Racial Pain Hurricane" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Spic Brick" Cumia
  • Anthony "No Darky Malarky" Cumia
  • Anthony "The White Might" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Wop Mop" Cumia
  • Anthony "Think Again Mudskin" Cumia
  • Anthony "Mussolini Built My Lamborghini" Cumia
  • Anthony "One Man Auschwitz" Cumia
  • Anthony "The White Tank" Cumia
  • Anthony "Kike On A Spike" Cumia
  • Anthony "Putting Them Back Under The Floorboards" Cumia
  • Anthony "Anne Frank In The Gas Tank" Cumia
  • Anthony "Race Schism" Cumia
  • Anthony "Oh Mamma, It's The Luftwaffle!" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Eugenicist Supremacist" Cumia
  • Anthony "Going Mental On The Oriental" Cumia
  • Anthony "Wham Bam, Nuke Vietnam!" Cumia
  • Anthony "Huey Lewis and the Noose" Cumia
  • Anthony "Beaner Cleaner" Cumia
  • Anthony "Setback For Wetbacks" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Concentration Champ" Cumia
  • Anthony "Senegal Wrecking Ball" Cumia
  • Anthony "It's Mein Partei and I'll Heil If I Want To" Cumia
  • Anthony "Back To The Fuhrer" Cumia
  • Anthony "Aryan vs. Predator" Cumia
  • Anthony "Here's Look At You, Yid" Cumia
  • Anthony "Wehrmacht My Bitches At" Cumia
  • Anthony "1941: A Race Odyssey" Cumia
  • Anthony "Blitz or GTFO" Cumia
  • Anthony "Heilvetica" Cumia
  • Anthony "Burn The Shitskin With A Grin" Cumia
  • Anthony "Girth of a Nation" Cumia
  • Anthony "Drink Booze, Kill Jews" Cumia
  • Anthony "Slam The Chink into the Kitchen Sink" Cumia
  • Anthony "Guess Who's Hanging For Dinner" Cumia
  • Anthony "Hitler's Youth Deux" Cumia
  • Anthony "Bourne White Supremacy" Cumia
  • Anthony "Dykes and Kikes Look The Same On Pikes" Cumia
  • Anthony "Fry The Darky With Ol' Sparky" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Auschwitzard" Cumia
  • Anthony "Salvation of the Aryan Nation" Cumia
  • Anthony "Smite The Semite" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Holocaust Exhaust" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Seig Heil Smile" Cumia
  • Anthony "Cool Side of Genocide" Cumia
  • Anthony "Raghead Roundhouser" Cumia
  • Anthony "Not White, Not Right" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Anti-Degenerate Confederate" Cumia
  • Anthony "Minorities Go Splat With My Baseball Bat" Cumia
  • Anthony "Shove 'Em In The Oven" Cumia
  • Anthony "Blitzkrieg That Nig" Cumia
  • Anthony "Schindler's Fist" Cumia
  • Anthony "East Side, West Side? Genocide!" Cumia
  • Anthony "Bix Nood Schadenfreude" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Zyklon Don" Cumia
  • Anthony "Makin' The Slaves Behave" Cumia
  • Anthony "Degrade The Spade" Cumia
  • Anthony "Demolish All That Is Jewish" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Scourge of Long Island, The Sorrow of New York" Cumia
  • Anthony "The Finalest Solution" Cumia

Oh my God, it looks like it took you so long to come up with this, and it's so awful.

"We have reason to believe that Anthony 'FRANK WAS BETTER?' Cumia is responsible for at least 80% of all racial violence and bigotry in Long Island" said Edward Flynn, FBI Investigator

Flynn identified a graphic posting on an extreme right-wing message board as originating from Cumia's IP address:

"Only until the last reptilian kike expires, hissing and thrashing about violently, in a fetid pool of its own blood and bile, can the Aryan race liberate the Earth and fulfill the Thulean prophecy of the Black Sun. The Jewish worm must be torn from the soft heart of humanity with the cold, implacable determination of a skilled surgeon. Heil Odin! Heil Hitler! Bring forth the glorious New Dawn under which humanity shall conquer the stars with the firm, benevolent hand of the Eternal Galactic Reich!"

Hello, I am Godwin's law bot!

I'm calculating how long on average it takes for hitler to be mentioned.

Seconds Hours
This post 653.0 0
Average over 1295 posts 328517 91

Graph of average over time available at

Way to go, Reddit was Hitler free for 0 hours 0 minutes 25 seconds

Sorry but with this subreddit Reddit will never be Hitler free.

Sorry, I'll be sure to not post here too often :)

What an unfunny wall of text. YUCK.

Ok, half a point on Zyklon Don. But not a fraction more.

Oh God and you made a new account just to post this...

This comment describing the worthlessness of your posts is taking me about 30 seconds. Your post took longer. Hope you enjoyed wasting your time.

Hey I saw you get banned in the last RLM stream. That was bullshit, but because of this I'm kind of glad.

While this is hilarious it's "stolen" from RLM.

What is their thing that's similar may I ask, was it in one of their films?

Oh so that's why Jack was so upset about that name in the last stream.



nice /tv/ RLM copypasta, you fucking goober

Ant only admired Hitler because he was a snappy dresser.

Anthony "Teaching Kids To Resist The Yids" Cumia admires him for much more than that.

Oh so that's why Jack was so upset about that name in the last stream.