I guess the Boys have not broken up. For all the Opie haters. Sam on Twitter.

18  2014-07-06 by RyanC22434


Sam's gonna have to sell that 22" flat screen on eBay.

Translation : Sam went to two cookouts

Came here to say this lol

Scorch is back on the East Coast?!?!

Scorch taught Sam radio

"I'm ready Opie, I can give you the zingers and impersonations you need to take us into PRIME TIME SYNDICATION"

I think that since the tweets are all using the same language, that everyone is currently on the same page. I'm wondering though if those tweets are more for Sirius ' benefit than ours. Could be a concentrated effort to make it seem like they don't know what to do, when in fact there is a plan. A plan not to be revealed to the suits yet. Wishful thinking probably

My money would be on that. They know what they're going to do, but there's no sense in showing their hand yet so they're appearing clueless on purpose. I'm sure Opie has it all figured out.

You are forgetting the lawyers, they must have sent out emails to everyone in the staff to not say anything to the public until they all sit down and discuss what to do going forward.

Opie especially is one that would rather wait and hold his tongue until he can get on the mic. Plus he must be going over with his family on what the options they have. He has kids now so you know he is seriously weighing all his choices.

From Travis and Erik too. Nothing yet from Sal or Troy

Erock - Do you know that batting this lightbulb is the only thing that cheers me up after this long weekend? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Br37RUAIIAAX8rS.jpg http://twitter.com/erockradio/status/485820610304819200

Travis - Without a doubt the weirdest weekend I can remember. Thanks for the supportive comments. It still feels like a dream. No clue what's next. https://twitter.com/travistefft/status/485816996785700864

not expecting anything from Troy. some dick pics would be nice from Sal though

Or just a phone call, or some flowers now and again.



Good ole non sense from Erock

Fuck Sam.

I wonder if Sam's lovely wife is going to give him a pegging as punishment.

All this tweets are plan and word to be a vague as possible so nothing leaks out, till a true game plan is thought out. Sirius Xm is over that is true, but I had a feeling that is was over for a while. The lack of promotion from the Company I think seal the end of satellite for them.

I keep forgetting that Sam is an actual regular dude and not the shit stirring sarcastic guy 24/7. I hope everything works out for Primetime!

Yeah, but maybe they weren't together. Sounds like the shows over.


So Jimmy said 'I just have no idea what's next,' while both Sam and Travis said 'no clue what's next,' exactly the same way, word for word.

Is there some type of code here that we're missing?

No clue? Clues? Both Sam and Erock said it was a 'long weekend.'

I think its code for "we are not going to say shit about what is going right now" except for Opie, who will be the spoke person for the group

Blues Clues?

That's been on my mind as well.

If anything good or redeemable comes out of this whole Ant/Twitter disaster, i hope it's the fact that Sam Roberts is out of a job.

All this woah is he bullshit needs to stop and they need to get to work.

Were you vainly struggling to use the phrase 'woe is me?'

His comment is steeped in folly.

Maybe he was trying to stop his horse mid-post.

He was laying in bed when he typed that disaster.

woah is he

Wow. You're an idiot.

I know

I don't care what he has to say. His opinion is worthless to me.