Travis: Without a doubt the weirdest weekend I can remember. Thanks for the supportive comments. It still feels like a dream. No clue what's next.

2  2014-07-06 by harriswill


I think Travis has the most to lose in this. Poor guy, wish he was Canadian, I'd give him a job.

A blowjob asumpthin tsss

They call him Dr. Gay for a reason after all...

I wonder if Travis let out an oh noo! and proceeded to fall outta his chair when he heard about Ant's demise.

Sam earlier: Happy to have spent some time yesterday with both of the guys that have given me my career. No clue what's next. It's been a long weekend.

Seems O&A & staff had a meeting yesterday and came to some type of decision.

Appears to me that the whole O&A shit ship is getting blown up this week. Monday, staff resigning or asking to be reassinged while Opie figures out how to get out of contract w/ lawyers and Bob; Officially resigns Tuesday and XM103 is pulled by Friday.

Sounds believable. Fuck... this really, to use a colloquial Dutch Pennsylvannian phrase, 'rustles my jimmies.'