Opie Tweets! Devastated & meeting with Sirius

11  2014-07-06 by onafuck


What happens to Jimmy's episode of Vice that had Anthony in it?

SiriusXM doesn't have anything to do with Vice, so I imagine he'll still be in it. The guys at Vice don't seem like pussies.

So no show Monday?

Or Tuesday. Or ever I'd imagine

The O&A show is dead on SiriusXM.

You will never hear a live show again, on Sirius.

You may never hear a show of all three of them again.

Lower your expectations, gentlemen and the few ladies who admit to listening. Lower them right to the ground. Radio is a shitty, shitty industry, and all of them are being served a big shit sandwich Tuesday.


And now you don't.

Listening to a radio show does not give you any rights or special treatment.



I do not care for your attitude

Its really going to be on Opie what happens next. Its hard to imagine Sirius keeping him or him staying. Anthony is all set up with a studio in his house we know that's what he's going to be doing. Will Opie travel to him? Almost certainly not, although he has been wanting to get out of the city perhaps this is finally his opportunity to do so while his kids are still young. This is probably the end for Jimmy though. This was his worst nightmare so I feel terrible for him.

Of course its all just speculate speculate speculate at this point.

You sure are confident, despite the fact that they've been fired like 5 fucking times.

Oh, look, another Bobo.

Fuck off, Bobo.